Is this enough magazines for one gun, Jow Forums?

Is this enough magazines for one gun, Jow Forums?

Attached: 1.png (1812x1264, 3.95M)


>implying you'll survive a firefight for that long

>enough magazines

>shoot my shitstava n-poop
>rear trunnion cracks after 5 rounds
>stock splinters and takes my eye out
>'Mlada Srpska Garda' starts playing
>Roki rapes my ass

i perfer the term


I think O-BRAP would be more appropriate because of thicc 1.5mm receiver.

I hope you're gonna use the ammo in those mags soon. It's not good to keep them fully loaded for a long time.

>actually believing this

still less than the average cod pc carries

This meme seriously needs to die already, just ONE test by Robski that could have been prevented with a better recoil spring and now people want to compare NPAPs to fucking RAS47s, it's riduculous

you need like 3 times that for each gun you own, for starters

The maximum amount of magazines you should carry on you at any time is seven. The minimum is three.

This is assuming you are in a combat area.

>combat area

so you mean about 10, with as much ammo in your pack and pouches as you can fit.

Most faggots on Jow Forums really do only need Cali mags.

Ten magazines is too much, user.

Seven is already pushing it, ammo is heavy especially 7.62x39. I have a 6 pouch chest rig and one in the rifle, totalling 7 magazines.

I've literally been in firefights where I burned through 12+ mags easily

1) Take the condom off the bolt
2) Replace notched safety selector and grooved grip with surplus M70 safety and grip

There's estimated 250,000 shots fires for every kill. So I don't doubt this.

git gud

No such thing

Depends on how many people you wanna kill.

It's a rifle you inbred.

Funny how most people that shit on the NPAP usually own a rASS-47 / c39. But I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence.)))

g-goy you dont NEED that many magazines...just throw them away with the assault bullets and use one...that's all you need to defend yourself!

nice 2012 meme

t. nogunz

I have 12 per rifle. 7 in my rig and weapon, the rest in my backpack.

I only dislike the N-PAP because it's nothing like the actual M70. I like the RPK style trunnion.

I don’t get it

I only have 2 30 rndmags and a 60 that are loaded, and then another 30 rnd and a 10 that remain unloaded for target practice. I have been thinking for a while that I should buy 1-4 more 30 rnd mags and keep the loaded. For my AR, that is.