With the incoming weapons nonsense I've finally gotten off my ass and started picking up more "exotic" weapons that are...

With the incoming weapons nonsense I've finally gotten off my ass and started picking up more "exotic" weapons that are high-risk for ban. So far I've purchased or ordered the following:

1. SBR AR-15 and I've already received it. Put some Magpull Irons on it and I'm waiting on an angled grip from Magpul gen I.

2. SBR PS90: it's on backorder and has been for months. Fully paid it off and waiting for it to come in stock before we SBR it and get my stamps.

What else should I put on my list? I want to keep calibers in the 5.56, 223, 5.7. Also guns that are most likely to be banned like SBR, high cap mags (magpul has a dope 70 magazine with the same profile as a 30 mag). I don't have a tactimeme scope since I'm dialed in at sub-100 meters.

Picture semi-related.

Attached: sbr0711-01.jpg (1250x832, 1.51M)

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I know you've got a caliber list but if you're going to go short with the AR platform you really should have a300 blk upper.

I imaging shotguns and rifles with sub 10 round magazines will forever be safe. It's the really fun shit they want to make more difficult to own.

PS90 is obvious since it's SBR with 50 round magazine. SBR AR-15 since tacticool scary baby seeking bullet launcher.

AKMs and other "non sporting" imports. Those will be easily hittable via executive order even. a couple "flare" launchers, those will be DDs the first time somebody has one strapped to a gun used in a mass shooting. Multiple AR-15 stripped lowers. That's a real focal point for grabbers, and they'll skyrocket in price if theres another AWB. A stockpile of standard and high cap mags. Stockpile of cheap foreign ammo.

I've been buying 5.56 AP for the memes. 55 GRN I think. I'll have to go look.

I'm not worried about the lower. It's my barrels they will want. I've also had my eye on those MP9 "pistol" memes they use to skirt SBR laws. You can put a cheek brace on them and it's still legal.

if you're looking to stockpile before a hypothetical ban, just buy lowers, parts kits, extra BCG/barrels, extra ammo, barreled uppers, and 30 round mags

if you're looking to diversify your collection, get a 308 gun (AR-10, SCAR, etc.) or some general semiautomatic 308 guns.

Yeah but don't I have to apply for each new SBR barrel I get or are you saying to get standard size?

>don't I have to apply for each new SBR barrel I get
That's not how it works at all, at least not for ARs

I just paid off 100% of my debts and am a free man. But I'm considering getting a 10k loan just so i can get a Barret M82 before SHTF. Help me Jow Forums

Attached: Barrett_Model82A1.jpg (1440x381, 167K)

>be 26
>only have $31,000 in savings, just finished paying off all my debt

Well... I guess a house can wait... for another decade

Attached: 1521935484533.gif (250x252, 1.09M)

Get an M107, and avoid all debt like the plague

>be 24
>$6,000 in debt after dropping out of college
Still in possession of an M4A1 Carbine simply by wagekeking and disregarding the law

The m107 is like 15k not counting the infringement fees for the suppressors though. That will take atleast a year to save up for. Thats torture.

Whats even the difference besides the muzzlebrake?

M107 can get a can. That's actually a big deal if you have fired a .50.

link to magpul 70rd pls I cant find it


It’s more economic to strap two 30 or 40 round PMAGs together, and reload time is negligible if you train...lawmakers who want to ban these are retarded.

Not him. But im just buying 30 round pmags and lancers. I just dont see a personal need for me to own the 40-50-60 round mags. What do you think?

>Be 26 have over $400,000 in savings
>Stuck in California for the time being
Life is suffering

You can buy all the barrels you want. You have to submit the form 1 to request approval to assemble a title 2 weapon that isnt a title 1 "pistol".
Pistol is the no stock and no front grip, just a buffer tube or arm/cheek brace and short barrel.
SBR is when you put a stock on it and a pistol with front grip and no stock becomes AOW which is a $5 tax stamp.

Biggest thing is just don't assemble them until you have the stamp if you're making an SBR or AOW.
Configure them in any Title 1 format you want but wait on your form 1 approval before putting a short barrel upper on a rifle lower or a front grip on a pistol assembly AR.

>300 memeout

enjoy paying 2x the cost of ammo for a round thats slightly better than 5.56

So you can afford this in Bakersfield, Stockton, or Modesto

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 12K)

how do you guys have so much saved up?

I have a good job but only have like $40k savings and $30k of that is in a 401k. I have like $6k worth of firearms tho too

Leave like I did. Conservatives welcome. Liberals can stay.

Lol I'm from one of those towns. Left a while ago. Wish those fuck face commies would stay there instead of ruining the Midwest.

Lol I joined the army and moved to Ohio when I got out. Fuck San Diego and sacramento

You were at penolton or whatever? I had a buddy there who would yell out "nigger" when people passed by during PT.

bro get an FN Scar

As far as I know, you only need to get a stamp when you plan on assembling a new SBR. No need to do a new stamp if you replace a barrel with the same length/caliber (ex. Upgrading to a match-grade barrel, replacing a shot-out barrel). You would need to notify ATF if you change the length (while still being under 16") or the caliber, but that's a quick process and doesn't involve a lot of waiting like a form 1 or form 4

That's a retarded idea to take a loan out on a gun

Do what works for you. I don't have a need or desire for mags above 30 rounds but I'm not going to stop someone from getting them

Anyone alive during last AWB? If you had 10 lowers, could you still buy upper recievers and barrels?