
Post a pic of your raifu and tell us how the gf search is going

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The search is nonexistent. That's why I'm here.

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What about boyfriends

I don't even own my raifu so no pics. Winchester 1895 in 7.62X54R

Decent. I have a crush on a chick, i’m Quietly staying friendzoned until I get my drivers license (yeah, i’m Young, and I got my license late. It’s a long story) and once that shit happens i’m Gonna actually start asking chicks out.

Unfortunately this has the side effect of my mother thinking i’m Gay.
Which sucks...but I still don’t want to explain to her the sentence “fuck you I don’t want you hovering around when I go on a date”

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Hey op, buy a KSG 12 and, well, you know the rest.

A thread died for this gay shit. Sage.

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What search?

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Uuuunn. THICC

>only gun is a mosin that needs cleaning after I pussied out of shooting myself after my first breakup 3 years ago
>second girl i ever dated was a fucking qt i met on Jow Forums
Ive given up on getting a gf until i get my personality disorder and depression fixed.

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girls are over rated faggot
raifu can't leave you, and doesn't want to either.

No raifu, all rifles are blessed in my eyes.
>ask her if she wants to see a movie tonight
>no response
>asked her 15 hours ago
Not so well.

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Girlfriend is perfect in that she's as pissed at our asinine gun laws (straya) as I am.

have fun losing all your guns to the police after she breaks up with you and claims you're planning a school shooting
embrace hermitism fellas, females aren't worth losing guns

>hey, woman(?), drop whatever you're doing, take off your pants, get on all fours and hold my rifle with your feet so I can take a picture to post on this finnish cooking forum
how does this even work

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decently well

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not really looking for one
but I have one girl that would be gf material

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Literally exactly that. My gf loves showing off
Get a date ypu pathetic INCEL.

I'm getting Jow Forums so that I can start searching desu

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>She loves showing off
Check your baby's shade when it pops out

i gave up after getting rejected for the 100th time

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Sorry, no bulges here.

When she took my pic for Jow Forumslass photo she wanted me to take pics of her with my guns.

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>Your gf WANTS you to take pictures of her ass
sorry you're dating a thot user hope it works out for you

Pretty much yea. I said just said let me take a picture of your ass with my gun to shitpost on Jow Forums

SKS will always be my raifu. But I’m married and probably getting divorced within the next year. I can’t stand my wife.

>can't stand my wife
Why did you get married in the first place

Talking with a girl I met on POF that is really cute, doesn't seem too vapid or stupid, shares a lot of my interests, but she just doesn't seem too interested, yet she's always replying to my messages. Is she being nice and isn't interested, or is she interested and this is her way of communicating?

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No raifu yet, but I'm working on that. Search for a gf has gone terribly, and I'm worse off now because of it.

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>tfw your wife won't let you have a girlfriend, even though you've asked politely

I think I'm about to be back on the market actually. Worried I'll lose her

At least my M1 will always love me

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Women are dumb when it comes to social interaction

Top tier raifu right here

Girls are dumb. Hold her hand and take her out on a date right now.

You have a point, this is Jow Forums.

This is a boyfriend/trap thread now

How do I do this without seeming creepy or overly autistic online? I know I'm already autistic but I can at least seem normal.

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"I am going to do this fun thing (something that doesn't cost money and gives you time to chat, like a hike) tomorrow. Want to join me?"