A magical place

hello! i dont know anything about using Jow Forums so i hope this works. my friends told me this is a welcoming board full of people who like guns and such
i dont know anything about guns and would like to know what your favourite gun is and why?

also what are skinnies

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Other urls found in this thread:


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do you come from reddit

>favourite gun
That's like asking about "your favourite child". You love them all for different reasons.

ive never been on reddit!

do you like nuggets? my friends talk about those a lot

This is a cute post
Also favorite gun is paw-paw's old Remington 600 which was responsible for my scout rifle fetish

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>Welcoming board
This is your christening

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I appreciate their historical importance. They aren't really worth it up here in Canada (not for the prices they're asking). A few years ago, you could pick one up for under 100 bucks and tins of ammo were cheap. That has mostly dried up.
If I wanted a cheap full-power bolt-action, I'd probably go with a Savage instead.

Gonna tell ya nicely before the edgelords tell ya, Don't post. Lurk. Until you're familiar with the board's culture you're gonna stand out like a sore thumb.
Asking questions is alright but take any answers with a grain of salt and some thick skin.
Welcome to Jow Forums and thanks for coming dearest newfag, we need all the bodies we can get.

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what kind of gun is the remington 600? i only recognise the name

are gun fetishes really a thing, itd be nice to not be alone

also thank you for the christening it was delightful :)

Thank god, you're welcome here

Have a fun time and make sure to lurk and understand the culture otherwise you'll get called a newfag a lot

OOF not a shotgun
It's a bolt-action rifle
I fucked up

Meh. They're being friendly enough.


Old bolt-action rifle. Remington has a lot of brand name recognition, but it really isn't the company it used to be. They were purchased by "Cerberus" and quality immediately went to shit. They're currently going bankrupt and hopefully a company or companies will purchase their IP and actually make good quality products with them.


A wonky little 60's bolt-action rifle, chambered in .308 (at least mine is)
Also you can reply directly to other people's posts if you click on their post number

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>are gun fetishes really a thing, itd be nice to not be alone
Nah, I'd say not really

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You can be sexually attracted to any inanimate object. Hell, there's a woman legally married to the Eiffel Tower.

i dont think i have a favorite since theres such a big variety of worth while guns on the market, you uninformed tard.

lurk for awhile and google/youtube gun related things you have questions about. Youll prolly see alot of shit you dont know and researching it on your own will make you gain knowledge on weapons and military stuff quickly.

welcome aboard, have fun

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Welcome OP Jow Forums is a place of fun, friendship, horrible insults, and traps.
Do you have any questions?

>He doesn't get a little chub when he cleans his rifle
>He doesn't spoon his guns every night in bed
>He doesn't have sexual thoughts about weapons late at night that leads to some strange google searches
What are you, gay or something?

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For me? It's the AR15, or, Assault Rifle 15(rounds per second).

With a laser designator to guide your shots, a collapsible bump rifle built milspec stock for rapid assault fire, and a bayonet lug to finish off survivors, it's just the best.

(Fun fact, the reason so few military people use bayonets is because there almost never are survivors! And with high capacity 30 round drums carrying 55.6mm rounds, it's no wonder!)

And you can buy them from a gas station without even your driver's license or name. If you pay cash like a real expert, that is.

Sometimes, I use different handgun slides to measure the length of my erect cock! I'm longer than my 1911 govt, but just under my glock 34. Can YOU guess the length of the penis I'm rubbing against my rifle is?

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thank you! i didnt know that :)
what does .308 mean

but did you enjoy it

i do! a lot of them but ive been told to google a lot of things so ill figure out what guns are eventually

.308 is a caliber, like 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm
It's the size of the bullet more or less

OP it's your thread, feel free to ask questions.

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He's talking about .308 Winchester.
It is more or less interchangeable with 7.62x51mm NATO, one of the standard military rounds in the West.

.308 in the name refers to the diameter of the bullet itself (0.308 inches) and is what you would call the "caliber" of the bullet. When you see a caliber with an x##, that designates the length of the casing (without bullet). For instance, an AK47 fires a 7.62x39mm. So, right away, you can tell that the x51 has a lot more internal volume than the x39. More powder = more power.

okay my friends want me to ask shitpost questions but i dont even know what that means
what does nine mil and forty five mean?
also what actually ARE slavs

this is very good information thank you :)

Anybody got the screencap of the Jow Forumsommando that shoved a nugget bolt up his ass?

Look at you coming along nicely OP
.308 Winchester is a caliber for rifles, it's almost the same as 7.62x51mm NATO round that's used in battle rifles like the FAL, G3, and SCAR-H (Battle rifle is a rifle that shoots similar in caliber to .308 with full-auto)
Pic related are some battle rifles, the M14, G3, FAL and AR-10 from top to bottom

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9mm and 45acp are both popular handgun rounds. 10mm is better though.

9mm and .45 are calibers like .308, except they're smaller and used in handguns mostly
Slavs are people from eastern europe

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the m14 and the fal look pretty

what is slotting floppies?

While we're at it, if you see a round that's written out like... .45-70, that's an old designation that mean a .45" bullet (In this case .458") seated on 70 grains (1 gr = 0.0647989 g) of black powder. Two notable exceptions to this are .30-06 Springfield (which is also known as 7.62x63 and the "06" stands for the year 1906) and .30-30 Winchester, in which case the 30 was for smokeless powder (It was originally introduced as .30 Winchester Center Fire, .30 WCF).

Maybe if you're a coward and can't shoot 460 row row fight the powa

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A Rhodesian term (a country that is now Zimbabwe) for shooting African guerilla fighters during their bush war

When people say "9mm", they mostly mean 9x19, also known as 9mm Parabellum, 9mm Luger and 9mm NATO. It has been around a LOOOOONG time (since 1901).

Shitpost questions=Question that are both obnoxious and rather assholeish. Usually ruin threads.
9mm or 9mm Luger 9×19 NATO is a common pistol cartridge.
45 ACP or Automatic Colt Pistol is a larger pistol cartridge.
Slavs=People of slavic descent. Think of squatting, drinking vodka, Adidas tracksuits, and smoking cigarettes.

>OP has never been here before and already likes the FAL
I fucking love it

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>not shooting a 45-70 revolver

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what to choose what to choose...
nobody here can really put their finger on what their favorite gun is, but at the same time they may have favorites from certain categories of guns. (i.e. large caliber handguns, GPMGs, battle rifles, etc)
for example, my favorite tube-fed shotgun would be a SPAS 12, reason being the xtra rad design and pump action/semi auto select button on the pump.
However, It would he hard to decide what single gun to pick out of a broad category, such as only saying "what's your favorite 'shotgun' or 'rifle" for there are multiple types of shotguns,

[spoiler]skinnies is slang for Somolians btw

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>displaying such cute innocence and interest into guns

never leave us OP, we need you in these dark times

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don't listen to these faggots, faggot. come over to the bright side. we have cute jets.

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are glocks bad guns

no. theyre simple, rugged, and reliable. the main reason people hate them is because its cool to hate popular things. theyre not perfect though, I love my glock but I dont like the trigger it comes with, alot of people dont.

Fair warning: The more you learn about guns, the less respect you'll have for politicians and your suspension of disbelief for movies/television/videogames will suffer.

That's a simple question with a complicated answer. They were designed to be cost-effective and that they are. The marketing they used led to a really toxic fanbase (GLOCK PERFECTION!!!!). The rest is mostly down to personal preferences... Taste is subjective and we all have different hands. Handguns are kindof like gloves... They need to fit.

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Hey we claimed op first!
Find your own!

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are glocks a good choice for a first gun? what kind of things would i need to know to get a good first gun?

What country that allows it's citizens, not subjects, who spells it like this to own guns?

you're emitting bullshit a little too much for my tastes, user...

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Reliable yes.
Has horrible fan base though.
And some of the ones in 40 Smith and Wesson used to explode......In your hands.........it wasn't cool.

adding onto this going along with what user above said, yes the glock fanbase is one of the more toxic firearm fanbases, also one of the reasons people dislike them

I would recommend trying a variety at a range first, then decide on your favorite type of gun and then a specific kind from there
just don't overspend

Pfffffttttt you don't even own and airplane nerd!

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First gun? Get a .22 LR (Long Rifle) rifle. That's the least expensive ammo so you can afford to shoot it easily, it has basically no real felt recoil (you don't want to develop a flinch) and they're just plain fun.

I'd suggest taking a firearm safety course. Gun owners are REALLY ANAL about firearm safety rules, and for good reason.

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thats good advice! thank you :)

Literally every other English-speaking nation, user.

and you probably don't own a gun, faggot!

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yeah glocks are good for first time owners, especially if you're interested in conceal carry but I would also look into other handguns like the M&P Shield and cz75 just to name a few.

as far as things you need to know, you should looked into what caliber you would like, how heavy, light, big, small, etc. you would like the gun to be. for first timers i recommend going to a range or going with a friend to try out several different ones. each gun feels different, you just have to look around.

what is the fal its really pretty

All this advice here, and if you do get a .22, the Ruger 10/22 is a solid first choice, and it's relatively cheap

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Alright nerd.

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First off, lurk moar. Second, go read the sticky. Third, go become hasguns and don’t be a dumbass, nobody likes those.

Pic related is my baby.
Nothing is sexier and more accurate in my hands than her.

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The fal is a 7.62x51mm/.308 Win battle rifle, nicknamed the "right arm of the free world" b/c of the popularity of the pattern for western nations throughout the late 20th century
also a very pretty gun

Heavy. It's 8.4 to 13.1 lbs, depending on which model.
It was known as the "Right Arm of the Free World". They're somewhat obsolescent these days, but they're still really neat.


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>tumblr artstyle image
i'm suspicious but you seem alright OP. Read the sticky and the wiki, and L U R K. You're a little late to the glory days of Jow Forums, but make sure to assimilate yourself. Dont be afraid to ask questions but be prepared to be called a faggot a lot. Maybe join a Jow Forums discord to get yourself informed on board culture and terminology.

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Inhale my farts.

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It's gonna feel hostile and confusing for awhile, but you'll get used to it. I think my favorite gun would be an M60

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Have some Jow Forums images, you will need them

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This pretty well sums us up

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Alright guys, post all the Jow Forums shit.

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Oh fuck that BDSM tier knotting

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i will forever love this one

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Lurk and find out you fucking newfag


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This is all great advice, listen to them. Also, adding to the .22 rifle point, a .22 pistol is never not a good idea.

Also, I would recommend you try out both semi-auto pistols (Glock, M&P, 1911, etc.) and revolvers. I was never really interested in revolvers until I shot my work buddy's 357. Went out and bought one post-haste.
If you do try revolvers, I would recommend starting with a .22 (or 38 special once you're a bit accustomed to shooting) and going from there. Some of the more powerful ones might not be fun for a beginner.

Man, I want another ChemWarfare/ Flex Seal thread

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kys Guardian reporter.

>when people ask why you need an AR15, the vid

Get ready for some really weird shit and twisted humor, also make a folder dedicated to images and webms. Also If you see greentext
>like this
that indicates quotes/paraphrasing or first person stories.

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Newfag kek

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>Flex Seal
Has anybody here every actually used Flex Seal? Might get some.
Ah you beat me to it

Flex seal dildos?????

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Are there more? I need more.

user I-
>Your rifle's accessory is a small tin can with a funny lid, but it's buried under an apartment building somewhere in Budapest
Fuck, that gets me every time

Are you new? We only use dragon dildos here.

I'm serious.
Dragon dildos are old news. Just like mortars and remshit.
My idea of flexsealdos is the future.

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Flexseal dragon dildos?


Flex-seal is tacky as shit, dude. Make a dildo outta that and you've got a one-way ticket to prolapse-ville

I like the way you think.


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Out of the guns I actually own, muh VZ-58, it's just a decent gun and fun to shoot.
Just from guns in general, the FG42, a sexy and very mechanically interesting gun that incorporates elements from machine guns and submachine guns of the era into a paratroopers rifle, what I wouldn't give to get my hands on one.

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Are you a drawfag?