/ak/ thread

modern shipgirls edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>not having a big titted Finnish tanker gf to cuddle with

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i feel like the azur lane dev team took alot more creative liberties with their character design as oppose to kancolle

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Back to fags.

Attached: AHHHHH.jpg (275x183, 8K)

>complaining about animu on Jow Forums
return to arfcom faggaloon

No (You) for you

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You seem to be lost friend.

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This is a blue board. Get the fuck out with that cartoon shit, you little niggers.

Attached: GET OUT NOOOOW.png (512x392, 389K)

Personally, I'd absolutely love if /ak/ thread and all of it's cancer could GTFO to somewhere else. So I'm with that DS.

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>/ak/ Thread..

So Jow Forums, Any advantages of having a sadist female Arachne as companion in combat?

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Deal with it, faggot

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Two nukes were truly not enough.

Attached: It's at a point where I wanna kill some nips..png (1351x643, 637K)

2 nukes helped create anime

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Is that Akira?

post moar gunmusu instead of botesluts

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I'm not sure you understand what blue board means, newfriend

perhaps you should consider lurking more





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>tfw ultra nationalists are probably losing their shit over the fact that the "degenerate Ainu comic" is now getting a tv show

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>Onmy your a sap mr. jap
>No other songs
>Not even slap a jap
You are a failure as an American and as a shitposter. Add these so that you can try better in the future, maggot.




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>Manga shows Jap soldiers as hardcore manly motherfuckers
>Nationalist reeeing because it doesn't shit on the Ainu
Christ what faggots

Disgusting..... all of this garbage.

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I'm now imagining this, only the girl is JSDF and the pizza is a root beer

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>Navy is gay

I agree

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Lee Enfield a best

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>We only ever nuke Japan
The fact that we only nuked one country is the real shame.

>Force feeding commies pineapple pizza and nips root beer
Sign me up. Where do we begin?

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Why does dutchko always make my dingdong hard?

Because it's your dream to conquest slavus by penetrating them with every tool at your disposal.

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what a specific fetish

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ur moms lol

>modern shipgirls edition

Attached: Reasons why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.jpg (1280x1709, 671K)

At least it's not sex with airplanes.

>represent the asian races

Did they mean rape the asian races? Because that's what they actually did.

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Outta my way, best Treaty Compliant Battleship coming through.

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nice, rly good art

better than the /tg/ version

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Have some 3DPD

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I wish for more Black Lagoon content

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So wait, are South Dakota’s short Iowas, or are Iowas tall South Dakota’s.



>the IJN's grim reaper will never be in Kancolle bcuz butthurt

What a shame.

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>We will never have Japanese battleship Yamato get BTFO by Taffy 3.
it's like pottery, it rhymes

Attached: Japanese Spirit.jpg (745x492, 165K)

You might, one of the doujis covers the jap's ass kicking at Midway.

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fucking shipgrils REEEEEE the last 3 threads have been all about ship grils, why cant we go back to talking about actual non autistic Jow Forums anime

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Blame boatfucker for that.

Have a link? There's a million of those things on sadpanda.

boatfuckers are the new furfags

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Superfortress has some big...bombs

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Best girl isn't posted often

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also this thread needs some Jugs

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Instead of girl would you rather it be titty monster?

Attached: Big fuggin tiddie guns.png (1151x899, 1.92M)

Fuck off sarge

>use your frozen body as a psy ops prop.
finnish are batshit insane,dracula's winter squad.

>No best girl mako in pic

>colorized image of yellow little man witnessing the superiority of the so called "barbarians".

they are oversized overhyped and overrated south dakotas.

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Daily reminder that AR-18 is best gun

Attached: ar18.png (836x1183, 900K)

any of the AK girls are better

Attached: eru navy seal pasta.jpg (1024x576, 190K)

>tfw you realize yamato-damashii doesn't make you bulletproof when you charge a well defended machine gun nest with a fucking sword

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You shut your whore mouth, commie scum.

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this is funny too me

It's a DI from the Marine Corps. DS are Army

Attached: DS.jpg (1200x800, 200K)

>Post on Jow Forums
>Can't spot the difference between a DS and a DI
It's ok to be gay user. Just not here.

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*blocks your path*

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they have a rather weak argument about American imperialism in the region which was based on control of oil rights. it only holds water when one completely ignores how Japan treated its conquered.

Just because she's a vampire and thus Undead doesn't mean shes not a female.

Whatever happened to gaurd? Have a UMP in worst caliber for your troubles.

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Which to the Japs, they believe they were compete saints that only did good.