So I recently got a job offer in Indianapolis that pays $53,000/year. Is this good enough to live in a decent house/apartment and still continue gun funs? I will be leaving Illinois and have never lived in Indiana but I've heard it's one of the few good gun states left. Tell me your secrets Indianans.
Indiana General
Its enough but not great. There are a million and 10 websites to compare cost of living tho.
Indiana is the state where they enshrined in law that you can shoot cops if they're on your property illegally. Cost of living is generally stupid low, but there are some expensive suburbs around Indy. Indy doesn't really have the kinds of attractions you'd expect in a city of its size. To me it always felt like a bunch of smaller cities put together into one massive sprawl.
>grew up in Fort Wayne
Damn that is true. Any idea what part you are living in OP?
Not sure yet man, I've been looking online at places in Carmel and Fischer. Any other recommendations?
Those areas are nice but pricier. Carmel is the wealthy area and very nice but also full of soccer moms and pretentious asshats. Avon/Plainfield is nice too.
Bloomington area checking in
> Tell me your secrets Indianans.
First of all, we’re Hoosiers. “Indianans” is not a word.
It's my home state and where I grew up.
That's a decent amount of money as cost of living is cheap.
Enjoy much lower taxes and better laws than Illinois. There's also more trees and it's generally better looking.
Avoid Gary.
Good public ranges outdoor that are free are few and far between so either go indoors, make friends or join a private club.
Happy to answer any questions.
How are crime rates in around the Indianapolis area? I am willing to shoot a Redguard or Meth addict, but I would prefer to just not.
Indy isn't bad, I never lived there so I can't speak for it but nothing bad ever really makes the news there so that's a good sign. There's more blacks but I think they stick to themselves.
Self defense is legal, stand your ground, easy to ccw.
There's a ton to do around Indy so go out and do stuff. Sometimes the NRA has their yearly show in Indy.
Actually pretty low for a city of its size. Plus your gun rights still matter within city limits. 53k a year is pretty decent, though you may want to actually reside in a nearby suburban area like Carmel.
about an hour north in kokomo, you got Izaak Walton. $110 a year outdoor and pretty laid back.
Yeah, I'm not much into city life to begin with, so I planned on getting somewhere outside of the city. How are the gun shows in Indy? I've been to a few in Illinois but they were pretty trash. I'd be willing to travel anywhere except Gary.
lost my shit at the comic buddy. I'm unfortunately in btown as well. where do you shoot?
Knox County here.
>fuck Indy
>fuck Indy traffic
>FW is neat because they have a big music store HQ there
>Evansville isn't "that" bad
Just stay in the rural areas, pretty chill regardless of who you are unless you're just a cunt.
Not really answering your question but just stuff to think about.
Not sure how old you are but just gonna guess you might be younger, don't fall for the West Coast trap if you're comparing Indiana to other parts of the country. It's hell over here. Sure it looks pretty, has nice weather, has a few things to do. But the rest fucking sucks.
Also I know a guy from Indiana. Brags about being liberal but dude is conservative compared to everyone here. But I think that's because west coast liberal is actually more "european style socialist" or something....I don't know but I never realized how moderate liberals could be until I met him.
Not sure what you're adding to this discussion
I go out to the Hoosier National Forest. Once you get pas the Hickory Ridge Lookout tower, you can target shoot.
Met a couple of guys from that area. Full of doctors and yuppies, but very nice.
Not bad compared to most cities and crime free compared to Chicago. We have a massive surge of Africans, Guatemalans and half a hundred other nationalities in the city right now. (Thanks migration controls) Any major white area that is with in your price range will 10%-20% or higher minorities in the area. The suburbs are getting more and more expensive while they are building low cost apartments in cornfields in them to house anybody. Both Carmel and Fishers are massive booming rich suburbs that have anal police and higher taxes. Zionsville is also a choice if you are looking into the northern areas.
Stay away from Don's guns and use the DNR ranges if you can. Use any of the private overprices limited in what you can use ranges if you have to shoot close.
You forgot dozens of rows of million dollar homes and a round a bout every 100 feet. Also never forget to never speed. or drive anything that looks worth less than 10,000 dollars.
overpriced and stuffed to the brim in which ever pavilion it's in. Good jerky and candy though.
Tl;Dr Indianapolis is full of different nationalities. The suburbs are booming and the country is cheap and white. Gun laws are great here.
thanks mate, you've been very helpful!
Yeah Carmel is the rich suburb of Indy