Alright which of you majestic fucks called in to the segment about March for Our Lives on On Point on NPR?

Alright which of you majestic fucks called in to the segment about March for Our Lives on On Point on NPR?
Ray Suarez takes a call and the dude immediately starts going off about cultural marxism in schools and how the founding fathers are rolling in their graves.
Identify yourself you beautiful bastard.

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Other urls found in this thread: for our lives&tabId=hoa&dateId=&sort=match&sort=match&start=0

it was a guy on /arg/

That would not surprise me. He fucking asked Ray Suarez if he owned an AR-15 then asked why not when he said no.

Post up the call or fuck off

Link to audio?

Fair demands, but I can't find it. I just now heard it but I'm sure it was a rerun, idk how old. But it aired after the march for our lives happened

>listening to npr

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>tfw my dad unironically listens to that bullshit

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I work 12 hour days, radio is the only way to keep occupied when it gets slow. I like NPR because there's no yelling and sometimes they talk about music and stuff.

confirmed faggot

>not listening to NPR just to REEE at the anti gun segments, the only radio station i get at work is fox news, so i have a healthy mix of extremes

The only reason to listen to NPR is to listen to Jazz at night.

>not listening to the opposition to have exposure to their arguments

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Who is this semen demon Jow Forumsomrade

All of npr is archived. I believe

new fag

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Here's a better link for our lives&tabId=hoa&dateId=&sort=match&sort=match&start=0

Go to /arg/
Ask about fluffy
He looks likes this

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Can i use your pic? Thats awsome
Did you make it?

>the only radio station i get at work is fox news, so i have a healthy mix of extremes
God I fucking hate you

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> takes it for granted that they're right
> do whatever they want.
> it's not enough that i believe this
> need tricks to help people see "the truth"
> """"fa ir n BaLaNceD"""""

one is a lot better than the other

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watch the videos of the liberals arguing against guns. they have this particular flavor of anger mixed with like 75% hysteria. If they were just a little bit more angry, they would be completely unable to speak.

It is a common pattern among people who feel like they are being attacked for being right. The voice shakes, that's one sign. sometimes you might get pupillary dilation, if the effect is strong enough. All of this anger is clear indication that the person in this state is on the other side of reason. You can't talk to them, can't change their mind. They're at heightened risk for making serious logical fallacies.

And guess who else talks like this: fox news. if the person speaking is mad, you are being used and manipulated.

>pierced navel
Trashy. And not the good kind.

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you're a liberal

No, I didn't make it.

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Anyone have luck? I can't seem to find an episode of On Point that discusses the March for Our Lives.

Oh I thought you were going to provide a pattern of "tricks" that served as a crutch to fool viewers because facts weren't on their side. Instead I got, "They can't think straight cuz they mad."

The artist of this comic showed up in a drawthread on Jow Forums the other day and dumped a bunch of oc of goblina the gun grabber

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