Your birthday

>Your birthday
>Would you have gone?
>If so, what would you have done?

Attached: namdraftcard.png (700x858, 541K)

How does one interpret this?

So how does that work? Higher than X and get drafted or something?.

6th wave bitches
Pointman of course



What did I win?

Below 20
Watching alot of documentaries on Vietnam, there was a whole bunch of school for cool shit
How difficult would it have been to go to Sniper school, Recondo school, Ranger school etc?
Would I be able to avoid being sent on the front lines if I just kept gong to these?

Your birthday is matched to the order in which the lottery was drawn. If you were born on September 14th, you were the 1st to be drafted.

Lol, probably not
I mean, if I got the call I probably would have gone.

Shit was literally so bad they held some schools in country. Recondo you could've done in Nam.

lower the number the more likely you are to be called

> 318
> Volunteer
> Infantry


Thank god I wasn't born then

How does that work? They draft everyone born on that date? How many people did they take at once?I have no context here.

Those lucky fuckers

well I'm glad I'm in Canada, though I'm not entirely convinced that Vietnam was worse than Trudeau Sr


Dodge and spit on welfare Queens at the airport


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Yeah I think to actually to graduate in Recondo you had to do some deep jungle infiltration and slice a few throats

Good to see another 11 out here brother

>All men of draft age who shared a birth date would be called to serve at once. The first 195 birthdates drawn were later called to serve in the order they were drawn; the last of these was September 24.

If your number is 195 or lower, you're getting drafted.


the way I understand it, it’s everyone who had their twentieth birthday on that date, in order that dates are picked. So, using the OP as an example, everyone (that is, every male) who was born on September 14th, 1950 would be drafted. If that wasn’t enough, then it would be every male who was born April 24, 1950, and so on, until all the slots were filled. If there wasn’t enough 20 year olds, they would start taking 21 year olds the same way.

Also, I think there’s something about names? But I’m pretty sure that’s only if there’s like 1000 people called but only 500 needed.


So I would be Jodie, then :^)

>out here


Meant for obviously

Welp, here we go. I ain’t no sentor’s son.

You lost buddy?
>not setting up desktop in the middle of the woods for maximum comfy levels

>Don't draft me or my fortunate son ever again!

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>dodging the draft in the woods
>not dodging the draft in Quebecois pussy for maximum comfy

28 May
>shot in the back in under a week for endless jokes about my number

I dont get it. Two ate five?

Birth date assigns you a number, then they would draw a lottery with balls and a cage with a crank like it was fucking bingo night.
If your number was pulled, you were drafted.

see you guys on the other side, I guess.

my man

we go together to valhalla

>and the lucky powerball is!!!!


i was born too late anons

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Guess I'll go jump in a punji pit

>bone spurs, they were YUGE!!!

Fuck the whores my daddy bought me!

Fuck. Welcome to the jungle I guess.

Day month year user, how do you get 308?


Initiate Operation: Get Behind The Darkies.

Nov 1
>would definitely go

I'm a chink and I can speak cantonese and vietnamese but can't read or write it. Where would they put me?

021 bois
fuck yeah
kill some fuckin commies

But will there be fun and games?

Behind a rifle, faggot. Wearing green makes you white now.

Hahahaha fuck.

can someone tell me what this means pls

163 do i get to go?


I hear Canada's nice this time of year.

Fuck that, I'm volunteering.



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Sweet i get all the 70s poon

>tfw after 230
>tfw it is me indeed
>tfw would have volunteered anyway
datamining thread aside, how would one get to be assigned as a door gunner back in the day?

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I would've enlisted early just like my granpappy did.

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>>Your birthday
>>Would you have gone?
>>If so, what would you have done?

361 I'm fine niggers

I would have been rejected anyway for flat feet and horrible eyesight. Woohoo! Go and defend Vietnam, Jow Forums while I fuck your wives.

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Probably get a deferment due to what I do for a living. Airplanes don't make themselves.

Vietnam was the best whore I ever fucked
The best dope I ever smoked
She stole my soul and I was happy to let her have it

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Tfw 191

same birthday

Since Vietnam was a no questions asked free for all once you stepped out of the helo, probably have some fun with a flamethrower.

>November 28
I'm a fortunate son, apparently

We would have been in the same squad
I call top bunk.

Not like my Tourettes would be allowed

woulda been good, but if i was the same id have probably tried to go af so i could whip some shit like a thud or f4

i wouldve loved to gone and died in nam.

i got nothing to live for and no future. kms in a few years

We got everything you want

>not like my tourettes. Fucking shit. Would be alowed

Some fucking people


But I already enlisted during a war so I’d probably go. Maybe this time I’d finally get to kill a darkie.

>not enlisting to kill commies


Guess who's fucking your bitch smoking weed while you get jungle rot

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Best birthday; 223

>Check 'em

Guess I'm staying home

We win each other becouse I got 076 too

I'd have personally spat on all of you on your return home.

This is a really clever data mine thread Mr. FBI.
You're getting craftier I have to admit.

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>would have volunteered anyway for teh lulz

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As long as I get to have sweet tigerstripe camo and slot some commies I'm cool

>high 200s >woulda volunteered

Unsure if lucky or not

I rolled a 300

Hey, somebody has to reproduce with all those widows

What did I win, boy?

350, if they got to me, shits probably real fucked up. Though I would have performed my national duty to as best of my abilities.

That being said, since I probably wouldn't be called, I would be holding down the home front. By home front, I mean your couch, and by holding down, I mean fuck- I mean sitting on it.

Sign up. My gun is the same caliber as my draft number. This is fate.

Would've enlisted like I did with OEF

[It ain't me intensifies]


Give me a thumper.

>do my part and survive it

July 2nd. 350 here boys. Looks like I'm staying home to make babies and work in a factory.

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