Why aren't corset rigs more common?

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Other urls found in this thread:


rape in the military


most of it's consensual

Boobs get in the way limited mounting options due to natural curvature.

>No boob plate
Into the trash it goes.

You'd think with that whole Marine Corps nudes scandal that place would be updated more than once every 3 months.

But there are plenty of civilized service members that would appreciate the eye candy and are capable of keeping their hands to themselves.

Handsey fuckers gotta ruin it for everyone else.

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>pic related

Depends on how many were not intended to be shared publicly.

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My hands are the boob plates.

>Marines scandal.
They have to do something other than drive up the price of crayons as an edible.

I thought people in the military are required to follow moral standards? Didn't a Navy Seal recent get in trouble for doing porn?

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>I thought people in the military are required to follow moral standards?
lol, fuck no

Will it stop a .45?

It's a price I'm willing to pay.

>american military
>moral standards

>qt gets shot at while wearing corset
>Giant autist thinks it's good idea to fondle her tits to protect her
>.45 goes through autist hands
>Kills qt
>She died getting molested by an autist.

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>united states military
>moral standards

Heh. We're a godless bloated beast of a country, why would our military be any different? Though they try to hold the tier 1 boys to a better standard, one of the requirements is that they're stupid enough to believe in this failed venture.

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>Giant autist thinks it's good idea to fondle her tits to protect her
I see no problem with this plan.

Well if the mission is to cup a feel congrats on touching and the new fuck hole in your hand. Congrats, you won't be a virgin for long.

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Not in the post-Obama military. Shit, a Marine did fag porn in uniform and got 'reprimanded' instead of bounced out of the service.

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MOS code 8008S. Battalion level feely guy.

>being in a position where they need to stop a 45 with their body.
Even on a battlefield a woman's place is in the back with a sniper rifle.
women only need body armor if they're protecting a female VIP

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You sound like a faggot virgin Desu

Virginity is a social construct, a cis-het one at that

But appreciating the eye candy IS rape, user...

Go ahead, keep calling me a rapist. That's my fetish.

You sound like nerd.
Why you force me to say it?

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Because I respect you too much to let you use a tactic employed by roasties

true, but also tits

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Not anymore. Hell I hear they are fixing to nix the rules against adultery because of the fags.

Too much of a distraction and makes weak willed male officers give even more slack to females in the military

Before you know it the whole military is run by women officers who sucked and fucked their way up, and then USA is the united Russian states of islam

Not naming it
>The Russian People's Republic of Islam

At least we'd be rid of all the jews, right?

t-thanks user

Still a fag though.

Don't pretend to be me.

Serious post ?

No protection to dissipate bullet impact. Restricts rib cage from moving and pulling air in. Restriction serves no point in combat mobility. Places more strain on shoulderblades instead of moving weight to the hips

A good thread died for this, may we never see this meme again

go back to your skyrim/fallout mods faggot

You'd think it would be because military wives are sluts who find fuck buddies at on base clubs

Because the diaphragm is essential to combat.


This place will get banned soon.

Not just roasties, it's constantly used by the media and liberal redditors to attack us.

It's pretty hypocritical that many of the "sex positive" people who treat slut as a evil forbidden word who should never be said and act like not being considered a slut is a right; treat virginity as a disease and call people who disagree with them virgins with small dicks.

>first pic
>fucking hamplanet
The absolute state of the military

Because it'd be really difficult to make the molle webbing actuallywork with a corset.

Nothing stopping anyone from putting a chest rig on over one, which is about how you'd have to do it anyway. Corsets take a different shape when they're on you. Also make operating a little more difficult, but nothing you couldn't get used to. Most of the discomfort is getting fitted and getting it on, a good one is actually pretty comfy to wear.

It'd just about require being fitted, THEN attaching pouches and stuff to it.

>US military

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Finally, a rig that will fit,

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I thought the US government banned morality in the 70s

>can't join because I was born with a bad pancreas
>morbidly obese trannies are fine though
Fuck this gay Earth.

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No, you just need a "may issue" license.

>Why aren't corset rigs more common?

Most people with manboobs can't fit into a corset

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Holy fuck I never seen this and it makes my dick activate. Where can I get a corset rig like the one in op pic, trying to get my gf(male) into tacticool

There's a few in the gas chambers.
Get in.

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don't worry user, all of three of those people are fakers

>airforce is wearing a fag flag ribbon on his overseas hat
I see that larper did his research.

to be fair, it does specify "airforce"

I don't know but my upper brain and lower brain have now entered into peace talks with their new sole focus being how aesthetic that rig is

Is the vagina a pouch, couldn't you put like some pistol caliber mags in it comfortably? Single stack .45 man stoppers, or double stacked 9mm?

Yes. This is why females are tactically superior.

So one mag in the front, and one in the back?

>Implying men are not born with natural web gear

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A woman can always put on crotch web gear. You cannot give a man a vagina.

No, we have that science now.

No, we do not. We can't get the elasticity, and the self lubrication is either nonexistant or revolting colonic mucus. Trust me, I'd get a tactical vagina installed if we had the technology.

spoken like a true beta

enjoy having the girls i cum in cry on your shoulder when i dont ever call them

But he does not needs one, full web gear is a lot better than a single pouch whose contents cant be easily seem and are hard to withdraw and organize.

>stolen valor march

depends on your billet. If you are a marine lawyer you can get discharged for not meeting uniform reg. If you're air force supply they might serve alcahol on base.

Has a single girl passed scout sniper school?

Because I'm not an autistic manchild. War is not for women.

wow rude

But is it for girls (male)?

9mm dual stack in the front, 45 single stack in the back?

That’s not a man you posted. That’s a force of nature.

I'm sure some have been waived through.

Plate carriers

>Most people with manboobs can't fit into a corset
I take it as you don't understand how corsets work.

>needing corsets

>he doesn't know about all the mil traps
Honor is dead, and I'm not going to lie it gave me a boner. Someone post the album.

I just ordered one of these in black because of this post.

militia traps*

They've been banned again from the military.

Barred from entry but not discharged.

Where can you get these?

Traps are fine, dump-ass. It's the mentally ill trannies being barred from entry.

As a Person of Weight I wish this would become acceptable for men


You just answered it yourself. We can't have nice things because some asshole somewhere ruined it for everyone.

I'd play the shit out of that.

because I'm pretty sure no chick would willingly wear this to please you, cletus. I'm also sure no chick would willingly be with you, save anyone else on Jow Forums who hasn't asked this stupid question.

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You have no idea how happy I am that this thread is still alive.

My goodness


I don't know where to find them in flecktarn but a chinese company called laylax ghost gear makes them in black and coyote.

Agreed, except they're not liberals- they're leftists


Do you have big milkies, user?

still hot, brah

If you can read this chink shit, you may be able to find out.

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>all these dipshits screeching about no titty protection
a normal chest rig isnt gonna stop bullets either you guys. What you should be screeching about is lack of room to breath and restricted movement, as well as poor placement of magazines