He only knows gunz from vidyas

>He only knows gunz from vidyas

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Thats like everyone on here.

You can cs:go fuck yourself.

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The only fun i own.

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>>> /v/

speak for yourself faggot I have a pedderson device, do you even know what that is?

same fag.

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A lot of people get into guns because of playing videos games and that's how mass shootings occur so frequently in the United States.

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Fuck are you talking about, fucking cunt.

fuck off shitposter.>>/b/

>>>sAmEfAgGiNg tHiS hArD

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Oh shut up you elitist cuck.

alll the same fag using several pc's

this guy is the samefag....


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saying same fag to the two other fags... this old trick.

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>tfw only know guns from shooting range

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fucking confirmed same fags.

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damn she was a innawoods qt back on that show.

stop fucking samefagging!!!!


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An ilegal unregistered machine gun! Say byebye to fido!