/GWG/ Girls With Guns

"The older she gets, the cuter she ain't" edition. Post all of the bimbos with surly and disinterested looks on their faces while they pose with their boyfriends' guns in here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Girls are stupid

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>no ass dimples
would not fap

OP requests GWG (female)
>posts noguns purple hair with a stupid sideboob generic gun tatoo

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Don't give a shit what anyone says: this is THE most Jow Forums gun imaginable.

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>riced put pellet gun
>hailing from a noguns country
Jow Forums as fuck :^)

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That's not animu that's Apple

>hailing from a noguns country
The Czechit Republic is 'shall issue'. In general their laws are a lot freer than a number of US states.

Czechs have to pass a theoretical (30 multiple choice questions) and practical exam to own guns for self defence. Interestingly they have to demonstrate the ability to field strip and clean their weapon + score quite well on a shooting test to pass the practical. No wonder the NRA shits itself at the thought of this kind of licensing - they know damn well half their Fudds can't do either.

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>its not animu
>its really shitty CG cartoon horses
>this is somehow better
Jesus. Can we get real biatholons back? Unmodified service rifles and service slings when?

Not a real sport.

>No wonder the NRA shits itself at the thought of this kind of licensing - they know damn well half their Fudds can't do either.
They shit themselves due to such licensing being fundamentally incompatible with a right to keep and bear arms - not due to the perceived difficulty and usefulness you imagine it has.

It's Tori Yugeknockas. She's the Jow Forums-est of all the gun sluts. Also she fucks her brother. How do you not know her?

Because it would fuck with people from countries where military calibres are outlawed for one.
For the other, it wouldn't change the sport in any notable way because the shooting isn't the most important aspect. Furthermore, the rifles they use are, as far as .22s go, absurdly heavy, moreso than a modern service rifle like, say, the HK416.
Finally, the shooters are great shots to begin with and train something fierce, so making the switch to 5.56 or 5.45 would, if at all awkward at first, be dealt with shortly. Yes, even if they had to shoot at twice the range, one-legged, having to eat a waffle and drink a cup of piping hot coffee before shooting or whatever silly rules you might come up with. The tricky bit is shooting straight after having skied your dick off so you don't have to take a penalty round.
If you are interested in an idea of what it's like, run a few kilometres with your rifle of choice, throw yourself down and take a few shots at a target 45 mm in diameter at 50 metres range. Not hard if you're relaxed, but the skiing adds a new aspect to it.

I was going to post this video too, but didn't want to link to Faceberg. It's in Norwegian, but it's self explanatory and it's girls with gats.
bit dot ly slash 2IjiWo9

Those guns have some kind of straight pull cocking mechanism doohickie called a "repeater device" and they're made by 1 small company in Germany.


Most of them come from this singe guy and his like 5 employees.

They practically have a monopoly on the market and when you look at it, it's something you can totally see being made by some talented machinist here.

It's my hopes that one day some clever guy starts selling a competing device on gunbroker and ends up taking the sport by storm.

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Do men even do biathlon? I swear every time there is biathlon on TV there are only heavy breathing womenz in lycra.
[heavy breathing]

Belongs on Jow Forums desu

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All respect to the Czechs, but the government deciding who can own guns like that isn't any kind of ideal.

I mean, she *is* bearing those arms.