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I don't understand this mentality.


How is carrying I knife dangerous? I’ve carried a knife on me since I was 12

yeah, nah, fuck 'em

I carry just a shitty multi-tool knife, but after seeing this faggotry, I might as well carry my shitty M9 clone too.


Saw one of the knife bins outside a rozzer-station when I was in bongland a year ago. I had to stop and take a picture (don't have it on me right now) due to the sheer absurdity of the whole thing... I thought it was just a meme.

How can a single country manage to be this utterly disgusting? I just want to see the UK burn and all of its inhabitants die.

How do they cut their steak if they don't use knives?

This is a State-funded campaign by the way:

If you're a bong, your taxes are paying for this.

They're only allowed to buy government issued pre-cut steaks.


get rid of the sharp knives in your kitchen. their next victim could be you, or even black or gay or muslim #bintheknife

Its good that your inner city cultural minorities can keep playing stabby stabby though


You know what I think anons....the only think that makes sense

We are in for financial collapse 2.0 and there are going to be more mega riots in London, that's what this crap is about

It makes me feel extra free now that i can carry my XL voyager without giving a shit

>pic related
So fucking free

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Me neither. Do they not use knives to cut meat when they eat or prepare food or open things now? Or was carrying a knife a thing for them and now they won't be shanking anyone anymore?

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>when it's so painfully obvious how much of a newfag someone is

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you were a serious nation once,UK.

I can't wait until they start requiring that everyone get all of their teeth pulled and their fingernails removed.

No, i like them.

I've been carrying a knife for years and have never stabbed anyone. Is mine broken?

And their foreskins removed

(to make raping less pleasurable).

How can you even manage to make carrying knife such a big fucking deal? It's an absolutely basic tool that allowed us to elevate our civilization at the very beginning and it's still needed in the present times. Brits seems to be so brainwashed, that they cannot imagine using knife for some other things than stabbing someone. How? Just... how?

how do they cut their food? oh right, british "cuisine." boil it til you can suck it through a straw.
I once read that Great Britain was a world power. [sensiblechuckle.jpg]

We've got him lads

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I don’t understand why the British government cares so much about what kind of knife someone carries. When and why did they make those rules? Wouldn’t someone who wants to harm someone just use scissors or s screwdriver?

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that's what you get with a nanny state.


Screwdrivers are covered as well, and scissors? Oh boy... with scissors you get tasered twice because scissors are like two knives in one hand.

Maybe if you lived in the hell that is England you'd think about stabbing people all the time too man.

I know that American police stories can get realy weird, but this is ridiculous!

This is fake. Everybody knows only guns cause crime.


Well, that's a fair point.


Because blaming an inanimate object is far easier than blaming your child and your parenting.

Blaming all those things is far more easy than blaming diversity.

Knife crime is on the rise over there, so politicians and media are all hot and bothered about it.


Slicing hot butter with an extremely dull butter knife almost cost me everything living in Britain. It's time for you too be like me and put down that dagger and pick up a heroic Muslim refugees penis with your mouth/wife's vagina

Don't be a dork, bin that fork.

Fun part is my Conceal Carry License allows me to carry spring assisted knives in my state. I also never need to go into a govt building as my licenses is renewed online. Past few years pretty sure when outside the house I had a knife or gun on me 99% of the time. # of people stabbed? 0.. so far.

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Don’t give them ideas

>I don't understand this mentality.

Fucking urbanites have been conditioned to think of knives only as weapons, so carrying a knife = carrying a weapon. They're not talking about tools, they've forgotten those even exist in their little soy-full world. The concept of a knife being a tool is completely beyond the scope and ability of their comprehension.

So when you see this 'get a life, bin that knife' shit they don't even remember that people carry tools.

>live in los angeles
>worked in warehouse with a bunch of beaners
>they and I all carry knives
>get a job in construction, still Los Angeles
>work with a bunch of crackers
>they and I carry knives
>go to UCLA to study EMT trade
>ex junkie rocker dude showing me his knife
>I show him mine
>face pierced, 5'1, 100lb, tattooed wannabe bad ass sjw walks up to us and asks us "why do you guys have knives"

It's split 50/50

>make it harder to get guns
>knife crime rises instead
gee, who could have seen that one coming

>The concept of a knife being a tool is completely beyond the scope and ability of their comprehension.
Right until they need something cut open, then they come looking for me.

And acid attacks are rising in cities where the police confiscate knives, really makes you think.

It's what happens when you haven't worked a day in your life, I have never met anyone with a manual labour job who doesn't carry a knife (granted they well still think it's odds that you sharpen your own knives but at least you don't get the "why do you have a knife user?" when they see you opening boxes in a warehouse)

The UK is so fucking cucked that about weapons that it's a meme. Even fucking Family Guy makes fun of it: 'A man with a gun and two bullets has taken over the city of Manchester.'

They outlawed guns. They outlawed knives. They outlawed fucking sticks.

And that is why London is the acid throwing capital of the world. I wonder if they ever manage to realize that the real problem is the few thousand guys who do these things, not the 60 millions who are physically capable of doing bad shit but seem to have some inner mechanism that stops them from it?

I do anyway, but I don't do it, because I'm not an animal

He's lucky you weren't cholos.

Hmm... reminds me of clock work. or pottery.

>user you have a knife right
>can I borrow it
>why no, it's right there in your pocket
>because I said so
Stop enabling them. They're worse than the "if the zombies come I'm going to your house" people. Fucking useless moochers that worry about their own convenience.

>get a job in construction, still Los Angeles
>work with a bunch of crackers
Huh, never would have guessed.

I dont think you understand; only murderers and rapists have any reason to carry a knife. These are the only things that cutting implements are good for. Please reconsider you violent nature and ask yourself why you feel the need to jeopardize the lives of everyone around you.

Wow, it's almost like the slippery slope argument when taking away guns is coming to fruition. Who would have thought!

Okay, how the fuck does anyone in this country cook?

It's the good goy mentality
You don't need to understand it

Well, I always carry 2-3 knives on my person, and that helps keep me free from tyranny, so.. I guess I'm knife free in that regard.

> be english
> boil steak
> gnaw the thing with bad teeth
a land of pure savagery

But don't they have knives in their kitchen to cook with?

>oh no no those are just recreational knives. Nothing like those high capacity assault knives you see on the street

Yeah, it's the only time you get to see white people in Los Angeles. Typically bearded white guy construction workers.

That and when you go to rich areas

What are these bins like? Could I go to one with a magnet on a string and go knife fishing?

>Mr Thomas walked into a fashion store, where security staff spotted the screwdriver and thought it was an offensive weapon.
>Police sent an armed response unit, including officers equipped with taser stun guns.
Jesus Christ... calling the police for a screw driver...

>people have guns
>people are dangerous
>tell people they'll be safer and you'll give them free stuff if you let them ban guns
>ban guns
>barely anybody gets their free stuff
>nobody's any safer
>gun ban just made stabbings skyrocket
>start over but replace "gun" with "knife"
>repeat until you run out of pointy objects

Eventually the cognitive dissonance of "we keep banning dangerous things but we're not any safer" is going to hit a lot of people and I look forward to seeing the absolute mess that arises when it does.

>in exchange for not going to jail, you have to appear in our propaganda piece for this liberal newspaper
There, now you understand it.

No, everyone just started using them as trash cans.

no, but you should probably get a life

I'm prepared to go through some boots if it means I can get some nice big snappers.

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That one makes sense. The druggies down at the capital were being frisked by the cops on a regular basis and had their knives confiscated every time, so they started carrying screwdrivers. Screwdrivers with the blade honed. They got away with it for a while.

do they just have them in the open like that or do they fall in to storage bin?

Because a knife is a dangerous weapon, and if you carry a dangerous weapon your sense of morality suddenly vanishes and you're likely to attack other people with it.

I would have been tempted to edit that text a little. Remove a few letter and it would have been "I surrender".

NOPE, knives all day, every day.

A car is a dangerous weapon too, and if you drive a dangerous weapon your sense of morality suddenly vanishes and you're likely to attack other people with it. We also urgently need to disarm the military forces, since they carry a dangerous weapon their sense of morality suddenly vanishes and they're likely to attack other people with it.

Wait. Scissors are deadly weapons too. And knitting pins and socks since you can choke someone..... now I think of it user, your computer is potentially harmful too! Hurry and put it in a tub of water before turns you into a wanton murderer!

No because no one actually throws knives in them.

Really doesn't make sense, if you look at the big picture

You expect druggies to look at the big picture? I guess I SHOULD add that around here, carrying knives in public is illegal. A rule I and hundreds of thousands other cheerfully ignore every day, but it does allow the cops to empty the pockets of the lowlifes.

And of course it doesn't help. The druggies already stash the drugs in nearby bushes where they sell it. It is highly likely that tools of harm making are likewise found nearby when needed.

>if you carry a dangerous weapon your sense of morality suddenly vanishes
>I have never been possessed by a gun demon and made into a killing machine
I didn't want these feels user.

This guy knows his enemy. Keep spreading the good word, brother.

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Gonna need more than two bullets to take over the city of Gunchester.

I've only ever had one person give me shit for carrying a knife and that was a friend from the UK who moved to the US for college.

I don't really blame her, they brainwashed her. Her tune changed when she saw how useful it is.

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>football ambitions
>carries a soccerball

I was digging around the knife violence stats for the UK and the majority of violence is still done unarmed. Can't wait for the fist bans. Maybe they'll force people to wear pillows on their hands.

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Knives are way too useful to get rid of.

These cucks look like the kind to get mugged by a gang of Afghanis and then blame it on the police for not being there and start to try and come up with explanations as to why such an opressed group of people would do such a thing. Answer is: white supremacy. Always.

my guess is that they usually cook food at home, you dont need to carry a knife around for that

usually this is hyperbole, but in the UK it's the absolute truth and being violently enforced by their nanny state police.

Anyway, bought a Morakniv on a few suggestions here and got it yesterday. This is a really nice knife. I'm so sick of stainless shit.

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>some other guy tried to stab me with his knife
>so I got rid of my knife
>this makes me safer


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Don't go flaccid, bin that acid!

Don't be a dick, bin that stick!

I got nothing.

> a pelican case for folding knives

Stay off a list, bin that fist!

How did the UK end up like this?

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They only eat tofu, being entities of pure soy

Go to the bar, bin that car!

i saw that shit too, was legit wondering if it was real

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Guns were reserved for the upper class to keep the proles unarmed.

So when universal suffrage came about, there was a numerically tiny gun community that stood no chance against the grabbers.

But this is a completely new level

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