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A lecture in monopolisation of a market.

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>adblock users get a week free
Goddamn, why is pornhub so bases? They just radiate respect and instantly create personal relationships with customers. Redpill me on bad things about pornhub, because I’ve never seen anyone talk shit about them.

theyre jewish as fuck you moron
porn in general is jewish and degenerate but they are the most
stop watching porn it is a factor in causing depression you are screwing up your brain with an overload of hormones and not naturally through intercourse.

>Jews responsible for guns, porn, and freedom

Holy shit I need to hit up a synagogue like yesterday.


>theyre jewish as fuck
>allows guns
>has great deals
>allows you access the majority of their site without pay
I think your crusade against porn has in a classic case of irony clouded your mind user

>>Jews are responsible for gun control, porn, and sex trafficking of children

Fuck off Jow Forumstard

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Jews actually are in charge of porn.

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why dont you just get a girlfriend and have sex as much as you want the natural way that doesnt screw up your brain?

Being Jewish isn't an argument outside of Jow Forums and stormfront. As it stands, pornhub is one of the few companies that could create a swf video streaming service and actually compete with YouTube given that they host more unique views in day compared to YouTube

To all those saying pornhub is evil, take 5 minutes and tell me one other videostream service that can host firearm vids that can actually compete with YouTube click for click, and for OC. Because PornHub is the only one.

You're asking why it's SO EASY to post on porn sites?
Almost like the (((owners))) of said sites WANT it to be easy to access a shit ton of porn for free

AAAAAND who gives a shit. Fuck off Polshit

He's not wrong though, in fact porn used to be banned until Hollywood became largely Jewish from Jews being kicked out of Weimar Germany.

Because she's a human with free will and not a fucking pocket pussy you can stick your dick in at any time

A lot of people give a shit. Jow Forums and Jow Forums overlap significantly.
Why don't you cry more you massive faggot?

Says the retard that loses their goddamned mind every time any person has ((((((STIEN)))))) in their name, but yeah I'm the crying faggot

If you have a gf who wants to have sex with you, you don't need porn. Period.
If you have a gf and you're still fapping to porn you're a sad excuse for a man and she should dump your weak ass.

Hey brah just tryin' to name the jew. If you're not gonna help then step aside, kid!

K is a progressive board polshit we actually like Jews here

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Good thing I have no need for pleasures of the flesh and is sterile so nothing is lost

Post uncircumcised cock or fuck off

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Faggot wants to see my cock

I love getting you little jewboi faggots all worked up and angry

Jow Forums is a conservative pro gun board, nig.

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Another Jow Forumstard derails a thread. Jow Forumsharbor2.0 when?

Jow Forums Leader here. Jews are not welcome.

How's your 4 o'clock looking? Texan here and I'm ready to fuck with some poltards after lunch

Why isnt there more porn featuring guns as a main theme?

If there is point me in the direction. Please and thank you.

>porn in general is jewish and degenerate but they are the most
Nigger, porn has been in the human consciousness since we've been making Venuses and other fertility statues to fap to 30 thousand years ago. The only thing is now a bunch of people make it for a livelyhood. Hell, there are ancient Roman authors like Martial that basically write pornographic material along with shit like the Kama Sutra.

Go be niggers somewhere else. Jow Forums is a pro-liberty board. It doesn't matter if the boot you're eating is the left boot or the right boot. There's still a fucking boot in your mouth.

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Fuck off Nazis you don't get a say if you're a right wing nutjob
K stands for 3 things
Revolting against drumpf
If your not on board with that then you need to fuck off back to Pol and take your Holocaust conspiracy theories with you
News flash drumpf ards
>Muh Jews
Isn't the cause of everything

I'm not sure pointing that out on Jow Forums will have the effect you intended. Degenerates will probably just want to know that they can dress some of the sex-trafficked children up as girls(male), then your minus becomes a plus.

>K stands for 3 things

See you at pride, homo

What this nigger right here said. Authoritarians and gungrabbers get fucked.

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Who are you talking too? I never said I watched porn I was only pointing out how wrong you were about them being "Jewish as fuck"

>If you have a gf who wants to have sex with you, you don't need porn. Period.
>not always there
>doesn't always want to have sex
I can at least see why people would still use porn. Personally I just prefer imagination

>If you have a gf and you're still fapping to porn you're a sad excuse for a man and she should dump your weak ass
We can go down this road of "you're not a man if you don't do x" for hours but I'm pretty sure I have you beat
You're not a man if you don't
>workout everyday
>only take cold showers
>do at least a weakly no fap
>eat lots of raw garlic

>Authoritarians and gungrabbers get fucked.
Fuck off antisemite

Nice b8

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if you can't tell the difference between VR-ultra porn and a rock shaped a little like tits on, i got bad news for you.

concentrated porn is ruining society

>blaming the Jews
>for anything
go back to pol nazi or better yet hang yourself for being so fucking stupid that you actually believe that a Jew has done anything bad ever. Youre just so bad at life and everyone is lmaoing at you that you want an escape goat to pin your miserable life on. maybe if you acted like a normal person and took the first step and admitted that right wingers are the real monsters of the world you might actually get laid
but your probably too comfortable being a virgin or probably just scared of girls thats why you spend all your time on Jow Forums and invade a progressive board and spam your stupid conspiracy theories that Jews are responsible for gun control. I've never said this before to anyone but you should kill yourself

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How many times do I have to tell you drumpf ards
K is a progressive board fuck off back to Pol

Fuck off commie bitch

Hey polshit

Everyone on k is a communist

I bet you're so stupid you make threads on Pol shit talking antifa because your jealous they could kick your ass

k has two types of people, politically. The first group is bootlickers, which can be flavored red or blue. This is a popular group, certainly, but it's entry-tier.

Because the true political orientation is the folks who can't tell the difference between red and blue. There's a bunch of tired people who have seen too much. Maybe they served in the military or maybe they just pay attention.

People trying to turn Pornhub into the "free speech alternative" to Youtube are delusional. It's a fucking porn site. It's going to be blocked by various corporate and national entities, and that's besides the site being filled with all kinds of degenerate shit.

The reality is there's no good alternative to Youtube but the best option currently sure as fuck isn't Pornhub. Bitchute is probably the best option, dumb name aside.

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yes jews never did anything bad once goy the eternal victims

Ha ha right wing virgin detected
Porn is scientifically proven to be good for you
Just because your afraid to look at naked girls doesn't mean everyone else is stormweenie
And if you have pornhub just because they have a gay lesbian and trans categories that makes you homophobic and transphobic and you should kill yourself
I'm not afraid of porn I'll watch any kind of porn even gay porn your just a tiny dick Nazi who wants everyone to live how you say

>good for you
bruh lemme at them brooofs

My cousin served in the army don't you dare fucking shit talk veterans they don't serve you they serve us the American people and the American people hate you right wing nutjobs

Well Jews have the highest IQs and they invest in porn so obviously if smart people are in charge of porn it's good for you they wouldn't otherwise

> bragging about the ability to observe a lot of types of porn

>Being so mad that people have the freedom do to something you hate you go on a progressive board and spout ur Nazi bullshit

Way to shrink their potential viewership. At least when they were on JewTube you could watch them at work during lunch.

i DARE you to go watch porn with a penis in it RIGHT NOW

I don't have to I have plenty of pictures saved on my phone drumpftard

oh, so you're saying you're SCARE to look at PORN?

you can't back out of a DARE

No the only one who is scared to look at porn is you I've already jerked off 4 times today I'm perfectly fine with being sexually active

kkk are demarcates you stupid nigger

He's basically complimenting your cousin and calling you a fucking stupid cuck along with the Jow Forumslacks for falling into the "left vs. right" meme when it's really authoritarians (i.e. the people that puch the left vs. right meme so that they can distract from bigger issues) vs people that want to be free

Fuck off kid, im not from pol, but you sure as shit are from plebbit and seem to have an issue with projecting

>Way to shrink their potential viewership. At least when they were on JewTube you could watch them at work during lunch.

This is why Pornhub is not a solution to this problem. I've also seen people suggesting that Pornhub should start a free speech video streaming site, but how would they monetize that? Others have tried and failed.

The reality is firearms videos (and anything else that Jewtube decides isn't allowed) will have to move to decentralized/distributed platforms.

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> sexually active
> snorts 4 porns per day
is this a ruse

>Way to shrink their potential viewership
people watch porn all the time. it probably won't hurt them any desu

Communism is freedom you fucking idiot

Yeah but at work man?? I could at least sit there on my lunch and watch JewTube without getting a hassle.

I mean the problem coud be fixed if pornhub rebranded itself. In that case this renamed PH would be a bit more acceptable to watch. Like YouTube Kids but now for adults

Now i know youre either
A: retarded
B: under 25
C: noguns
D: neet
Im gonna go with E: all of the above

I mean I normally eat lunch offsite so not much a problem for me personally, though I get the issue if you can't pop back home for lunch

I'm not noguns I literally just said my cousin was in the army

bruh we forgot another possibility: he's a diabetic who dropped insulin and forgot to eat.

Let me guess. All the examples of communism in practice being the most abusive authoritarian shitty regimes aren't actual communism, just like Hitler did nothing wrong in the eyes of the average Jow Forumsack?

You're thinking of socialism retard
Real communism hasn't even been tried yet

no, that's not true. real communism has been also tried. The resulting communities are inefficient, short-lived and economically irrelevant, but communism has been tested many times

Right wing propaganda is against the rules
Enjoy your ban :)

Don't you even start with that shit, the only time communism worked was in Cuba and that had heavy reprocussins on the people and the fact the the country was capable of sustainig itself

This. Jow Forums is proguns and if you are proguns, you are welcome here. If you aren't proguns, then get the fuck out before we get the rope.

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Pornhub: Blow your loads in more ways than one.

>Le internet tough guy
Go back to pol

>time to get the rope

> t. google shill

they are, un-iornically, one of the best websites out there in terms of quality and respecting people's rights. Know your audience I guess. Porn makes everyone happy so its best to not make waves in a well known market thats sure to get you revenue

>look mom, I know how to meme arrow!

Facists and commies all die the same, faggot

> right about porn
> distracted by jews

>Economic/political facts are right-wing propagandist pieces now
Also, way to derail a thread, you tankie retard

I know it’s aussie shitposting but I’ll give you a (you) for the effort.

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>look mom I suck all these cocks

I owe it to my great grandfather to kill commies

if you faggots knew anything about the idea of decentralized and distributed.... you would all have access to full auto and silencers.

The supreme court, congress, and executive branches are all corrupt.

Why do you think the SCOTUS allow any 2A infringement? Because it has been under control of the cult for a long time.

Jews dominate the porn industry but him acting like its some grand conspiracy does not go over well with normies

Arms dealer on darknets are 99% scam and honeypots. I truly wish it wasn't, we europeans should be armed too despite what the law says

>this thread
This is why Jow Forums should stay in Jow Forums.
I bet some people would have liked to talk about the future of gun related media online, but no we can't have that.
We must instead talk about communism, jews, and the effects of pornography on the mind.

There are so many arguments against porn. Why would anybody ignore these and go directly for “it was Jews”?

Even if that was true, that’s not the problem. The problem is, you’re going to miss out on a big part of your life and never become anything. It could be the Jews getting paid or it could be that the squid who stabbed Steve Irwin is spending all the porn money on chocolate milk, but the problem is still the man who never develops courage and dies forgotten.

Im telling you guys. The EU is going to revolt at the same time. England, Germany, France, Italy...

they are going to storm the talking heads with fire and stone. Make sure you guys call for their resignation and expect heavy casualties.

eat shit faggot. Criminals control money and government. We need to fight physically now because the threat of violence for owning property is literal SLAVERY

If a girl likes/loves you and you make an effort to be attractive, you WILL get sex most days of the week. You don't need to bust a nut twice a fucking day, you obvious porn addict.
Go ahead, keep watching porn. And wonder why your dick gets soft when you have a sexy naked girl right in front of you.
Just kill yourself, dude! Honestly

Yeah it couldn't possibly be that interracial, shemale, cuckold, and incest fantasy porn is spammed and pushed hard on viewers on every porn site