One of these threads

Post em

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You're supposed to take the slide off and have people guess based on the top of the frame with a magazine in. Fuck off.

>that trigger discipline

Nice girly wrists

is that a GPS locator on his collar?

>zero trigger discipline
>pointed at cat
>bitch wrists
Fucking kys op

Bad caretaker. Bad.

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Shit thread deserves to get trimmed


How's this

Its a beeper not gps, but close. When we first got her we lost her in the house three or four times, magicking her way into furniture and through walls

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>soft hands

OP is a fag.

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Attached: ciadubs.jpg (225x225, 8K)


You are exactly the type of person who is gonna ruin gun ownership for the rest of us.

I was trying so hard to get these quints

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You are the shittiest of the shitty.

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What could it possibly be

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Nice try RCMP, but I only load my clipazines at an approvedĀ© rangeā„¢

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i'm calling the canadian atf

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Kys and never touch guns again, imbecile

Well shit, I guess OP must now commit full time to the trap lifestyle, at least that means more bussy for the rest of us.