Do I just ignore all texts that start with "ay bro"

Do I just ignore all texts that start with "ay bro".
I'm trying to sell a rifle. I don't want to sell it to some cholo thug.

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>16" carbine 7.62x39 AR w/ railed GB and offset irons
Jesus how much fucking regret did you have when you beheld this abortion once you were finished building it?

Actual people don't start texts with 'ay bro', so yes.

Why are you selling?

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It's a windham I didn't build it. Also, no u

I fell in love with an Arsenal

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It's your rifle, you can choose to sell it or not sell it to whever you want. Personally, no I wouldn't sell to anyone who sounded like ghetto trash.

What's wrong with railed gas blocks

Well the only person who would want to pay for that pile of unfortunate choices will probably be brown, so you should probably stop ignoring them.

What app are you using to sell it?

Texas Gun Trader

not an app, but a website

> engage in serious train of dumb ideas and retardation
> somebody on a venuzwhalen spearfishing numbers relay channel makes fun of you
> better give up what i previously liked!!
> only retards want to buy
> shit on people who are the same as you
not sure what to tell you senpai

I still like it, but I just have to have the Arsenal. Do you know that feeling or are you noguns?

I'd go for an SLR over a SAM7 but it's your choice my dude

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i shoulda not bought that seecamp 32, but everything else is great.

also, i should have bought a crossman 1322 sooner for cheap fun and practice.

>seecamp 32
That's a small gun, user. Are you compensating for having a huge dong?

SAM7SF owner here. Do it. You’ll love it.

Get an SLR, you gain literally nothing with the SAM's milled receiver except extra weight and cost

i did the math. 2.56 standard deviations above average length


I think I just put that same floor in recently.

Trafficmaster Saratoga Hickory?

This, if you want to actually sell that it's gunna have to be to someone who will use it in crimes

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Sell it to me bro I'm Hispanic though so you might not like my moneys

>false dichotomy
I have guns, but I never have sold a damn one of them, and never expect to. Most guns are for keeping or giving, not selling -- this isn't like some commie country where you can only have a maximum of 5 guns, and if you get bored with one, you have to dispose of it to get a new toy. The gun I'm bored with today is a gun my niece or nephew will be absolutely thrilled with when they're grown-up/responsible enough for me to give it to them -- and giving them that gift will mean way more to me than a few hundred bucks.

And if you can't afford the new gun you want, you damn well save up till you can. The kind of retard who'd give up one gun they claim to like just to get the next one a few months sooner, is probably the kind of retard who'd build/buy the abortion in OP's picture.

I sold a Burris AR332 to a mexican guy yesterday. Was late at night and I could tell he'd just got out of work. Came with his kid and was knowledgeable of guns. Nice guy and I didn't have an issue with him.

I just don't want my rifle getting used in some stupid crime and the guy was giving me lots of bullshit excuses for why he couldn't provide ID. Where do you live, user?

That thing is disgusting, take what you can get for it from whoever

I'd keep it and save up if I wasn't scared of the Arsenals jumping in price and out of my price range.

Why do you have to be so rude user ;_;

I'll give you 300 and you pay shipping, and also I get to punch you in the stomach


I've never shipped before. Don't wanna be held responsible if it gets fucked during shipping.

I secretly judge everybody I see with one. That alone could completely destroy the aesthetics of an otherwise pretty gun. If you want rails there that bad, then get a low profile block and a railed forend to go over it. It isn't even about practicality. There just gets to a point when something looks so fucking ugly, you just don't do it. Railed gas blocks are one of them.

Get a cheap gun case, put some extra padding in it, get a box that' it'll fit in, maybe even stuff some newspaper in to prevent the case from moving around in the box, figure out shipping costs, and take it to your favorite FFL to transfer to the buyer's FFL. ez pz
t. boy that bought a preban AUG A1 from a fellow Jow Forumsommando

>I have guns, but I never have sold a damn one
When I was younger and didnt have much cash on hand I bought and traded lots of guns, I always made money on or traded for something I wanted more but as time went by I realized some I had gotten rid of regardless of profit turned out to be more rare than I had first thought and regretted selling, now I have been spending the past 10yrs trying to replace most of the ones I have a soft spot for. Yea, I dont sell shit anymore

that is the ugliest AR I've ever seen

>I don't want to sell it to some cholo thug
then why did you build it in a way that only a cholo thug would want it?

How much are you selling this ridiculous thing for.
t. curious cavebeast

How much?

inb4 would you take 350

I found a buyer but now I'm thinking of keeping it and just saving up for a wasr underfolder.
The paint bubbling off the Arsenals really put me off.


What would you offer? $100 and a pair of your sister's used undies? Actually, make it 10 undies and I'll take it.

$750 for a used rifle? I can get an SKS for around $500.

I have 3 sisters. Drop the $100 and I'll get you 5 pairs from each.

Can't find it on TGT

then get an sks for 500

Removed it because I decided not to sell.

That said does anybody have a wasr they want to sell? I have $600 cash

>Expect to find a WASR underfolder for $600
You're not going to get it, bud.

I bought one from TGT and sold one from TGT, in the past year.
Those things are $700 minimum.

I found a nice folder on armslist for 600. I just don't have the extra $40 at the moment for shipping. I might dig it up by monday though and give them a call.

Not op but I’ll take that trade

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Regular shitty laminate wood. I have no clue



$650+$40 shipping and $25 FFL fee still add up to $700+, senpai.
There's only three on all of armslist right now.

While it makes sense, cuz they retail new for like $1k, no longer curious
Good luck Jow Forumsommando
don't forget the magic words:
>I know what I got

Worst-case, OP - you just sell it to an FFL that'll take it. You'll get shit in return but at least you won't be selling it to any niggers/spics.

Just don't sell to any brown person. Require to talk to them on the phone first "to make sure it's not a scam" and if they sound enriched tell them you already sold it the next day.

Di you happen do be named Cokefag?

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I think I'm crossbones on TGT

i stopped putting my ph# in the ads of items i have listed for sale. reduces bullshit by 90%

Phone # lets me get pics of ID and whatnot and I can also call people to tell what kind of person they are.

I would sell it to a gun store. Yeah you'll have to barter better with price but at least you know it won't fall into a thug's hand

Nothing wrong with drive by hits and slinging coke

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>gun store shills

Selling your gun to a greedy boomer kike for 10% of its value is worse than selling to a brown person.

I got a wasr 2 weeks ago at a gunshow that was labeled $525. Not everyone's a complete jew.

I got a WASR 2 and a WASR 3 for $520 and $550 respectively in the past year.

Underfolders are pretty rare and were imported in a relatively limited amount.
I haven't seen one for less than $700 in years except for a mislabeled one on GB that went for $400 because of horrible labeling a couple months ago.

I'll trade you some scuba gear for it.