Comfy War Photos

You should already know but here are the rules anyways
>no political debates
>no dumping ONLY your ww2 German folder
>any war is fine
>any side is fine
Just people being people yadda yadda don't be a dick

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Welcome to Jow Forums and enjoy your stay

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MAGA 2020

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War is always comfy

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Does war from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away count?

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>Stormtroopers vs Orks
I'd KILL to see that happen.




Damn that's some good camo. It looks like they used real tree bark on the barrel.

wish this was in a wallpaper resolution

I'll dump some I took

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I didn't know Jonah Hill served.

Guten tag, I am of ze ammo

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Hey look its team chocolate operating

i honestly did not see the tank for a second

looks like mordor

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FYI, dude on the left is Bill Savage (yes, somehow a real name) from Maryland, served with YPG and died two years ago. The other two are Kurds (yes, Kurds) from Turkey, dude in the middle, Baran, also died 2016.

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>F-91W master race

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Not far from it

Now that is my new wallpaper, thanks for the pic


unless you're talking about your tablet, pls don't user

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Not him but I've set it up as my PC's lock screen, looks pretty comfy.

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who are these guys?

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