Abomination Thread #2

Abomination Thread #2

>Gonna need more ammo edition

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a Korobov TKB-022

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Calico Pistol

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Apache Revolver

Literally an All-in-one
What more do you want?

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>what more do you want
A barrel (?)

Circa 1950's Remington wingmaster turned space gun.

Yes it's mine, no its not permanent

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Gotta get that mallninja review

>it says here you want to work at the hoot
>but your barrel length is noot.

Why do some people consider this an ugly gun?

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Fuck off, this looks awesome.

Dunno, other than the small looking grip I quite like the looks of that one.

It has some good features visually, but
>goofy looking grip
>vent rib
all kind of ruins it

w h y

what even is this?

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nonfunctional sci-fi movie prop

Callahan Fullbore Autolock.
Or a Saiga 12 with extra weight added to it.

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last one till you other niggers post

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Wtf is a seam?

Its just a P90, what's wrong with......oh.....

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oh god why

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dont you know the Berretta AR-47 is the best gun?

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Colt 603 and prior experiments get me hard.

ca legal boys!

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Heh, they make 3D Printed kits for Nerf blasters like that.

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And nothing of value was lost.

I actually really want one now.

ca abused*

I actually like these and have no idea why.
If this is full auto it's ok, I remember reading Dillinger or one of those guys around that time had a custom .38 super full auto 1911 like that.

It was Dillinger, and from when I read a book about him as a kid, I've always wanted that full retard 1911 with forward grip

I messaged him to see if I could get that furniture

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Did you get the furniture user?

This was why they created the NFA. Thank Dillinger and his bubba jobs for that.

i will fucking annihilate you user, korobov was a genius and all of his creations are beautiful

I'm making a bubba nugget and I regret nothing

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I don't know why I said nugget instead of SKS.

Trying to pull off something like this.

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Gaijin go home.

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Man those feet look familiar!

>erector set: the gun

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The foregrip makes it look really awkward to put a new mag in without your hands interfering

this, I think it might be a gun from firefely, which iirc is a saiga 12 as suggested

>check out my EDC bros!

>when keeping it real goes wrong

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Is that from Marathon 2?

did someone want an ak pistol?

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Soviet future weapons give me wood, they're so retro futuristic looking.

That oil filter suppressor really ties it together.

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Thats kinda cute

something about it is appealing.. looks like the kind of gun you'd see in a comic book from the 50s or something

It may not be permanent, but it'll still remember that time you dressed it like a fag, and let people laugh at it. You hurt it, user.

Once you notice it, it doesn't go away. I used to want one until I handled a few of them, and the line is much more noticeable in person.

It was in Firefly, and some other movie before Firefly as well I believe.

That was also used in the movie "Showtime" as the super-gun that fired depleted uranium rounds. imfdb.org/wiki/Showtime_(2002)

It looks like he microwaved it for a minute or two, then tapped the top with a chisel a few times

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0the frame is not a single piece, there is a join (aka seam)

The Rhino has a glaring seam between the frame and the barrel.

Remove the foregrip and it's good.


I honestly cant work out what's what on this thing.

Properly convert it to take AK mags instead of using those dumbass duckbill ones.

A shitty nonfunctionnal piece of shit has no right to look this good

Calicos are so fucking rad looking.

This actually makes the jewcannon interesting desu

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I don't know why but this one actually looks pretty sick

>cleaning the gun
>lubing it
>winding the magazines the proper amount of times (the 50 and 100 require different amounts of winding)
>not feeding them the shittiest ammo imaginable
I'd start out with CCI Stingers, as those are nice quality and run a little warmer than average .22LR, but .22LR being what it is, you'll just have to clean it a bit every 100 or so rounds.

Plenty of people have no trouble at all with their Calico .22 caliber rifles

Attached: Calico M100 .22LR.jpg (1024x598, 355K)

I used this in Bioshock

That makes me fucking sick

yea, like it has fucking aids

My sides

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I think I recognize the grip. Vietnamese m1911?

i've never wanted to have intercourse with a gun more than when looking at that beauty

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no word yet

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If you are my dude in Nebraska, message me back! Let's make a deal

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The buttstock ruins it. It would be kino if it was an MP-40 style skeleton stock.

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>we need more dakka!
>I gotchu senpai

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>not man fireable
Space marines when?


but other than that I wished other companies would experiment with the six oclock position

looks like some starwars shit

Why does everybody hate the seem? I like the way it looks, but does it have like a mechanical flaw?

>the Buick of handguns

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dillinger? i thought it was baby face

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They worked together for some time, so probably both

Because it's not a Mateba

The .22 caliber rifles were used in Space Balls, and I think the 9mm pistol made an appearance in the Star Wars prequels.

Their futuristic appearance is pretty cool, there was a rare variant which featured this wooden thumbhole stock, looks sleek as all hell, like something Flash Gordon would have used.

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