KTG Grenade Knife = best knife edition

Check out this Grenade knife... It is a knife that looks like a grenade... It's also a switchblade. I call it The Chode.

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For size comparison, next to an s35vn Link

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And to kick things off, what knife (knives) did you carry today? Pic related was mine, I don't carry it much, I should more.

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My pm2 that's greatly in need of a new edge. Thankfully i have my Zt 0808 to hold me down until then.

any recent acquisitions?
put in for the massdrop ferrum forge buc the other day and have been staring at the CRKT Pilar because Jesper Voxnaes designs do things to me that i can't explain.

Also the buku because lucas burnley knows his shit

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My current edc just got it last week. Now nade knife yet sadly

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The 0808 is a great knife. I've handled a few, the one in pic related I was sharpening for one of my cousins. Really no reason why I don't have one yet besides too many knives on the wish list.

Make sure to post when you get the Buc, I'm so tempted by it, but just on the fence. I know WE can make a really good knife, but it just seems like too much to be true (or high fit&finish) for such a low price with that material list.

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You a Civil Engineering fag by chance? I'm Mechanical. Pic related is a few years old considering it's Calc 1 in the background, but why not.

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And not to (you) you 3 times, but to do that... Lucas Burnley does in fact know his shit. I am a total cuck for the Kwaiken.

How do you like it? I have to say for the price point it looks pretty good. I've been weary of Schrade for a long time, but they seem to be turning things around. I got their Brush Sword last summer and really like it.

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Aye, civil. Its truly a fun degree field of wanting to hate your life further and further.

i wish the buc would ship out sooner than August, but massdrop is what it is. If i recall i went with the tan anodized handle because i have a boner for FDE and lack knives in that color.

And i'll shill the 0808 for a long time if anyone is in the field for a high quality, folding, outdoors/tactical tank of a knife. i got it for one hell of a deal and honestly would have paid well over what i did for it.

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>Jow Forums posts edc buttplugs

also given the ability they've shown with the falcon, gent, hummingbird and so on i feel pretty confident in their ability.

>not edcing your squat plug
>making it
i shiggydiggy

>truly a fun degree field of wanting to hate your life further and further
Engineering in general... I'm almost done my Mechanical, at lest as far as I have the will for. Just got to take clac 3 and an elective... just fuck my shit up senpai.

The tan would be my choice to. tan/Bronz/brass/weathered gold with blue accents is sex.

For me the ZT to shill is the 0562cf. Such a great knife, the flip is a bit slower and almost more authoritative feeling (what ever that means) because of it's size.

>implying you don't edc a tacticool buttplug
You even operate bro?

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Once again not to over (you) you, but foggot...
>sooner than August
Another one of those deals? About April or May (I forget) last year I signed up for the Wood/mirror kwaiken, I was one of the first 200 I think. It was set for August, did not get it till like late September.. Did not mind really cause I honestly forgot about it, so it was a pleasant surprise, and it's nice.

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no worries about you-ing. I nearly jumped on a 0562CF used a while back but it got price sniped.

Yeah i'm not too excited about waiting til August-September, but the blade design called to me, and i have my 0450 if i'm realllly hankering to carry a slim titanium framelock s35vn knife.

In calc 3 currently along with a full schedule of civil classes. can confirm the fucking of shit upwards.

Its pretty solid so far havent done a lot of use with it but its sturdy, safety is good, theres next to no blade play. Its aus 8 steel which isnt the highest quality,but definitely adequate. Id recommend it

they actually use Aus 8 now? it was some random crap CrMoV for the longest time

If they dont use aus 8 then Its false ads. Sry for weird pics (phoneposting from work)

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>no stingray

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Just came in today, Cold Steel Trail master in O1 high carbon steel. Handle is a bit small for me ,also gonna have to get or make a leather sheath too because I'm not liking the factory sheath too much. Otherwise im loving the knife, definitely a limb chopper.

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muh combo blade

Part of the reason I asked about the quality. Aus8a is not bad for $20ish. There are good CroMoV steels don't get me wrong, but Aus8a is more familiar. Granted the heat treatment is very important.

Yeah I know, for what ever reason it has just not appealed to me yet so far.

I want one seriously bad. But along with a bunchy of other large chopper knives. I think the OKT Bushcraft Woodsman is on top... I may just order it tonight in fact.

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what is the handle there, kraton or g10?i'm still skeptical, but i'm happy they're starting to step their shit up.

They call the handle material "Kray-Ex", it's very similar if not the same as my Kabar kraton handle, it's just not textured the same.

90% chance its just regular ass kraton. Cold steel has a hard boner for naming conventions, like the broken skull, hold out, etc.

I've got the ESEE Junglas as my big chopper and God damn is it fun to use. Downside is that I would never actually take it /out/ because of the weight.

Next knife will probably be a spydiechef.