Filing down firing pin

My m48 mauser firing pin is too long and is poking holes in primers. Is it a bad idea to just file it down back into spec ? Will it weaken the pin?

Attached: 1519328795446.png (300x300, 136K)

now, i could be wrong but i'm guessing the only problem busted primers could cause is a dirt action. you can fix that by cleaning, right?

don't file your gun, user

The gun throws a whole bunch of gas and residue into my face, which isn't pleasant.

When a primer gets pierced, a high pressure jet of super-heated gas that normally pushes against the bullet blasts out of the hole. This can cause erosion of the firing pin, breech face, or any other part of the gun that gets in the way.

Filing it shorter won't weaken it. Just find some specs or something about how much it's supposed to stick out so you don't make it too short.

Dont file it retard.
Get some 500 grit sandpaper and spin sand the tip of the pin down some, fire a test round or take an already fired round with un-pierced primier and check it, if it pierces again, keep sanding it down slowly and rechecking.

Also double check the length, make sure something else isnt fucked up before you go through with that.

take your firing pin and actually measure it to discover the problem. I'm guessing it didn't get longer over the years...

I took my bolt and placed it in the strike position. I held it next to my dad's k98k bolt, also in the strike position. Mine protrudes at least half a mm longer from the bolt face. I've fired the exact same ammo through his rifle, without any primers being pierced. The difference in protrusion between my m48 pin, and his kar98k pin is enough to be obvious to the naked eye.

The problem is in the bolt, not the firing pin.
You have excessive travel from wear within the bolt. Fucking up your firing pin means you'll just have another part to replace...

You could also just buy a replacement pin

Yeah this is most likely it though.
Put your firing pin in your dads bolt and vise versa to confirm this.

Nice. Having a working example to copy makes things easier.
Also a good idea.

The M48 has a shorter action than the K98.

Attached: IMG_1810.jpg (3264x2448, 2.91M)

So should i just start looking for another bolt

I would try to fix the one you have. If the pin is a bit too long, and nothing else is wrong, then just sand the pin down a bit and you're good.

Heres the okay k98k bolt

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-14-33-37.png (1440x2880, 3.16M)

Heres the long m48 pin

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-31-14-33-30.png (1440x2880, 3.53M)

Literally the same thing dumbass. You're removing material to shorten the pin.

how does the firing pin cam look? that's the angled ramp area on the underside of the back of the bolt.

From left to right
>Fired from m48
>fired from k98k

Attached: 20180331_143756.jpg (4160x2080, 2.33M)

Attached: 20180331_144032_HDR.jpg (4160x2080, 2.7M)

The firing pin doesn't look like it's all the way forward on the left bolt. I would take that fucker apart and give it a close look over.

Jesus you are retarded.
No it is not, files can easily remove more than would be needed for this job.
Sand paper is much easier for an unskilled person to use.
You probably move your file back and forth instead of filing forward then resetting fucking faggot lol.

Did you not do what I told you earlier which would literally answer all of the questions of whether it is the bolt or firing pin?
ie. Put the "long" firing pin into your dads bolt, and the other way around to verify?

The two pins are not the same dimensions, and won't fit in the opposite gun

Oh then what the fuck is this dude comparing to his dads rifle for?
Your bolt is probably slightly eroded then, not a big deal.
Sand down the tip of you pin, retest.
If bolt is eroded then this will allow you to comfortably fire a few thousand more before you need to replace anything again.

do what the other user suggested and swap pins before you do. see if your father's has the issue with the other pin.

Some years ago I had a Winchester MD 100 308 cal rife. It was doing the same thing, the Winchester factory said to just bring the rifle in. I had a punch prime issue and after a couple of rounds in a new rifle the shells would be jammed but not completely loaded. I took it as told w/ a jammed round in the chamber to the customer support in New Haven Connecticut. They UPS delivered back to me in 10 days. The original serial number now had a letter "A" stamped on the rifle, showing a mod made to the rifle. You may like to have a gum smith look at the issue. It may be a bad problem...

Because regardless of the dimensions of either bolt, op's rifles should be impacting the primer at the same depth.

It's either the bolt or the pin.
Pin has a shoulder.
If the shoulder is worn, it will travel too far.
If the bolt pin channel is worn, the pin will travel too far.
Side by side comparison of pins to start. (Because you don't have a scope to inspect the inside of the bolt).

no that makes it full auto

> poking holes in primers...
examine the hole,
if there is a raised rim around the hole, that is excessive pressures blowing out the primer at the dimple (weakest spot)
check your headspace to make sure your bullet isnt jamming in the throat causing over-pressures.

if the firing pin is actually poking the holes, adjust it down deeper into the bolt body

this is not as simple on a mauser as it is on a nugget.
pressures are more likely than a maladjusted firing pin