/msg/- military surplus general

/msg/- military surplus general
early mauser edition

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would somebody explain to me mauser development? I understand 1889/91 --> 1893 (controlled feed, double stack magazine etc), and I know the 1898 switched to COO but I have no idea the differences between that and the 1894/5/6. What separated the '93s and '94s? Were the '95s any different from the '94s? If the '96 was an improvement over the '95, which itself was an improvement over the '94, why did the swedes field two different guns instead of a carbine version of their rifle? Or are the '94, '95 and '96 identical?

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I tried watching this fudd to answer my questions and am pretty much inable to make it halfway through. He skips from '93 to '98, claims that the '98s were turkish contracts, and says that the k98 was the first cock on open

ok ok so I've got a little more info
the 1895 apparently had a pseudo locking lug just behind the bolt handle, sort of a last ditch thing to stop the bolt from flying back into your face. The 1894 and 1896 did not have this.
>I still do not understand the differences between the 1893/1894, and the 1894/1896

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Anyone need 4 inch pattern FAL mags?

willing to trade for 4 metric or will sell

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Even if no one else likes my early WWI Ruby that avoided the later work (captured? Who knows) I'm gonna keep posting it.

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this thread is dead. Would be a little surprised if anyone could identify this lets see. Only a few in the country afaik

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>rimmed case
8mm lebel

The 1894 I think rounded the bolt face, whereas the bolt face of the 93 is squared off on one side. The 95 changed with the pseudo lug, as you said. The 96 introduced gas escape holes, and a cutout on the left side of the receiver to make stripper clip loading slightly faster and easier.

Mauser constantly tinkered with his bolt action, hence the reason it changed slightly pretty much every year for a decade.

Looks like a 7.5cm shell for the Panther L/70 gun

bit bigger than that. right regime though

What's /msg/ cook?

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8.8cm L/56

Why are there people with team names on the other threads?

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I noticed this just now.

>.303 khyber pass made martini Henry that "should" work but the owner (an old boomer) says shouldn't be shot with a "bad" bore (though the gun looks good) for $350
>Single shot no magazine khyber pass enfield copy that the owner says shouldn't be shot, but he's shot it a lot and had no issues for $325

Which would you choose?

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Buy him a box of hot ammo and make him shoot it.

its a tiger round

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Jow Forums forcing everyone to have these stupid things

>he isnt team creme

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I wish I could go on a date with Yuuri.

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8.8cm L/56, as in I guess the round for the Tiger I as opposed to the Tiger II

Well I mean, I want one of them.
I've been craving a khyber pass milsurp rifle/pistol for a long time.
Something satisfying about enjoying the fruits of someone's handmade labor from halfway across the world.

April 1 my man

Traded a bubba’d Argentine 1891 Mauser plus 30 bucks for this old Smith that I dated between 1924 and 1927. Did I do good?

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Fucking apple

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Peanut Butter ain't shit, so no.

post mini guns

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>obnoxious blanketfag is on my team
blanketfags unite

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We will persevere!

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c-can I join?

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>Blanket posting
Feels good to have pre-generation X mother who still practices home crafts. Get blankets, quilts and knitwear made to order. Ignore the CZ.

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>peanut butter
reeeeeeeee get out

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I just realized that my second youngest Mauser is ALSO a Swede, and my third oldest Mauser may be my THIRD Swede.

Taco Bell usually.

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>eating at taco jew
that cheating user

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Just a reminder that my '04 (sans bayonet) and '21 are both for sale.

Sometimes at work I'll put my own food in the oven.

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peeps like you belong in the oven

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Cum at me bro!

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Nice digits!

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This is what I mean when I said my C96 was double feeding.

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What does it even mean though? And crunchy peanut butter is an objectively better food than chocolate or creme; which I assume is some faggy mispelling of cream. Not sure what peep or mini is.

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How would one go about finding a M63 :thonk:

Single rounds also don't depress the follower enough to get the bolt forward.

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>steel case
maybe that's your problem?


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How would steel cased ammo be the problem here?

this happened on an sks I had, all matching, a shame, i had to buy a new magazine for it.

>doesn't know about peeps

Damn it if I have to buy super expensive replacement parts I'm going to cry.

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Hvala druzovi moj Mausers are rare in Australia and Yugo Mausers even more so... There is a store that sells unfired/unissued M48A's for like 1.3k. I will buy one in due course..

They cost about $400 here. I've never got around to cleaning this one.

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I bet I could superglue a Lego piece on the mag follower to give the rounds enough room for the bolt to not catch both cartridges. Or would that be absolutly bubba?

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Damn... Got mine for $299. Good luck to you Australian user.

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Try duct tape, that's removable.

Not a bad idea, let me get some

You want buy?

>I could superglue a Lego piece on the mag follower
WTF are you doing Mini?

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Nah, talked me out of it. I'm trying duct tape

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Yeah, gun related shit in aus is expensive in general. I might even go to Serbia and pick one up (have family there), or if not an M48 Id get myself a M63 Yugo tanker carbine which would be fucking sicc for hunting.

Holy fuck the duct tape idea is working. Just need a bit more to stagger the rounds enough...

So I have a yugo sks which was professionally bubba'd by the shitty country that exported it, so since I can't ruin historical value at this point, how would I go about removing tooling marks on the slide that make it feel gritty? I want to remove those little circles of bullshit.

Post pictures so we can judge with accuracy.

My the milsulp gods have mercy on me for my sins

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Taking shit quality pictures at 4 a.m. for Jow Forums, what have I become? Here is gun, next will be tooling marks.

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Here is the tooling on the slide.

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I'd say some kind of sander head on a dremel tool with just enough force to smooth it out. But I have no experience with grinding on my guns, so I would take my advice with caution.

Switched to masking tape for my improvised C96 fix, the duct tape was too rough for the bolt to go forward all the way.

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What? Fucking why. Just because it's showing some skin doesn't mean you should rape it, user.

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I think I've got the problem with my C96 mostly fixed, but I'm going to take a break. I'm hungry and I've been at this for about 3 hours.

Really makes you think


I like it.
>I'd buy it if I could too

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Browning always forgives user.

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I figured he would. It's not permanent, but I've got to get this feeding problem fixed. I want to shoot this fucking thing so bad it hurts.

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mini pistol
>tfw mods won't give us IDs or flags, but we get this gay bullshit

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>hungover mug

do you seriously think the "hair of the dog" works?

Last year's was GOAT.

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I liked /can/.

>tfw not Team Creme

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I still haven't fixed the grip screw yet
I don't even remember

Someone give me a straight answer and quit spouting fucking memes

ya dun goofed

All pre-1898 Mausers are small ring and cock on close.
1893: Features you mentioned, and square bolt face.
1894: Similar to the 1893, but added a "notch on the cocking piece in order for the safety to be engaged while the firing pin is almost completely forward". Also added gas shield to the bolt.
1895: Similar to the 1893, but had a cylindrical bolt head, rear of the follow ground off allowing the bolt to close on an empty chamber, and an auxiliary shoulder on the receiver behind the bolt handle to act as a safety in case the 2 lugs failed.
1896: Seems to be more or less the same as the 1894, but longer and different sling point configuration.
1898: Transition to large ring action. Added 3rd locking lug, shrouded bolt head, and gas ports to the bolt. Changed action to cock on open.
Source: Mauser Military Rifles of the World, Karabiner 98k Volume 1

How? It was a bubba argentine for a vintage Smith

>Mauser Military Rifles of the World

Which edition?

>tooling marks is bubba
Fucking hang yourself scum

>thinking about buying reloading dies and brass for this pistol
Damn it, but I just payed rent.
I guess I should find out where the nearest plasma donation site is.

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>Donating plasma
>Not donating semen

I don't think anyone wants my semen.

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You could always sell me that if you need monies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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There's one on gunbroker by the grey blanket man.
I'm willing to bet that it will go for less than what I payed for mine, since I am that unlucky.

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Grey blanket's stuff usually goes high.

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Yeah, but I don't wanna buy from him.

I do wanna try to buy something soonish. Anything French for the most part, or another Arisaka or maybe a Carcano. I have an itch...

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I want to get a model 41 Carcano.

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Go figure the french guns would be team creme