What will Fudds be like in 30 years?

What will Fudds be like in 30 years?

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There will always be Fudds, pal.

It will be a loop. All the true fudds will die and tactical fags will replace them in the mainstream which will encourage fudds to be a thing again or something like that. Fuck off OP

real bullets are the only way to go, lasers were only made to kill people.

*all you need is 5.56*
*casless ammo is designed to wound and just ice picks*

in 30 years,... *we* will be the fudds

I can see both of these being true. Y'all are prophets.

Don't diss larry

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>rail rifles?
>you don't need no fancy new way of slinging metal
>son, back in my day we hunted hogs with AR15s
>5.56 propelled with smokeless powder
>not this portable magnetic bullshit
>it'll blow a durr apart

Ain't nothing wrong with 30 round magazines what the fuck is this caseless Bluetooth ammo?

3D?!? REAL men only get with 2D.

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Back in my day a good ol M4A1 SOPMOD in five five six nay toe was more than a enough to kill a man. I don't trust no stinkin plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. Smokeless powder don't need no charging from a portable fusion generator.

>What will Fudds be like in 30 years
Fudds are the children and grandchildren of depression era leftists/communists. There won't be fudds in 30 years.


Replaced by ARfags even after something better comes along.

there won't be any. there won't be any guns around.

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Nothing will replace the AR platform

micro-caliber automatics.
0.10cal with RPS in the thousands and capacity to match.

since fudd is a term that just mean rednecks who use ninteen elebins and hunting rifles they'll be the same, they're not a group that changes


Sounds like a jam-o-matic

And the memes begin

They won't exist because of the browning of this country. Viva la Raza!

>In my day polymer was injection molded, not grown from genmodded hemp
>You had to shoulder a rifle to use the scope, none of this ocular implant nonsense that'll fry your brains if you get a teensy jolt from some static
>And organic matter bullets? Metal kills, these enamel projectiles will just get absorbed by the injected field med nanites and used to build them stronger
>Don't even get me started on these hardlight holowaifus, it ain't true love if you can't keep the relationship going with just your imagination and recorded voice logs

>What do you need that double barrel shotgun for except murdering two people? You only need a single shot 20 gauge for hunting or warning the police that you're being robbed.

Just as gay and regressive.

mall ninja shaming turned me into a fudd, can confirm

>Punisher patches.
>"Gucci" AR15.
>Actually carries a 10mm despite having hands too small for it.
>Thinks the AR15 is the greatest weapon ever created.
Am I missing something?

>>Don't even get me started on these hardlight holowaifus, it ain't true love if you can't keep the relationship going with just your imagination and recorded voice logs
>he has to deal with Western "women"

>fudds are just rednecks
Fuck off, yankee.

Competitors in various action-shooting-oriented competitions who are OK with any kind of restrictions or legislation so long as they can keep shooting their riced out $8k racegun AR, Roland Special Glock 19, and crazy extendo-tube semi-auto shotgun in competition. Even if they can ONLY do it in competition or scheduled practice at a really expensive range. But hey, they've got sponsors to pay for that.

The hardcore 3-Gunners will take up the same niche that sporting clay shooters do now.


larry potterfield is a saint

The good thing about these beta and/or omega males is that they are a self curing problem only able to last a generation by their own decisions.
>Darwinism: 1
>Autism: 0

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They'll turn into tactifudds, like we're already seeing



A rotting husk.

Peeps will show you otherwise

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They will use air rifles.

Don't need no more power to shoot at a 100yard target! My 30 foot pound air rifle does that just fine! Hell it can even be potentially lethal!

I heard there were two cases of small children shooting themselves and dying!

I can even use it in self defense! Just shoot the bad doer and pain will make him retreat!

Back in my day we used picatinny rails and we LIKED it! Today's soldiers are spoiled with their powered exoskeletons. Sure, I blew out my knees carrying a 100 pound pack, but that just shows how hardcore we were! The AR-15 is the greatest rifle ever created, nothing will ever replace it! (they already do this one)

You are dead wrong. The future generations will not use firearms of today. They will regress back to target shooting bolt actions.

Look around you, do you really think semi autos will be legal in 30 years?

So like, they'll be half fudds anyway

Came here to post this and find out what team I'm on.

OP said fudds, not cucks

>Implying the don't spread their degeneracy to impressionable youth over the internet
Just look where you are now. Jow Forums has shaped all of us at least a little bit.