I'm making a 9mm machine gun, any ideas bois? It's going to feed from the bottom and eject out the bottom, folding stock and full auto only. I'll post more pics
Homemade smg
Hey someone come look at this
atf, no.
Rough layout
You guys better stop I got a pupper.
ATF pls go.
I'm not in the us where I am any gun building is ilegal
Drawing of it but it will have a folding stock due to my tube length
>feed from the bottom and eject out the bottom
why not feed from top and eject from bottom?
make an owen clone.
how you gonna get ammo?
How do I get a job shitposting for the ATF?
Because I prefer it to not look fugly Imo but I like the f1 Aussie baka to be fair. It will just be more compact if it feeds from the bottom
Australian f1 sub machine gun*
Either get my gun liscence and a 9mm rifle to buy ammo, or get it from other sources, gun control working soooo well in Orwelland
Nothing to see here, folks.
OP's house looks rough....
Ladies and Gents OP was being a colossal faggot so we had to do this to save Jow Forums
Share the schematics
>where I am any gun building is ilegal
Where is this magical country? I want to emigrate.
>black market isn't a thing
Don't shoot up a school, if you do shoot something up, make it a mosque.
It's not my house, it's a workshop, who really needs schematics for and open bolt smg
It's not for shooting up the school, either myself or a revolution
>Who really needs schematics for an open bolt smg
fuckin' slav detected
Already better than Pepe Liberator
The peporator or kekorater. Also I'm not a slav. If you really need it there's the trigger group, I'm retarded so I did it backwards but what I have should have a better trigger
I need some advice for the case recess and extractor stuff because I'm not sure how it will chamber and get the extractor around it without the extractor knocking it out of the way of the firing pin