Are you a hasguns or noguns?

I'm doing a survey(no I'm not ATF) on the people who use the Jow Forumsboard. post if you are a noguns or a hasguns. If noguns, what is the reason?(Country you live in, age, parents, etc)

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Fuck off ATF

used to have guns

lost them all in a boating accident though


just do a strawpoll next time you doofus

# of people who are going to go out of their way to make a forum post to give you data < # of people who are willing to do a strawpoll

Noguns by financial situation.
However my body is ready for the commencement of 1776 again.

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Ok. thanks for the advice.

Hey guys just wondering how many of you are harboring immigrants (not ice).

check the corporate farms.

guns don't get cheaper when you suddenly need them

>Team mini

fuck 5'10" irl and now i get a team name on a chinese fingerpainting scrapbook

There are more guns than people in the US, so he can luck out if he knows hasguns

Hasguns leaf here
RCMP pls no kill catto

My team is officially the hasgunz team


My financial situation is more to do with the fact that I am looking for a job with my degree.
>tfw half a year of no or we found a veteran

Never seen a gun in real life

RCMP brings your catto some treats, and brings you a maple dip from timmy ho's.

I'm just here to rep my team

Gonna invest in some guns very soon, once i get the money


Has guns, Mr Lederaf Tagen.

Wouldn't you like to know?

Hasguns. Because Mini's are always packing.


dumb frogposter

Team Creme lost all of their guns in a boating incident

greetings fellow/ k/nights

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