Just a reminder that the only way to safely load or unload a gun is with the use of a clearing bucket

Just a reminder that the only way to safely load or unload a gun is with the use of a clearing bucket.

>2010 + 8
>not being a safe and responsible gun owner

Why don't you use a clearing bucket Jow Forums? Do you enjoy endangering yourself and those around you with your carelessness?


Attached: tiabclearingbuckettiab.jpg (636x349, 15K)

>the only way
Simply not true.

Attached: clearing_log.png (1661x1774, 1.19M)

my clearing door and clearing window stopped some boolits real gud... FUCKING REMINGTON REEEEEEEE

>Do you enjoy endangering yourself and those around you with your carelessness?


Attached: 17015831_799933150153648_4853158984970814316_o.jpg (723x1023, 101K)

too soon 0/10

I use the skulls of my enemies to empty my gun.

Please tell me people don't actually do this and it's all satire. Like, this is literally retarded. Why not just visually inspect the chamber like a normal person?

The problem with doing that is if there is still a chance there is a live round in the chamber no matter how well you visually inspect it.

If I can see the flashlight glow from the tip of my barrel through the action, and I pull the trigger and it goes off and I kill my dog, Ill accept it was a magic bullet from god.


some organizations teach finger fucking the chamber to ensure that it is clear

>not having a clearing bucket in every room of your house

I;ve had my fair share of rounds stuck in chamber for various reasons. Clearing bucket does make sense to have. I call it my emergency cat litter bucket. I mean $10 is not to much to ask to toss somewhere just in case you need it. Clearing a gun in my backyard with accidental shot might attract more attention than I want.

>Hes never seen a PTR or HK91 or CEMTE

I have no problem checking my PTR, maybe your sausage fingers can't fit to check the chamber.

Honestly I used to be like you on the clearing bucket issue. But after my third ND I finally gave in and set up a clearing bucket. I haven't had the same issue since then.

three, what are you doing?

Attached: 1436149878051.jpg (598x370, 55K)

Being a nigger, obviously. Can't you see the team labels?

i have a bucket full of smaller buckets. they are less than a quarter inch wide and made from stamped brass. they each have a small rim so they can stand up easily due to their greater height vs diameter

The only time I ever encountered a ND was when some Sgt Wook ND'ed her Rifle in a clearing barrel. Next time I saw her she was a Cpl. The fact that even the military punished a female marine for discharging into a clearing barrel shows how fucking unnecessary they are for anything other than litigious proof that someone is retarded. Unless you are mentally retarded, you do not need a clearing bucket/barrel, and if you do need one, you probably shouldn't have a firearm to begin with.

There are several key points to not needing a clearing bucket. I'll cover a few -

1. Don't own a glock.
2. Always remove the magazine before racking the slide.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger


miss me with that gay shit

where can I buy a clearing bucket?