
So how about we don't let petty labels divide us. Let us instead plan a proper pro-gun rally for April 20th, the anniversary of Columbine. How about for all students, at Noon central, walk out wearing coats. Only 1 wears a red coat, everyone else wears black and hold a rally saying how the red shirt represents every gun death in America and every black shirt for every life saved by a gun

Attached: IMG_7632.jpg (2048x1536, 400K)

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20 Apr is Lenin's birthday. It's why it is also Earth Day. So fuck that.

Fuck off, mini-fag.

I'm not a student but I actually like this idea.


>the anniversary of Columbine
>everyone wear black trench coats
How the fuck do you think this is a good idea?

Fuck no, I'm pro reforms lol

Attached: 1521430570590.jpg (222x293, 19K)

Mini fags has mini benis. Who the hell wants to march with you.

20th April is an interesting date to celebrate, Columbine is not the first thing I associate with it though... kameraden.

It is also Hitler's birthday.

We must associate it with the glorious victory of Peepdom.

It would be a meaningful demonstration though. Soviet and 3rd Reich larpers marching side by side, carrying the banner "Stalin, Hitler and Mao agrees - only the state should have weapons".

No, fuck that, go to your state house on the 14th. There are already a goodly amount planning for the 14th.

Fuck off mini fag, BBC forever

There's already one planned on the 14th.

Of course the minifag is a CIA nigger trying to destroy gun rights. Fuck outta here glow-in-the-darkie


>only one person wears a red coat
You'd need like 10,000 people with one person wearing a red coat...

Get everybody to hold 10-100 black paper /cardboard silhouettes and have one equally sized red one mixed in.

People like you are what make me ashamed to be Team Chocolate.

it's a log scale

>wanting high school kids to walk out """"""""""""""in protest""""""""""""" on 4/20
Nigger we get it you smile weed, but stop trying so hard.