So how about we don't let petty labels divide us. Let us instead plan a proper pro-gun rally for April 20th, the anniversary of Columbine. How about for all students, at Noon central, walk out wearing coats. Only 1 wears a red coat, everyone else wears black and hold a rally saying how the red shirt represents every gun death in America and every black shirt for every life saved by a gun
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20 Apr is Lenin's birthday. It's why it is also Earth Day. So fuck that.
Fuck off, mini-fag.
I'm not a student but I actually like this idea.
>the anniversary of Columbine
>everyone wear black trench coats
How the fuck do you think this is a good idea?
Fuck no, I'm pro reforms lol
Mini fags has mini benis. Who the hell wants to march with you.
20th April is an interesting date to celebrate, Columbine is not the first thing I associate with it though... kameraden.
It is also Hitler's birthday.
We must associate it with the glorious victory of Peepdom.
It would be a meaningful demonstration though. Soviet and 3rd Reich larpers marching side by side, carrying the banner "Stalin, Hitler and Mao agrees - only the state should have weapons".
No, fuck that, go to your state house on the 14th. There are already a goodly amount planning for the 14th.
Fuck off mini fag, BBC forever
There's already one planned on the 14th.
Of course the minifag is a CIA nigger trying to destroy gun rights. Fuck outta here glow-in-the-darkie
>only one person wears a red coat
You'd need like 10,000 people with one person wearing a red coat...
Get everybody to hold 10-100 black paper /cardboard silhouettes and have one equally sized red one mixed in.
People like you are what make me ashamed to be Team Chocolate.
it's a log scale
>wanting high school kids to walk out """"""""""""""in protest""""""""""""" on 4/20
Nigger we get it you smile weed, but stop trying so hard.