At this rate there's not going to be a single Jow Forums related thread on the board by tomorrow

At this rate there's not going to be a single Jow Forums related thread on the board by tomorrow

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Just woke up after a long sift, what is this shit?

Gookmoot decide instead of doing something fun for april fools like merging boards again he'd just make everyone part of a team so they could shitpost entire board pages out of existence.

Checking my team.

Proof that most of Jow Forums its literally children
>haha but its funny! XD youre just a no fun new fag! XDD
None of this is funny, witty, or smart.

Well, shit.

>makes another thread to help push out the actual Jow Forums related threads
Jesus son

Yet you make another shit thread. Jow Forums is the least affected board I frequent. Everything else is shit, Jow Forums at least has tried to stay on topic.



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None of the boards.

typical mini fag, get fucked.

I literally dont give a fuck

>let me tell you how I literally dont care

It's some kind of Oreo scam.

Then why did you post, you fucking troglodyte?

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Everybody who spams about this shit is a massive faggot

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This site is fucking reddit now. Thanks you slit eye fucker. Hope he chokes to death on a piece of dog meat during dinner.

I second this.

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Infested with underages and ran by some absentee soup slurper. Fuck this.

enjoy ur ban faget

Nothing he said was wrong

Calm the fuck down, newfag. Jow Forums always does stupid shit like this on April Fool's Day.

Yeah but it's usually something that's actually fun or useful like [s4s] or the board mergers

This place has been Reddit since 2016. Are you seriously saying that a stupid april fools prank is what made you realize this, and not the fact that the quality of every board has degenerated into circljerks and Jow Forums shitposting? Or the fact that there's an overwhelming amount of obvious redditards who go around shitting on anything anime because 'LMAO Jow Forums ISNT AN ANIME WEBSITE GET FUCKED WEEBS /POL 4 EVR'?
None of that shit tipped you off even slightly?

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Sperging out that your interwebz forum got more goy over the years. Top kek.

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Oh that tipped me off as well. But this year's April Fool's shit is fucking garbage and is making it even more evident.

>tfw 48 threads hidden

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i don't want to live anymore if i can't have good k threads like the old days

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The candy teams are lazy and everyone immediately resorted to ‘le ebin racewar’ posting which is stale and cancerous.

>hurt durr this ain't Richard and Mortimer intellectual comedy
>minis being bitches like always
I can easily picture why we weren't included in the board merge last year.
Faggot cunts.

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>losing your shit this badly about something everybody will have forgotten two days from now
If you're this badly buttmad about silly things maybe you should go back to barfcom or something.

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