Mini is the worst one

>mini is the worst one
Not surprised

Attached: Penut Butter.png (1200x1000, 601K)

>Mini is loli
Works for me
~pomf =3~

Like hell it is

drawfags work fast

What other people than pedophiles enjoy mint?

Attached: Matara.Okina.full.2180091.jpg (1000x1414, 260K)

>Not liking smoll women
What are you, gay?

I mean... It could be argued chocolate is worse. But I see what you're driving at, and don't disagree.

Left to right

Okina is a shitty copy of a knockoff.
The only thing she ever did was make Yukari canonically stronger.

Attached: 49605100_p7.png (1000x1412, 747K)

Cream is objectively the best.


how can one man be so wrong?

Attached: 1500394656862.png (720x720, 131K)


Creme master race

Doesn't really matter when Yukari is more of a bonafide prostitute

Attached: Matara.Okina.full.2133280.jpg (1200x1600, 628K)

Those small tits work well with your small dicks


At least she didn't have to copy a grieving mother in an attempt to be relevant.

Attached: 53916162_p0.jpg (1032x1457, 1.32M)

i laughed

More like sufficiently developed.

Besides, everyone knows cookies and cream are the OTP.

Attached: Cookies-n-Cream-Ice-Cream-2.jpg (550x550, 89K)

Creme milky please give

Attached: apu-milk.png (778x512, 41K)

Some people say my small dick is cute! It barely even shows in panties!

All of them are great

Attached: 1522446772060.gif (336x200, 758K)


atleast I still got nuts and not just butter

Attached: 1496201449338.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

Mini is best

Attached: 1522571032678.png (358x713, 112K)

>Creme and Mini

Attached: chaquito.gif (477x348, 181K)

I will hang you from a fucking sapling I swear to Carver

>Want to download that neat exploitable glock pic
>Don't want a filthy team m*ni image tainting my pure hard drive
Sometimes living means hard choices, I suppose

>not recognising said picture
that's the state of peep

real talk, everyone has to see something for the first time. I really dont recognise that picture though, what is significant about it?

Ave, true to Creme-sar

(Un?)fortunately, I don't have the dick to match my preferences.

Truly, it is a blessing to have Creme

Team work replies?

Confirming that the score is based on neither dubs nor teamwork replies. Hershey squirts was at 2519 both before and after thia post.

Chocolate isn't even the thiccest one, how stupid.

Attached: goatifeelit.jpg (309x282, 48K)


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>peanut is a tan blonde
would breed/10

Notice that only Cream and Mini have hearts in their eyes for you.

I wanna blast my cream into Cream

cream truely is the best

Attached: cream_the_rabbit_by_ka1513_2.jpg (650x650, 180K)

>Leave for a few hours, come back to this shit
What the FUCK is going on here?

Attached: trump_frowning.jpg (800x533, 54K)

Attached: Trump-smug-AF.jpg (750x393, 142K)

It's easter and april fools

My thoughts exactly

peep best gril

*faping noises*

Fair enough, I guess that makes it okay.

Attached: e5cbfaeafe4792fd19b00856797de96d344f9c3c780174d8309d9bff820e095c.png (433x380, 176K)

This is true

Cream a best

am i what?


dat peanut butter
but I might be biased

rolling for creme

The fuck is this?



>Miniloli is the worst
You mean the best.


Attached: 1519163998184.jpg (960x540, 29K)

>peep is yellow
fuck yeah

>creme is first
>peep a close second
Based off your fan art I can live with that.

Also peep a fucking slut.

Some April 1st thing Im guessing.

hey fuck you buddy

Are you disgracing the name of fair peep? Feel free to duel you mongrel!

yea that mini looks pretty good if you ask me

ive still no fucking clue whats going on but down with creme
literally just got back from the middle of nowhere

Eat shit cremefag

Rating (improved) Left to right l
>10/10 6/10 7/10 10/10 0/10

I may be a Chocolate by birth, but I'm a cream by choice.

Attached: if you're brave enough.png (600x900, 154K)

Id fucking pound Creme or PB

usually I'd go for the loli but I'm with you on this one
except for that cream

Fucking bout to nut to this

>Minis are gunslinger girls
All other teams btfo

Attached: 1507462436654.png (600x842, 142K)

You're not wrong.

Attached: 1451510241801.png (735x864, 482K)

Look at her. Her body language is that of a dude who just woke up as a... chick... one morning.

ho shit i got quads, win for team mini!
check em faggots

Jow Forums inkarnate

But look at Creme and Mini's eyes. A waifu who doesn't love you is no waifu at all.

anime lover frogposter get out

>A L W A Y S R E P L Y T O P E E P P O S T S

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Attached: HAPPENING.png (474x137, 4K)

I'd creme in creme if you catch my drift

>Dat thicc creme


definitely not biased, peanut butter is the best.

The PEEP man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This PINK skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of central asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The PINK skin reminds us of our PINK, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The PEEP man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The PEEP penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the PEEP man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent PEEPISH seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the PEEP man impregnates.

In total, the PEEP man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All of this is the reason why the PEEP man is the epitome of masculinity.

Attached: 1513585609831.jpg (274x399, 43K)

Attached: 1522442352721.jpg (1276x2624, 1.33M)

Does peep have a pretty girl benis?

Attached: THE PEEP RISES.png (437x128, 4K)



Always reply to PEEP posts

Cream is the only deliciously thicc one allowed.

Shut up choconigger, you have no say in this matter

Not so fast pink faggot

>C A N ' T C A T C H M E N O W

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rolling for my team