How do you make sure your kids don't grow up to use one of your guns in a school shooting?

How do you make sure your kids don't grow up to use one of your guns in a school shooting?

Am I really going to need to lock up everything when I have children?

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Beat your child in a sensible manner.

Gun case or locks or something ya stupid fuck

Be a good parent.

Just be a good dad.
Practically every shooter had some sort of daddy issue or absent father, it's possibly the greatest contributing factor to violence and criminality.

as long as you're active in your kids' lives you have nothing to worry about.

Don't let your kids grow up to be democrats

My dad didn't lock his guns up and even though we were well adjusted kids and never shot up school when he would leave we would take his guns out and play with them.

>how do you make sure your kids don't grow up

Stopped reading there. Childkiller.

Dont be a bad father. No antidepressants.

homeschool them and then lock them up.

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Bullying is what is causing all this.
Not the guns.
Some countries in Europe have plenty of guns in the hands of youth. And no shootings.

guns were all over my family ranch and I never once considered shooting up the school. my parents didn't raise me to be a little monster though.

However, now that I have kids, all the guns go in the locked storage cabinet except the one under the bed with a trigger lock.

homeschooling = guaranteed weirdos

Don't have kids. shootings are what you're ok with?

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If you’re looking for serious replies, this is sound advice.
My father drilled firearm safety into my brain before I was even allowed to handle a firearm, never mind shooting one.
Also watching him disassemble, clean, reassemble, and then still handle the guns with caution helped me articulate how important firearm safety was as a child.
>is he afraid a bullet might somehow magically load itself?
>oh, that’s exactly what he’s afraid of
>I should do that too

back in the 70's you had access, hell some of my friends had their own guns.
school shootings are a millennial thing.

sure kid

basically this, raising him right will make all the difference...even if standards of living have fallen over the years in the US

Actually raise your kids, and provide a balance of emotional support and discipline. These shooters are the product of absentee dads and single moms who let their kids be raised by the TV. The kids never learned how to interact with people or manage their emotions in a healthy way.

Raising a kid is work: tiring, exhausting, no-end-in-sight hard labour, but despite all the struggle, it's worth it in the end when you know that you've guided a life through childhood and they've become a successful adult who is capable of managing their own life.

yeah but you are gonna let your kids shoot the guns right?

>These shooters are the product of absentee dads and single moms who let their kids be raised by the TV.
That and the fact that the setting that they are raised in is no longer tolerable by any margin. As in, when you have to live with a bunch of people who are insufferable and talk about inane bullshit everyday, whilst also dealing with high costs/work hours, your definitely going to go a bit insane.

there's a direct correlation between women entering the workforce and mass shootings.

Also a direct corelation between the amount of pirates and global warming.

Worked for me growing up

Same here,
It's amazing how you won't do something again after your parents use a belt on you.

take him shooting and hope he doesn't get bullied in high school

Using fear of force to ensure compliance, its almost like you are a nigger...

children need to be taught that they should follow rules because its ethical, not because they will get beat for not doing it

my parents never laid a hand on me growing up and now I'm a selfish degenerate narcissist.

Bullshit. You can explain to someone why certain rules should be followed, but at the end of the day if they just don't want to, it's all sorts of simple to come up with an ethical justification for not following them.

There is nothing wrong with spanking your child if they need it.

Raise them to be very moral from a very young start. Don't abuse them. If you are sure they are dangerously mentally ill, lock up your guns.

Maybe in the fuckin 80's if you didn't let him hang out with friends. Now kids can get social interaction through the internet and as long as you make him leave the damn house once and a while he won't be any weirder than you raise him to be.

I wish my parents beat me, maybe I'd be less fucked up

Be a good parent, and be a good parent alongside your wife while you raise them together. Do not abuse your children. Do not neglect your children. Give your children attention, love, and support.

That is literally all it takes to unfuck society.

Correlation =/= causation.

There is a correlation between firearm availability and school shootings, just like there is a correlation between bodies of water in the vicinity and drownings.

Do we assume that the bodies of water cause drownings? No, that's the fault of people that can't swim. Do we assume that firearms cause school shootings? No, that's disenfranchized young men who think they have no other options.

Learn this. Understand this. Correlation is meaningless without causative effect.

El atrocidad

To keep your own kids from doing it educate them and take them to the range with you. Get a safe because they are good security. Your kid's friends might not be so lucky to have this upbringing and might end up accidentally painting the walls with your kid's brains.

keep your holster on indoors.

>Am I really going to need to lock up everything when I have children?

Yes. Just good sense user. Locked room, locked safe trigger locks and drop the firing pins on anything you are not shooting regularly.

I was obsessed with frearms from about age 9 and I used sneak out my fathers deer rifle when I was 10 or 11, load it and look through the scope at passers by. Think about that

The bad news is most kids end up fucked up before they're 5 due to poor socialization. Also the internet isn't really socialization in the useful sense of not being a dick to people irl or being able to read social cues to shut the fuck up about your glocks. Early intervention and social interaction with other children is the difference between autists and autists that function, as well as between fucking mallninja psychos and CEOs.

It's simple: Don't have kids.

Ethics is simply a generalized cost-benefit strategy, and typically requires examples to illustrate its generality. Such as a beating.

This is basic philosophy.

It always seems to be team peanut butter with the best posts


Ok don't let them grow up to get a bowlcut and/or be democrats.


I got slapped across the face a few times and belted and also had my ass hammered by an old wooden tennis racquet.

Turned out alright.

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That and their singe mother thinks the best solution is to dope them up on legal speed like it won't cause any problems.

>now kids can get social interaction through the internet
And that works so well for this board.

Teach them about morality you fags, killing children is wrong and violates the NAP. Also nake sure to socialize then early so that they can get friends.

It really does work though


At least you'll always be present if he tries to shoot up the "school"

also, tell them to stand up for themselves instead of being a bitch and going on a mass killing spree.

if they're weak, teach them how to fight

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Make sure you teach your kiddo respect, and make sure he works. Growing up I got bullied a lot in middle school, but as soon as I went into HS i started training to be an EMT (eventually went as an ER tech cause im a tard)

Use the belt, teach your kiddo gun safety, and make him work


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I got beat when I fucked up, I'm now a professional engineer with 3 million in assets and investments at 30. same with my friends who also got beats, lawyers, doctors, high earning trades.
friends who did not get beat are drop outs or min wage earners, constantly blaming others for their failures

You thinking that the internet is a proper substitute for human social interaction makes me believe you’ve never had any social life yourself, or that you’re still 15 or something. Go away.

Don't have white children.

I got beat when I didn't agree with my mother hard enough. I'm now a wagecuck that jerks off to dead cartoon animals. Find a balance OP don't make another fuckup.

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You're a real American, not one of those cuck ''elites'' who flies around on private jets and gets the best of everything.


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>Don't racemix
>Don't abandon your family
>Don't completely disgard raising and teaching the kids
You have to be a royal fuckup in order to get a school shooter kid.

Wasn't the parkland guy's parents dead? But I agree teaching self confidence is good.


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