Only one team helps shape perfect muscles. All the other help shape obesity and diabeetus

Only one team helps shape perfect muscles. All the other help shape obesity and diabeetus.
Post Peanut Butter waifus

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What team am I?

Gay team

When will PB cucks learn?

I forgot which team I'm on

>Peanutbutterfag's ideal body

Attached: images (59).jpg (443x332, 14K)

>insulin injections
When will peepcucks learn?

Chocolate ebony goddesses will reign supreme

Attached: 1bd3484af7920fdd5c05afe1f4a46faa.jpg (500x529, 43K)

fuck off dindu

The winning one

This years April fools seems pretty lame

That body looks aesthetic (note: not sexy) until you see the monkey face

Attached: B6AFD956-EE0F-42D9-A2AA-8FD0EF671425-15932-0000157F905E7219.jpg (480x360, 20K)

You literally make me vomit.

Peanut butter confirmed for best team with best weapons

I've gotta say last year's was much comfier

Rather have the beetus than be forced to eat that gypsy grease.

I never knew peeps were so salty...

Letting the side down my melanin enriched brethren

team phone poster apparently

Wait so how is our team determined?

I want her to ride me Amazon style.

I want to be conscripted to team PB

90% sure its based off your IP address

what team are you?

Fucking PB cucks, this is all you faggots get

Attached: Diane_Nguyen.png (151x500, 65K)

>Khazar Milkers

Attached: image.jpg (960x1280, 197K)

It doesn't get much better than creme, senpai. Convert or die.

what team am i?

Chocolate is best. Better than pb.

What team am I?


I like cubby curves.

whys that dude wearing a bra

What team am I?

It's worth the paper bag to put over her head.

Low res crud. We can do better.

who's this dude? he's got a great set of boltons

if her eyes were 2mm further apart she would be objectively perfect

how has this not been posted yet

Our queen

the booty shaking at the end in slow motion was nice

would fuck

idc if she's weird she's at least able to find humor in things that aren't normal. i like her more than the 'normal' girls that probably laughed at her and made fun of her

i don't even mean this in a bleeding heart silly gay way, she's probably way cooler. when she gets to college she'll be awesome.

Damn. At least we were blessed by LMT while it lasted

No idea what team I am/was on, but OP has the right idea.

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