How the British react to mortars:

How the British react to mortars:

How Americans react to mortars:

What is it in a nation's cultural evolution that causes them to become cowards?

Attached: military at parliament.jpg (900x1200, 296K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>well drilled, experienced and professional infantry who have years of experience in combat

>guys who work in the motor pool and ride desks

Come on. If you fired mortars at guys from a Marine or US Army Infantry unit you'd get the same reaction as the Brits gave. Likewise, if you mortared the shit out of the Royal Sillybilly Corps you'd get the same reaction as the American REMFs.

>the Royal Sillybilly Corps

Attached: 1515653560223.gif (315x242, 3.44M)

>well drilled, experienced and professional infantry who have years of experience in combat

>guys who work in the motor pool and ride desks

Citation needed, reddit spacer

>jacko you aight m8?
I fucking love the bongs.

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You know you're not the first person to make this thread, yes?

>Fuckin' hell! Excuse my language.

I have never ever seen a Grunt react in the way you posted.
We all laughed at how absurd it all was, the POGs were scared and visibly so.

If anecdotal evidence is all we have, mine cancels out yours and we've reached a stalemate

Just disappointed that the lads didn't get a brew on.

Brits: "Alright Lands. Anyone for a game of UNO?"

Attached: index.jpg (227x222, 13K)

americans are naturally cowards. that what happens when you found a nation with religious zealots that were too crazy for Europe.

You just have to look at typical American attitudes to human progress to see how they are genetically predisposed to fear.


>What is it in a nation's cultural evolution that causes them to become cowards?


The country was founded on cowardice. The first president ran from every fight he could and preferred to kill people on Christmas.

I can't wait until America falls into the dustpan of history and the European Union to take it's place as a superpower.

Dont you have a knife to bin, bong?

At least I'm not getting shot just going to school faggot.

And the leader of my country isn't a fucking embarrassment.

British are master race at warfare. They always were and always will be. The rest of the world just need to appreciate that.

This. Kek.

Teresa May isn't an embarrassment? Also you are a no guns by default go to light m8.

white british?
what a fucking ancient video

I know this is a troll thread but I'll post a real story anyways
>be inna desert
>near the bad guys
>we take a mortar shell a little ways off from us
>lightning no strike same spot twice
>new team leader grabs his rifle and sprints towards the crater
>we all wtf and watch this happen
>he realizes how retarded he is and comes back
>we collectively decide it's probably a good idea to go inside the mosque for cover
>talk shit about the new team leader and muslims about 20m from an as of yet uncleared ied that had ran out of battery

Totally. Hard to believe they didn't get BTFO by the Americans in the 1700's.

we aren't that bad

Weak bait. It's remarkable though how much America thinks that was a huge success. We literally don't talk about it here because nobody cares. The French saved you deserters. Also you've literally won zero conflicts (let alone wars) on your own. Reality check budget friend.

>posts even weaker bait

Hows that acid burn on your face healing, cumguzzler?

Whats that, you've overtaken new york in murder rates? Sucks.

>Implying the leader of your country isn't a laughing stock.

School shooting are a statistical anomaly, and Sharia May is an embarrassment

This, your average Americans is too radical for Europe so they decided to start their own nation. Through luck they beat the greatest empire the world has ever seen.

Well sweet pea blokes.
I just got done shooting my AK47 out back..dumped a drum mag and then pulled out my AMERICAN 45 and put it back in its holster. I then turned on my TV..which i don't have a license for. I don't have a license for my guns either...know why...cause I'm a fucking american. I'm so bout you try invading me...ohh wait you can't because you are

LE 43% English now

Go bin that knife faggot.

White Europeans are literally not going to exist in 2 generations and will be minorities in 1. You’re committing suicide

>tfw 'bait' is historically accurate.

Attached: 1484856993169.png (560x408, 312K)

Take a look at your own demographics American. White Europeans are becoming an endangered species there too.

I want to be a fucking American so bad

>European Union to take it's place as a superpower.

Haha. Bait.

>british soldiers hide under armored tank
>american soldiers in a presumably flammable building
I'm not sure the comparison here makes sense.

t. 56% mud.

The USA is going to turn into South-Africa and you know it.

A brit calling americans sissies omg the irony

Attached: US VS BRIT vsmuslim.jpg (1024x704, 103K)

> royal sillybilly corps

Im pretty sure those lads are REME, i.e Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. So not an infantry or combat role by any stretch.

He says, while theres another thread up about a tranny in the US army. Pic related.

Attached: 1522591882871.jpg (960x1280, 96K)

>The French saved you deserters.
The French only got into the American Revolution in the first place because they how well the American rebels were doing against the Brits and saw that there was a good opportunity to fuck with England in the process. This was the same France that was in debt due to the French and Indian War (which pretty much caused the French Revolution) and wouldn't waste money on anything that would be an outright waste, like saving the Ass of the American rebels if they were being handily defeated by the Brits.

Why are (((Angloboos))) such blatant liars?

Attached: ((((Anglos)))).jpg (720x485, 55K)


That’s why we’ve had so many horrific extremist ideologies commit atrocities in our country right? We started several world wars as well, right? Oh wait, we didn’t. The Eurofags did all of that, and they still have the gall to call themselves anything other than barbarians, nihilists, postmodernists, and lazy bastards. I’m proud everyday that I don’t live in a country that is willingly subjecting itself to cuckery on every level. Take a knife and slit your wrists. If you're an asian or a slav all of the above still apply. The old world is full of horseshit, and I’m glad my ancestors left it a long fucking time ago, so I can proudly claim that my ties to that region of the world is minimal. Americans are the only non-subhumans on the face of this Earth. By the way, those “religious zealots” left Europe because they were tired of the same degenerate wars and self-fellating philosophy that have plagued Europe for hundreds of years. They were wise to leave. Calling quakers “religious zealots” when lunatics like Oliver Cromwell and Bloody Mary we’re practically the norm in jolly old England is laughable. If you want a real treat, check out the last time someone was charged under blasphemy laws in the UK and compare it to the last time something similar happened in the US. Go eat your queen out you fucking degenerate. If your French or German, suck Mehmet off. If you’re Chinese, go eat a dog. If you’re Australian, have fun being a chink colony. Fuck you.

Ha ha ha! This thread. Oh you Europeans.

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>The Eurofags did all of that
don't lump the Germans in with the rest of Europe

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>I'm not getting shot just going to school faggot.
And neither are 99.99999% of people in the US.

>We literally don't talk about it here because we're still butt hurt about our empire collapsing

Yeah, we know.

Right, because the subversive politics and underhanded alliance dealing didn’t run deep with everyone involved. Im sure the Russians were quite fussed about an opportunity to take the holy city of Constantinople. I’m sure the French didn’t have any revanchist tendencies over Alsace Lorraine. Also, forgive me if I’m mistaken, but wasn’t the declaration of war that started the First World War given by the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Also, the poisonous ideology (fascism) which rejected peace as impossible was started in Italy.

Say that to my face bitch

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Yeah, but our tranny is hot and also not a Muslim.