Other urls found in this thread:
He balances his objectivity with crippling autism, fantastically stupid made up acronyms, and most offensive of all, being legendarily boring.
I watch multi hour long videos all the time from people with a triple digit IQ who keep the relevant information flowing. I can not watch him, however, because Nutn' simply can not get to the goddamn point. It appears that the only thing he knows how to do is beat around the bush.
Honestly any time I find anyone who professes to be a Nutn' fan I deduct ten IQ points from my estimate of their intelligence. The lack of development needed to think of that man as being profound or interesting indicates that the majority of his fans are one concussion away from licking windows.
>mini using reddit spacing
Sheepdug rerportin in
it's copypasta from you-tube so... there's that.
counting ounces,
Only MEN from Team PeaNUT Butter can be true sheepdawgs
all other teams fuck off
sheepdawgs are stupid. nutn' is a fucking mongoloid and you are retarded too for liking him.
is he our guy?
Nut 5 standing by
I don't dislike nutn tbqh, he's seems more real than a lot of gun youtubers, though he is a turbo autist
It's Shepderrg you moron
He usually has one decent point, which he stretches out over 45 minutes
Did his son die? Why would anyone take a picture of that?
Let alone post it on the internet?
peanut bois never die, they only fade away
I don’t understand the hate this dudes gets. He has a different style than most gun YouTubers that find interesting.
His wife miscarriaged. Nutn actually posted that image in one of his videos. I don't remember which one.
Trim your nails faggot
Jesus christ that is just exceptional. I find uploading it less retarded than posing for a picture of your dead newborn.
Like what do you do with such a picture? Put it in a frame and place it near the pictures of your family? Here is Franky: He was born dead so we do not have more pictures of him.
>Like what do you do with such a picture?
Mormons do weird shit dude.
He's a mormon?
He lives in Utah so there is always a possibility.
Better version
more like moron get it
I really want someone to whip out their dick during a gear check. Is that too much to ask for?
Nutnderp dump finished
this, wisdom only a mini could proclaim.
>now i cant say that id use it for POF WHROL POV FDE first cool SHTF FHTS but i know there are guys who will want this for second cool
>last place
stay mad faggot
minis are taking first before the days end
when is nuttin going to do a full review of the P365?
Obligatory M1 post
Daughter. it was his daughter
You need a certain level of maturity to enjoy and digest the content of Nutnfancy's stuff.
He actually has alot of really solid angles, takes and observations, but most people can only palate something if it's all high speed low drag operater pseudo cinematic bullshit.
His content is basically just a podcast with video, and that's part of why it's so good. He doesn't do it for entertainment, he does it to share knowledge.
Thing is, podcast/livestream style content is shit in terms of signal to noise ratio. In the hour it takes to watch Nut'n beat himself off to make one point, you could watch a half dozen videos where they get directly to the point without vlogging.
Nutn is definitly aut but he's funny and has a lot of good takes. Kiddies on Jow Forums just like to bitch cause he's a goofy nigga
I like that Nutn is out there, and the dude has a good heart, but he is too clark griswold for me lol
I honestly only hate him because 40 minutes for a video is pants on head retarded. If you can't spit it out in under 10, you're an idiot.
Yes. His daughter died when she was born. In the video he says that he took a picture of it because if you're trying to document your life you should document the bad times along with the good.
I know it's Jow Forums, but i've always found the people picking on him for this to be pretty despicable. Dude opened up a very private part of his life with his viewers, and people shit on him for it in a corner of the internet he's probably never even heard of. It's kind of a downer when you really think about it.
I tend to binge watch his shit on nights when I have insomnia. Or behind a video game or something. Other than that I don't really have the patience to watch his 50 minute videos on why the AUG doesn't match up to the AR-15 or whatever.
I can't image how terrible a person you are to mock someone having a miscarriage
Videos are informative and too long, but he's fallen so behind on new guns.
Proper paragraph spacing for compete statements is reddit spacing?
I suppose you didn't go to college?
no one even asked your inane opinion kid. go watch cartoons
As much as Jow Forums teases him, his two part Garand series was great.
It's an acquired taste. Keep in mind many people, especially on this board, are complete spazzes with the attention span that would make a goldfish look attentive. The thing I like about his reviews is how he approaches things from a pretty level and practical position. He also actually shoots the guns he talks about, unlike most of Jow Forums.
Too many kiddies just swallow the load of the first dude with a beard who strokes their favorite gun from cod or whatever the new fps is these days.
Sucks how every thread turns into a couple creeps cackling over a dead baby whenever a nutn thread shows up
jesus christ everything about this
>posting photos of your miscarriage
>people being 2edgy asshats about it
honestly I get taking pictures of bad things that happen but don't post it for the public
>"and this is a picture of me with my daughter right after she drowned in our pool. Bad times with the good amirite?"
Who the fuck does stuff like this?
cause stating how fucked up someone has to be is to take a picture and PUT IT IN A YOUTUBE VIDEO is totally "cackling over a dead baby"
fucking neck yourself 'sheepdog'
We're not mocking him for his wife's miscarriage, we're mocking him for being such an autistic faggot that he posed for a photo of his wife's miscarriage and uploaded it onto YouTube.
There's a whole lot of Nutn samefagging itt.
And yet here we all are, posting on Jow Forums you sperg.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand...
Pfft trying to write it off as if it doesn't get spammed full of fucked up nasty comments. I can understand a dead baby joke or two if it's an abstract thing but yanking an image of a person in that context and cracking jokes off about it is just pathetic. I'd still think it's a fucked up shitty thing to do even if it were hitler and his cousin or whoever he was dating and their baby. Sometimes when people are effected by something they do things that don't make sense. It's like when people get embarrassed and then do even more embarrassing things and dig a deeper hole. It's just plain shitty to take something out of context like that and act like a bunch of savages having a gleeful time about it.
How the fuck did he get into the airforce to begin with?
The man can barely contain his autism long enough to get the intro lines of his videos out before he say or do something retarded in most of his videos.
>did he go to college
user... What website do you think you're on right now?
I know teams are over but you would be a creme fag
there re some seriously Leftist fucks LARPing as human beings in this thread