>Gunstore doesn't let you disassemble milsurp before buying
>Gunstore doesn't even let you test the trigger
Gunstore doesn't let you disassemble milsurp before buying
>Gunstore isn't a small to medium sized business
>gunstore won't let you load the gun at the counter
>gunstore won't let you test fit your pecker in the chamber
>gunstore owner keeps egging me on about some under the table shit in the basement
>there's no gay sex at all, it's just unregistered NFA shit and gambling
>OP lowkey starting a shadbase thread
patrician choice
>Gunstore wont sell me a phased plasma pistol in the 40W range.
>he hasn't given the shop enough businesses to just go behind the counter and look at whatever he wants
>help other customers for more discounts
Am I the fud?
That sounds like a ton of fun.
You sir, are a model American. God bless
>LGS employee mad at me briefly flagging people with their shitty Mosin after I had already removed the bolt and left it on the counter
shit irritates me too user. some fags just take safety too far.
>be fucking autistic about triggers and guys at my LGS know it
>always get look of disapproval whenever I fingerfuck a gun because I won't even consider buying it if I can't dry fire it a few times
nice try atf
Fuck you, asshole
I hate the employees who won’t let to test the trigger, and then when I come in next time and ask a different employee he’ll look at me like I’m retarded and go
“Uh, actually dryfiring a pistol is fine man”
I fucking know, tell your coworkers that
Just what you see, Pal
i dont know much about the shadman but the amount of blur and CA he adds to his images is sickening
I don’t know how his shit has become so prolific. At least it is itself a meme now.