Attached: 25498019_1559310937494593_7066888456876793536_n.jpg (960x842, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

literally a joke


Can you blame them? They just want porn on their website


fuck off OP

>a site that encourages interracial sex and general degeneracy takes down 2A videos

Literally nobody is surprised


Attached: 8979865322.png (625x626, 42K)

>implying implications

Stop making us look retarded

Porn is degenerate and has no place alongside the nobility of firearms.

Attached: 1484856993169.png (560x408, 312K)

Where'd you find that?
Just because of the day you assume?


you retards do realize that as cultural war progresses, bestiality and CP will be more respected than gun videos, right?

I know it's a joke, but is this a possibility in the future? Since other companies are banning gun content due to fear of lawsuits, is it likely Pornhub will do the same.

Was waiting for this to happen. Pornhubs owned by liberals.

>A Jew run industry's website bans guns
Wowee what a shocker

>peep team being retards
Nobody is surprised indeed.

I can't find a source on this anywhere else.

Are we really surprised though?

>pornhub bans things that are not porn from their service
the absolute STATE of americans

>1st april
>Jow Forums takes the bait as always

Attached: 1395801928679.jpg (440x398, 34K)

>bestiality and CP will be more respected
this has been the slippery slope argument about everything as far as i can remember, and bestiality has only become criminalized in more places and getting caught on imgsrc or something has never not been a life-ender

I can’t take this seriously with those censored gun girl pictures. A real article wouldn’t have put in joke photos. I mean c’mon.

I'm not sure why anyone trusts anything on April 1st. Unless it's something no one would joke about, like a big assassination or something, there's no point in believing it until it still exists tomorrow.

You're all fucktards its april first you fucking mongs, they're still up. in fact it seems some other people are posting gun videos now too...

wtf its april 1st? i thought it was still mar 32rd

honestly after a certain point on april 1st I forget it's still this stupid fucking day

>moron falls for something as easy to detect as an april fools
The absolute state of nu-Jow Forums


I think it's sort of irresponsible when news organization post fake articles. Especially since alot of countries don't really practice it and those people can get confused.

Yeah it's irresponsible but they do it year round

Attached: seinfeld battle sequence.webm (1024x819, 2.33M)

Inb4 Ian and Carl announce plans to do their future videos in the nude.

So fake and gay its nothing but a pile of your dad's dildos

>president trump wants to ban bumpstocks
>pornhub bans firearm videos
2018 is bananas.

>President Donald Trump is in critical condition in an undisclosed hospital after a masked gunman shot him with a High Point 45mm Silenced sniper rifle.
>The gunman abandoned his sniper rifle when he fled the scene. When police cornered him, he turned his backup weapon, a 12 caliber Celtic assault shotgun, on himself. Officers say he fired both barrels into his head and died in seconds.
>An internet white supremacist organization has released a statement claiming responsibility. While the identity of the group is not clear at this writing (the statement appears to be written by multiple authors, and refers to the group as "\K\ommando Militia" and "Creme Supreme!", among other titles), it does appear to be an offshoot of Anonymous. >The only clues to the group's motive are a claim in their statement to "kill a traitor before an enemy" and several references to importation of "Vintorez" and "Val". (Russian words for industrial equipment used in production of nuclear reactors.) Experts speculate the group may be backed by Russian interests, and that Trump may have reneged on an agreement to sell nuclear technology in exchange for Russian support in the 2016 election.

Explain pic related

I am skeptical.

Attached: Gun-Chick-2.jpg (640x640, 178K)

Nice try

Trips of truth.

its april fools you idiots.

Happy April fools

why the pixels? that doesn't look like a jap gun.

Who the fuck cares
>Using Pornhub for gun-porn

Pornhubs based in Canada, what did you expect?

bestiality already is, BLACKED exists

>it's irresponsible but they do it year round
That's the good old American spirit.


Attached: 1516567583458.jpg (910x512, 56K)

>april fools
>implying pornhub would fuck over a new user base to give them more ad revenue, after verifying InRangeTV
this is why you're number 4 peanut

Liveleak next?

lawsuits? how. I really want to know how you could sue someone for hosting firearm related content. is there some BS law recently put in place or?

Pornhub won't ban gun videos

>is there some BS law recently put in place or?

Allegedly a lot of the sudden shifts in TOS for YouTube and Reddit have been because of FOSTA/SESTA. FOSTA/SESTA is supposed to be an anti-sex trafficking law, but it looks like it will be overriding Batzel v Smith and making content hosts liable for third party content.

youtube's hosting the bideo

But they'll allow this.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1600x900, 363K)

it's not that they allow it, it's that it's unstoppable

How long until we get gunbunnies/gunwhores doing naked 3 gun and high recoil rifle shooting for their pornhub firearm channels?

Attached: 1505343803496.png (1080x1920, 1.78M)

What happened to Ice-T?

he has hollow bone syndrome so instead of bouncing off his skull a .22 just kinda embedded itself in there

need source of pic, so I can avoid this shitty ammo.


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Really makes you wonder (((who))) is behind porn and the attack on the second amendment.

The Jews already create beastiality porn with BLACKED and similar disgusting garbage. It’s made at a complete loss and has never generated a profit, yet they still make it anyways and force it on people everywhere.

Space Marine just got through his first century of service.


Where do these pictures come from?

wat? pls spoonfeed a newfag. pls.

already posted your comment to normie book. how does it feel to write fake news? get ready for cnn reporters and newfags.

almost as if it was written that way on purpose..........

>gun traps shoot the target then blast it with their load...

Attached: feinstein.gif (200x222, 1.08M)

Attached: pornhub jewish symbols.png (750x1334, 414K)

Ah (((Pornhub)))

The same porn site which restricted heterosexual content for a full day to "celebrate" National Women's Day. No lie.

Attached: jews and pornography.png (744x4661, 712K)

No u

April fools.

Never thought I'd side with a Peep.

I do hope the guy comes out alright.

Attached: Ponk Grill.png (680x579, 179K)

feels like... I AM OF RUSSIAN BOT

How anyone could fall for this is beyond me. Also, story on the pic?

Yeah sure I'm going to believe a fake news site that wants me to sign up for it's subscription.

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IIRC it was a cop in Dallas that got hit through his ACH.

>the apanese ass thumbnail video has the most views

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No homo I would pin her/him against a wall and rape for days. Then drug and keep as actual slave. To rape another time.

Attached: A15F5E2B-19A7-4EE2-B8D2-19E13B715506.jpg (800x600, 130K)

wew lad, tone it down a bit there


Hmmm. Combining my two favourite things, guns and degenerate sex. I like it.

>AR15 bolt in pooper.
(shit quality I know)

get the fuck off my progressive board Nazis

One day you're gonna get tired of responding to everyone's post and crying Jow Forums. One day you're just gonna give up, accept it and take it like the lil bitch you are lmao


Come back when its 04/02 you shit

Remy Lecroix did this already.

Make it trannies and the lefties will be confused.

Attached: trap shooting.jpg (1445x1610, 1.16M)

its april first i don't believe this.