Best CC methods

>not carrying two pistols, one on each hip, for symmetry so it doesnt look odd
>not investing on flesh colored, squishy outer holsters in case your shirt rides up
Its like you want to get outed

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appendix carry or you're doing it wrong

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I want to be that one guy with multiple regular holsters, a boot gun, a little .22 derringer tucked under my balls, a razor blade hidden in my hat, and a big-ass knitting needle sewn inside of my coat.

shoulder holster is sexiest but least practical

Attached: 1518477072935.jpg (1200x675, 141K)

I’ve carried a full size pistol and a pocket 380 on occasion just to be silly.

this is the ideal carry setup

Attached: ddocelot.webm (900x506, 2.66M)

>flesh colored, squishy holsters
You know they sell those on Amazon right? It's just listed under adult toys&games.

In all seriousness, AIWB prints much worse than 3 o clock for me, and is very uncomfortable when sitting

>occupation: airport security
Didn't realize how much i needed that laugh until it happened.

Don't mind me I just wanna see what team I am

>flesh colored outer holster

Just wear a black undershirt you pleb

>AIWB prints much worse than 3 o clock for me
how? either you're doing AIWB very wrong or you must have some really bizarre body type. 3 oclock and behind the hip are the worst for printing.

i'm sorry, you're team Creep

Attached: 1518476023238.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

>be not fat
Appendix will print because it protrudes forward from your abdomen
>be in shape and have some lats / shoulders
3 o'clock will not print because you will have space below your ribs as your waist tapers in.

I carry a full size AREX at 3 o'clock concealed.

Atleast I'm not team nigger

I usually carry appendix under a baggy shirt, or string side OWB with a hoodie over it. I live in Philly currently, but I have my LTC so I can carry open or concealed, I just conceal well enough to defeat a cursory glance. Outside city limits, OC because OWB holsters are comfier. SIG P226, by the way.

What? AIWB prints worse for fat people because their gut pushes the gun against their shirt. Its best for skinny people because with a good holster the gun is hidden behind the drape of your shirt.

Sounds like you've got a shit set up or are doing it wrong.

Fat guys can appendix just well. Jake here will get more in depth with the science behind it.

I thought he was going to carry it horizontal to the floor or pointed to the floor with the grip in the bellybutton

Nope. His g17 is rusted to fuck from him carrying it so much.

Blacc is whacc
