>living in Austria where you can legally obtain guns, but not carry a gun with you
I fucking hate this.
Living in Austria where you can legally obtain guns, but not carry a gun with you
Can you st lest keep them in your home, or do they have to be kept in some official location like the range?
You can keep them locked up at home.
can u carry a taser or spray?
Sprays can be owned and carried by adults without registration or permission
Specific taser are illegal in Austria, but not all. It only depends on the strength of the shock and the distance.
>be foreign citizen chillin' in Vienna
>can't own guns at all
It's almost wack.
Well, that’s better than some places I guess.
Yup, one of the most liberal countries in Europe when it comes to guns. I still see almost no reason to own a gun this way, except for home intruders.
That sucks big time.
Could be worse. You could be NJ.
>Live in Norway
>Can't own full automatic guns nor guns used for military purposes
>Strictly illegal to own or carry pepper spray, taser, nunchucks etc (any self defense weapon basically)
Could be worse, bro
>>be foreign citizen
>That sucks big time.
Definitely. I really like the city of Vienna and the country in general. If the gun laws were more like CZ's, I would consider living here full time.
>living in Austria where you can legally obtain guns, but not carry a gun with you
>don't need to carry a gun because it's not a nigger-infested hell like the US is
abbos need to be gassed and bombed tho.
>selects pic of suicide with a Beretta
>Austrian finished by Italian
Do something about it. I'm American, you can't touch me son :^)
You austrians have it better than us germans, I'm planning to study in austria because all EU citizens can own guns there.
this is why i no longer care about the NRA. when was the last time they did shit for NJ?
Is the Czech Republic still based?
If you can speak Czech
You got weaponized vjs
Can you own old military surplus bolt actions or is it like Sweden?
They can't own their own country's M96 mausers.
Move to the Czech republic for superior Czechology
>no reason to own a gun this way
What about hunting? Target shooting? I still see many reasons to have a gun even it it's licked up.
most of Jow Forums doesnt actually like guns and only wants one out of fear of niggers
>soon can't own semi autos and have to turn them in
Good luck homo
I personally don't like doing shit with my guns. I like to keep myself safe and that's it, even though I'd probably pussy out in every single dangerous situation anyway.
Which is also a perfectly valid reason to own guns.
>home intruders
>"hang on i gotta unlock it sometimes it gets stuck!"
>home intruders.
have you considered buying a lock for your door? i have one. it seems to keep the abbos out
>ACTUALLY keeping it locked up at home
What am I, stupid?
>actually taking the chances for no reason whatsoever
See above
>I personally don't like doing shit with my guns.
The state of Jow Forums
>I have a WBK
>only 2 semi auto funs allowed
>99% of fully semi-auto rifles are banned anyway
>tfw I suck at shooting pistols
>tfw when a basic bitch ar15 costs atleast 1700€
I...I can buy a mosin when I'm 18
Stay in shitsvile dumbfuck. We don't want your kind here in the States. The bongs might accept you since you're fellow commies
i fucking nailed it in
can't deny it. what the fuck has my life become when i am nostalgic for old Jow Forums