Can someone please explain this team thing that's going on right now?

Attached: The Shining.png (707x531, 269K)

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lurk moar

April fools day...

Browse for two seconds and look at the date you fucking retard

This has been a shocking insight into the number of clueless mobileposters.

>what's happening
>oh I know instead of fucking looking around for clues like any halfway intelligent person would do I'll make YET ANOTHER FUCKING THREAD about it

no u

Social experiment. "Teams" are randomly assigned to an IP address. Then they let you fight each other with no provocation and get paid to analyze the results.



Attached: 1499823187277.gif (245x240, 499K)

peep peep peep peep pizza

Huh, so it is. Honestly, I'm not even THAT mad. As long as they only do it about once every, I dunno, five years. This was kinda fun, but they did push some good threads to the abyss.
Gook Moot makes some bank, and this "social experiment" will only work if were willing to participate AND unaware, at least for long enough to generate some valid data.
Plus, excluding IPs, were still anonymous. so double blind study.
Just hope they don't make a habit out of it.

Team____ is best team. Fight me girl, nerd

this whole thing is fucktarded

apparently you are hella gay

its gay

t. Cremefag

Not surprised.


Randomly assigned "teams" to poster IP, every 15 minutes a RNG is run assigning each team a point value within a certain(common) set range and the rankings are updated.

Pretty much one huge april fools joke to get everybody fucking about and balkanizing while futily attempting to influence the results. Seems to be working pretty well.

I'm glad there are intellectuals on Team Peanut Butter. All the other teams are straight tards.

Yeah, I did sorta notice a trend. I wounder if there was any geographic bias to the team assignment.
If they did actually use us as lab rats, I'd really like to see the data.
If the team assignment was totally random, this could show a lot about how hierarchy sows behavioral trends. At least on Jow Forums, PB seemed the least provocative, and we were losing pretty much the entire time. White and brown were bad color choices though, because of the obvious race parallels.

Ooo, look, we get a prize!

Attached: Screenshot (26).png (1366x768, 193K)

The prize better be a month ban so they can stop and look at their life.

Mini is best team

What team thing?

Did you not click for your prize?