Why are pj's hated in the SOF community?

why are pj's hated in the SOF community?

I meant PJ spec ops

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is that Avril?

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Because chairforce memes dont hold up aganst the fact of PJs

what's an avril?

what's the fact of the pj's

Why would they be hated? arent they responsible for getting their ass out of there?

I haven't heard of them being hated. In fact I've heard nothing but good things about them. Combat controllers on the other hand...

A Canadian MILF. I think most people hate nickelback because they're jealous she was with chad. that and his name is chad.

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Because PJ's are glorified Medics. They're like Navy Corpsman that jump from planes. That's it. They're not spec ops.

entertain my ignorance on why AFCCs are hated

avril is not a milf she has no chillen

>be me, regular chair force nobody
>a group of PJs are coming to our building to borrow a couple of our cars for an exercise or something
>everyone is freaking out about it
>people are cleaning the building
>one guy brought in his old deployment OCP boogie and put it on his desk
>another guy checked out an OTV from supply and put it by his desk
>I got yelled at for watching RuePaul's Drag Race in the break room because my boss didn't want the PJs to think "we're a bunch of fucking fruits or anything"
>they showed up, took the keys, and drove off in under 30 seconds
>made no notice of literally anything
>now everyone in the office is telling everyone that they worked with PJs

I hate the Air Force sometimes...

Because PJs aren't SOF but they have the best advertising in the USAF so everybody thinks they are.

Youre not exactly wrong but the way you said its misleading. Most PJs are not SOF but a handful of them fall under AFSOC. Same at TACP and maybe SOWT, not sure on the last one.

This. Ambiguous terms like "battlefield airmen" and "air commando" aside, special operations in the Air Force refers more to the airframes like the AC-130 or Pave Hawk rather than specific career fields.
You could be the most boot fuck admin troop, but get stationed at Cannon AFB and boom, you're in Special Operations Command now


Real nigga tales

Being attached to AFSOC doesn't make you a special operator any more than being attached to SPACECOM makes you an astronaut. PJs are rescue medics that throw up in helicopters and land their parachutes off DZ. Everybody thinks they're hot shit because they have lots of TV shows and such on account of never actually having real operations to conduct because the USDOD has gotten the hang of keeping people from getting lost and captured in middle-eastern asymmetric warfare.

I could fill a fucking book with all the dumb shit the people I work with do...

Any time someone says "Hooah" I have to restrain myself from making a loud gagging sound

>Watching RuPaul's drag race
Well to be fair you are a fucking fruit. Lemme guess, personnel?

You're missing out on tip top gay drama user, it's funny to watch when you're bored

Yeah no way am I giving them any ratings for the normalization of cross dressers.

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