Hey guys, they're classifying anything semi-automatic as an assault weapon in this ban. Look it up

Hey guys, they're classifying anything semi-automatic as an assault weapon in this ban. Look it up.

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Attached: Screenshot_20180401-203035.png (1440x2560, 259K)

Bigger chance it will fail

I really hope so, this is going kind of overboard. They're even attempting to ban revolvers.

Attached: Screenshot_20180401-203032.png (1440x2560, 261K)

It has a 0 percent chance of passing


>A semiautomatic shotgun that has anyone of the following
>a grenade or a rocket launcher

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good. hope it sparks a civil war.

>phone poster


It has no chance.

>A second pistol grip
>On a pistol

I want to believe they caught wind of AR pistols, but I don't doubt that they just assume Glocks with forward grips is a thing.

>Nobody is trying to ban your self defense pistols
>But only as long as you carry a Colt SAA or an 1851 Navy.

And this is allready illegal without a stamp.

What if they banned everything and we just refused to comply?

No it isn’t. Atf was BTFOd in court.

Where can I get a rocket launcher attachment for my shotgun before the ban boys?

It won't, they'll probably grandfather people who have banned shit and the good ol fuck yall I got mine aditude will keep the plebs calm, their children or grandchildren will voluntarily surrender their evil weapons of death that their backwards parents or grandparents clung to. The left is willing to play the long game.

I've already called my congressmen and told them that these measures are killing the party. Have you?

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Who the fuck writes this shit? Jews? Whoever it is clearly knows nothing about firearms.

This. Future is looking bleak

i thoght you had to be over a certan OAL to get a VFG

They have to write one every year so they can go home and say they were willing to make a change and fix gun control but those idiots across the aisle who are just pawns of big business and the NRA wouldn't compromise on common sense gun reform.
It happens every year, it won't pass (probably won't even see a real vote), stop worrying about it and focus on things that might actually matter like individual state legislation.