>itt we post about times the government abused its power
I'm trying to learn more and all i really know about is ruby ridge and Waco
Also if you could point me in the right direction to learn more that'd be amazing
>itt we post about times the government abused its power
I'm trying to learn more and all i really know about is ruby ridge and Waco
Also if you could point me in the right direction to learn more that'd be amazing
oNlY tHe goVERnmeNT shOuLd haVe milItARy gRaDe aSSault riFles
Hughes amendment
Also the Sedition Act, Banking Act of 1913, Espionage Act, Patriot Act
That time Philly PD dropped surplus bombs from a helicopter on a Black Panther clubhouse and burned down the whole neighborhood, killing several innocents
Operation LAC
The Tuskegee Experiment
Agent Orange and subsequent coverup
Anthrax vaccine and coverup
Burn pits and coverup
Every US military engagement since WW2, with the exception of the raid that killed OBL and the tiny fraction of operations in Afghanistan that directly led to that
Creating AQ in the first place
Creating ISIS
The Controlled Substances Act
etc etc
Egregious misinterpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause and the Supremacy Clause
on an unrelated note what tank is this? i think its a patton or a walker bulldog but i cant really tell.
Of all things mentioned in this thread, these are easily the worst in terms of straight overstepping.
The Patriot Act; the reason that freedom is dead. Osama Bin Laden won the war on terror.
Wounded Knee.
The government proceeded to carry out disarmament of a racial minority and after agreeing the government then "mistakenly" opened fire on the group they just took all guns from.
200 people died, mostly women and children.
In WW2 the US government and the Left's favorite tyrant FDR put hundreds of thousands of Americans in concentration camps without trial or even charges based solely on their race.
Fuck anyone who believes the government should be trusted.
Documentary on ruby ridge, in Netflix. The book is much better though.
>Fuck anyone who believes the government should be trusted
This. All governments seek only to secure their own power.
Looks like an M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle, which basically is an engineering M60
What's the books title?
Korean War
Vietnam war
First gulf war
Iraq war
Afghanistan war
“Nation building” in Libya Iraq and now Syria
European front in WW2
Here are 753 pages of government fuckups, documented by a federal investigator.
"Defrauding America is a detailed and documented description of various forms of criminal activities involving people in a literal secret goverrnment, operating like Trojan horses, inflicting enormous harm upon the people and the United States. It is written by a former government agent with input from many other government insiders, former drug smugglers, and former Mafia figures."
That time the US government colluded with private Belgian mining corporations to assassinate the Secretary-General of the UN
>implying slaughtering iraqis for cheap oil is bad
the only fuckup is that we got dragged into it for 20 years