Even Hogwarts knew that an armed teacher was the best way to keep it's students safe

>even Hogwarts knew that an armed teacher was the best way to keep it's students safe

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I mean having wands is an everyday part of their life, it's literally a part of them. Like a very minute part of their population doesn't do magic.

They're exercising their second amendment rights.

>Learing how to master ranged attacks is a basic fundamental and rite of passage for the young at Hogwarts.

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It's more like a saxon carrying a seax than a teacher carrying a gun

the fact that they understood some semblance of risk and balance was necessary to a proper education is more important

how many of the fuckin dark arts teachers ended up being murdering voldemort lackeys? they still understood that they needed to keep replacing them and not pretending it wasnt a necessary facet of the eduction they provide

everyone had wands to begin with, not really ever in question.

One of you shoopers need to make a poster of the hogwart's faggits doing a MFOL walk out and protesting for wand confiscation

But is that a tactical assault wand?


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Oh shit bro. You just made the leftists divide by fucking zero.

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an assault wand casts a spell three times faster than a handwand yet the national magic association, thinks an untrained teacher could stop a man with an assault wand

#ban assault magic now

Read another book

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>implying I read any of them

I ended up cheering for Snape and Malfoy because they were actually flawed characters with personal demons and Harry was plain vanilla boring?

>Harry Potter should have carried a 1911...

>the same tool you use to take out the trash can be used to kill people without a mark and at a distance just by saying two words

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Wands are deadlier then guns to at least at small scale. Every child is armed and live together. Whats to stop a deranged late year student from in the middle of the night casting the curse of death on every student? Silent near instantly deadly. Yet they dont it would seem I mean hell imagine if every kid starting at the age of 10 was given a gun and tought in its use for 8 years. One can only dream.

you can also use wands for a bunch of stuff

what that stuff is I have no idea
harry potter is fucking lame

Im no expert on the universe but it seems all wands to is project energy. Never really see them do much other then lift shit shoot balls of energy and create force fields. The coolest shit is alchemy. They also find shit like electricity to be as mystical as we find magic which is pathetic. Another strange fact I read was the american branch of wizardy doesnt give a shit if americans find out about magic and has even proposed revealing themselves. Based american wizards.

I mean, the entire school were armed.

I think in one of the movies there was a scene where a mom casted a freeze spell on some villian and then blowing him or her up with a shatter spell.
In-universe they ban the insta-kill, torture, and mind control spells, but then people pull this shit and kill each other just fine.

Hogwarts offered classes that didn't use any magic at all(history,arithomancy, herbology, mugged studies) you could potentially only do those classes and graduate from Hogwarts with no fucking idea of how to use your wand

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>a world where scary assault spells are banned, unlawful spell usuage monitored, and wands practically registered and traceable
>bad guys mag dump dem assault spells all day everyday because they don't give a fuck
>good guys get send to magic court for unlawful self defense against literal no fun allowed monster
>lethal use of force still very much possible, you just have to get creative
consider my almonds activated

>Hogwarts teaches combat spells, as well as responsible and safe practice with them
>students and teachers fight the bads together
>but the teachers lost that one fight therefore teachers shouldn't have guns
>someone died therefore it doesn't work, it doesn't matter how many more would have died if they weren't armed
The complete lack of logic that these people have is astounding.

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Not to mention itsa fucking book not real life

>fictional school suffers casualties from literal terroist attack
let's face it these dumb shits just want an excuse to carry around a sign that references their favourite franchise or something like that while being rightfully excused from productivity. Actually being reasonable, getting the point across, and being productive in general is something reserved for "(((other people)))"

it was said in books that advanced mechanics and electronic does not work there. The 1911 should be magical augmented.

>taking harry potter books seriously

The absolute state of americans...

Electronics, yes, well maybe. Anything mechanical still works though, see: Harry’s watch until it gets drowned, and also that one kid with the camera.

harry potter isnt real, do most americans understand that?

Well how would they ever find enough teachers without arms? They'd have to start cutting them off.

>advanced mechanics
>springs and fire

harry potter is literally a british book series

Even the most heavily armed teacher couldn't protect the students from being stuck in the dullest series in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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Hogwarts was an open carry school that stopped a school shooter

Libturds btfo by their own book

I find it funny how Rowling is joining the gun control bandwagon when her books are basically NRA rhetoric all the way through.

The wands are treated as tools, which can be used for good, or evil. Some sort of multitool, not just a weapon, but nevertheless a weapon too.
Harry Potter basically create a militia. And students join in, bringing their own weapons, then they train for combat.
The government is ousted by a coup, and the new leaders are tyrannical, and this is a cause for the citizens to take up arms against them, forming a resistance movement which violently resists the tyrannical oppressors.
They don't sit around and wait for the american, chinese, or african wizard government to liberate them with professional wizard forces.

Even "wand control" is in line with NRA's stand on gun control. Hagrid is not really allowed to own a wand anymore, or perform magic, since his actions with magic and wands in his youth led to the death of another student. Hagrid is by definition a felon, convicted of manslaughter. He's rehabilitated, but still not allowed to own a wand/do magic. Yet, he still does it, he has a wand, but try his best to keep it covert. Turns out wand/magic control doesn't work perfectly.

Umbridge is literally Diane Feinstein:
Hogwarts have a "dark arts class", which is where they learn about combat and the use of the wand as a weapon. When she's the teacher, she's going all nanny state on them, saying they don't need to learn how to fight, and the government will protect them, and there's no risk of a tyrannical takeover. She's actively doing her best to remove the combat capability of the students, which is the reason Harry has to form the militia. And she's actively suppressing the freedom of speech, by physically punishing anyone who dissents from the government line. And when the wizard nazis take over, she joins them, even though she's a half breed, and didn't intentionally help them get to power.


truth is sometimes stranger than fiction

and, as guns improve over the years, magic does too. The three forbidden curses of Voldemort could change the wizard community stance on wand control. But it didn't. The wizards still have wands, but they're not allowed to use these three specific curses. They have the power to do so, and that's expected. But more importantly, they're supposed to follow their own moral values to not commit murder, torture and mind control with these new weapons they all now have.

It could be reasoned this emphasis on personal responsibility and freedom is the reason kids aren't taught magic before they're 11. Because that's when the wizardry world deem them capable of making rational choices, and start taking personal responsibility. Pretty much the same age pro gun rights people start teaching their kids under controlled circumstances to use firearms safely.

Harry Potter is the most pro second amendment books ever written. They're fucking great. But Rowling has been so brainwashed by the media, she fails to see what she's created. And that's pretty sad. It's understandable though. She's an urbanite Brit. She's never been exposed to guns, other than through the media, so she's never had the chance to connect her own values to the gun rights issue, even though she's totally compatible with gun rights, based on her books. I think that's sad, and some bong should invite her on a range trip and let her use a proper muggle-wand.

People always recognize the anti racist message in the books. But they don't notice the pro gun rights message in it, which is insane. Because it's just as much pro gun rights, as it's anti racism.

no. Appliances relying on electricity doesn't work at Hogwarts because of magical engineering when they built it or something. But mechanics still works, and electricity works.

You could bring a gun into hogwarts and it would work. Swords work. Bow and arrows work, and are used by the centaurs.

>avada kedavra meet avtomat kalashnikova

If I ever have kids, I will make sure they read at least three Terry Pratchett books for every Harry Potter one.
Not only was Terry a better author but he was also pretty open with being pro-freedom.
Also, Sam Vimes is my spirit animal.

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hogwarts suffered less a terrorist attack, and more an all out fucking siege from an army

>letting them read harry asshole at all
Dresden files #1

>implying dwarves are Jews instead of Swiss
>implying it wouldn't be "why it's ethical to eat Orc."

>MRW I'm OP and this stupid post is still up

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welcome to day/k/are

He was the school resources officer that was on staff to keep the all powerful headmaster wizard from raping young boys and then mindwiping them.

Except he was too busy stewing about MUH LILY and listening to I dunno Nirvana or some shit to actually stop any diddling.
Presuming of course, that he wasn’5 doing the diddling h8mself