Be 78yo bong

>be 78yo bong
>Find two robbers inside your house
>Get into a fight with them
>Kill one with a knife
>Get arrested because you can't defend yourself in britain

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Well it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be convicted.

In any case such is life in the Greater Caliphate of Britbongistan. Literally duty to retreat even in one's own home. I bet if he did that the bastards could even claim squatter's rights and legally take his stuff too.


>Well it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be convicted.

Also, there was a case (Which was posted in this board( where some guy was (partially) let off for killing a couple dudes in self-defence with a shotgun, about the only reason he got any jailtime in the first place was because he didn't own the shotgun under license.

>Attack the source not its content

Yeah, you get arrested when you kill someone, at least until everything is cleared up.

>needing government permission to own the means to defend yourself.
UK should just be nuked. The women are hideous, the culture is shit, they have awful teeth and their capitol has a mudslime mayor.

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The Brits are ugly cunts because of horrid inbreeding and engaging in reverse-eugenics through two world wars and multiple global conflicts, effectively killing all the good genes they had.

t. Smelly Frenchman

He was also convicted because he shot the person in the back while they were escaping

No, I'm a Kiwi. French let themselves get raped by Amerimutts then Algerians and Moroccans. They at least have a somewhat healthy genepool.

British law is different from American law. Murder is only legal in self defense and its not self defense if the guy is running away.

this guy probably will not be convicted. Unless the bongs really want to make an example of him.

He was forced into his kitchen, so he obviously tried to deescalate without using force. One of the robbers had a screwdriver, which is an offensive weapon in this case. Then a fight ensued.

If the bongs can't prove the homeowner instigated that fight, he should get off, even according to bong law. A good defense lawyer will be able to prove this. He retreated, was cornered, then they attacked. Perfectly justifiable self defense. So far, they're only reporting one stab wound too, which would strengthen the defense. He didn't continue using force once the threat was eliminated. He was defending himself with less force than he was met with, since he was outnumbered, and being an elderly man attacked by younger, more fit men, equally armed. According to even the strictest interpretation of self defense laws, he shouldn't be convicted.

The prosecution will try to spin the story how he retreated into the kitchen to arm himself, then attack the robbers. But they'd need to prove it. Which they really can't. But then again, they did manage to convict a guy for making fun of nazis using his dog.

Self defense is not defined as murder. Also, the article didn't specify the dead robber ran away. The other robber ran away, and he's not been apprehended yet. This strengthens the geriatric's case. So far, they've got no proof he used force on the one that ran away, so they have to assume he let him ran away when that was possible.

At least they didn't re-elect a convicted drug dealer to run their capitol...

not in the united states

no they just elected their literal adversary to do it

The old champ is fucked. He was forced into a fight in is own house, outnumbered, likely by fitter people and against a weapon that could cause deadly injuries, how can they keep him detained is behind comprehension.

>duty to retreat
I never understood and will never understand this fucking meme. Where's the robber's fucking duty to retreat? If he comes at me, why does he deserve legal protection? This is the kind of rule that middle aged used up roasties come up with.

Don't the fuckers making the laws realize that by making someone accountable and putting stringent regulations on self defense they are putting the victims at a severe disadvantage? On top of having to contend with a violent intruder you also have to think about not spending the rest of your life in prison for no other reason because some stupid fucking "troubled youth" who doesn't give a shit about jailtime decided to invade your home and threaten your life and property.

Cuck laws like this never fail to make me angry.

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You wouldn’t want to cut a precious, honor student good boy football player dindu nuffins life short, would you goy?

I am reasonably confident that these duty to flee laws in europe are a result of washed up cunts in administration. Women defend this bullshit even without the urging of the merchant - until they are in trouble themselves, that is.

I mean I guess shooting someone in the back who's running away is less then admirable but idk about laws

>the only reason he got any jailtime in the first place was because he didn't own the shotgun under license.

Tony Martin owning a shotgun after getting his certifcate revoked for shooting at someone eating apples in his orchard using live lethal shells(not using blanks or rice to scare him) didn't really effect the case because the real reason he was convicted the first time round was due to the prosecution lying to the jury(surpising I know) and twisting the facts.

they claimed that because of how tight the grouping of the birdshot was he must have waited in the dark until the robbers were a few feet away then executed the poor gypsy(who just needed mo money fo dem caravans) at point blank range without warning.At the appeal trial a ballistics expert tested the scenario with the exact gun used by Martin and confirmed his story that he was firing in the dark from much further away after waking up and rushing to the top of his stairs

they also spun the fact that Martin's house was in disrepair by implying things like his stairs missing steps were intentional booby traps to harm burglars(as if he had anti-pikey punji spikes set up)

your post reminds me of the handful of american posters that use any british related thread to vent their worringly deep seated butthurt over britain. Much like that stolen valor mureen on youtube who posts angry autistic comments on every british military video on youtube(as with the user who constanly posts cuck porn to /tv/ every single day you have to wonder what trauma could possibly be driving him to do it)

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>no assault eggs
>why even live
Bongs explain yourselves right now.

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hey egg allergies are nothing to scoff at

>Tony Martin owning a shotgun after getting his certifcate revoked for shooting at someone eating apples in his orchard using live lethal shells(not using blanks or rice to scare him) didn't really effect the case because the real reason he was convicted the first time round was due to the prosecution lying to the jury(surpising I know) and twisting the facts.

Wasn't aware of that, not sure why the prosecution lied considering that "shooting at someone eating apples in his orchard using live lethal shells" sounds piss-easy to get a conviction in the first place.

I should mention however, that I wasn't referring to that specific case in particular, I was referring to some bloke who was living with his sister and when the police were investigating, they found some tools nearby suggesting that the burglars were going to torture both him and his sister, it was talked about in this board a couple months back.

Why are the cops selling eggs and flour in the first place, that's what I'm wondering... Seems pretty dodgy to me, they should be out there catching crooks, not baking cakes!

We learned it from watching you dad

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Oi m8 av ya paid your butterknife license yet?

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Hes not wrong though, all british subjects are horribly inbred sub-50 IQ troglodytes. Stay obsessed muhammad.

In a country like this, why are the Royal Marines so badass?







You my friend have finally understood the position you are either in or
they want you in.

>>who is George Zimmermann


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Are you ok?

No. Apparently I've been on Jow Forums for 12 years and that's not normal.

Zimmerman's arrest was a mockery of justice. He was only taken in because Obama himself got involved.
On the night of the shooting he was questioned by the police and released.

That is definately not normal.

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Dusty meme, but it checks out

this is stupid.
you get arrested if you are going to be charged with something. you are charged with something if they think they can prove it

so if you defended yourself and don't commit any crimes when the cops are there (and didn't commit any crimes while defending yourself) then you don't get arrested. the cops may come BACK with charges of murder and arrest you

if you defended yourself and you do some stupid shit when the cops get there, they will arrest you and charge you with whatever law you broke while they were there. then they may or may not charge you for the killing

if the cops suspect you didn't act in defense of yourself they may find a pretext (some small law you broke, for example discharge of firearm within city limits) to arrest you and then charge you LATER with the killing
or the officer on the scene may make a judgement call (or more likely call in an investigating officer and keep you at the scene) while they build enough evidence to charge you with the actual crime (yeah, this is rare because they try not to charge things on the scene they can't determine the success of, but if they really feel they need to get you off the street they WILL charge you and arrest you)

that's why the phone call you make reporting a defensive incident, the actions you take during first response and the things you say during first response are the MOST IMPORTANT things in your life

>talking to cops

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you have to make a statement or invoke your 5th to remain silent. talking to cops after a defensive incident is the worst possible outcome and knowing what to say and not during first response is exactly what i'm getting at.

>duty to retreat
>in one's own home
Jesus Christ what a cucked, shitty excuse for a nation. No stereotype about America, that we're fat, stupid, packed with niggers and Mexicans, mutts, run by idiots, slaves to Israel, and so on, can even come close to the pathetic, crawling, groveling, subhuman bootlickery that is the United Kingdom. What happened, Brits? where did it go so wrong? why didn't you stop it?

Just shut your fucking mouth and pretend you swallowed your tongue.
The police is not your friend even if you are a law abiding citizen.

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this has been covered to death. theres a right way to do this and a wrong way. one way lets the cops know you aren't going to talk to them, that you will get a lawyer and that you're not a crazy asshole.
challenging a cop (by saying literally nothing) is your right, but exercising that when you just shot somebody is the best way for them to cobble a pretext to arrest you. it's up to you

I understand what you're saying but you'll probably get locked up anyway.

>old man has dead body
>yeah I killed him
>not going to trial

It's more due diligence than "you're not allowed to defend yourself", justice system has a duty to ensure it wasn't a murder via trial in which "self defence" is a defence.

Don't understand the daily mail's weird belief that police should just look at a dead body that's been stabbed and go "Oh well you say it was self defense then who are we to judge? toodle pip we'll toss this corpse into a canal and say no more sunshine."

the thing is, you probably won't. they'll take your gun and ask you or your lawyer to contact them within 24 hours and to not leave the state until you give a deposition. they will watch you to incriminate yourself, which you won't do because you'll go to a lawyer, and then bring your prepared statement to the police. you'll deposit your $1000 dollarydoos in the lawyers bank account, retrieve your gun, and go home.
then you'll wonder for a few years if you could've shot him in the leg, and avoid stepping, walking or looking where the blood pool was.

police don't like you, but they really don't like criminals. they like open and shut cases where people don't do stupid shit that makes their job harder. go figure

>theres a right way to do this and a wrong way.
Either way your ass is in jail. Even when they pull up and you have your hands up yelling SELF DEFENSE and it looks obviously like self defense they are still going to arrest you until they can either get video evidence or somehow prove 100% you are in the right. Otherwise your ass is considered a murderer and you will be under some form of arrest. All of what I am talking about happened in fucking Florida too, stand your ground laws and all.

You're going to get arrested anyway unless the Sheriff is your favorite cousin. You're a total idiot if you don't lawyer up and put all your trust in the judgement of cops.

Self defense sounds good on paper. Proof the nigger crawled into your house in the middle of the night and that you had to use deadly force.
Imo when it comes to using a firearm things become complicated.

>why didn't you stop it
why didn't WE stop it, user? we're a fucking mess too.

>uk a crime ridden hell hole
>the govt protects the criminals and prosectutes the victims
too many feels

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I hate to admit it but Europe is lost. Europeans should have a 2nd amendment.
Also point any anti gun person to the government imposed tyranny on european people.

>Tfw I live in a cucked nanny state and can only dream of having the right to defend my own life as no one else here would be willing to go 1776.

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if you are a responsible, good person who is independent and has basic values of societal good, get the fuck out of the UK and come to america. for fucks sake


Children are allowed to carry all kinds of switchblades and fixed blade knives here in the usa and they dont stab each other in record rates. That shit has to be learned. It's not human nature that makes you want to risk your own safety to hurt someone else. Its human nature to want to protect yourself. Why wouldn't you want your kid to have a switchblade? What if some crazy focker sees your kid and thinks "I'm going to fuck that little child In the ass and snap its neck while I empty myself into it" dont you want your kid to have a fighting chance?
>he just happened to be in the vicinity of that guy who lost his mind, he was defenseless. The guy killed him. I guess there's nothing that can be done. If you want to kill someone or kidnap the. you just need to overpower or outnumber them. But I guess kidnap and murder and knife ownership are all against the law so it's pointless to discuss any of this.

My cat learned how to turn my PC on when she was hungry at night. Had to disable every damned thing. I can't leave bubble wrap out either.

The robber was armed and attacked him first, even Brits would give the guy a pass. You still have juries in that nanny state don't you?

>not sure why the prosecution lied considering that "shooting at someone eating apples in his orchard using live lethal shells" sounds piss-easy to get a conviction in the first place.

I guess I didn't word it clearly or explain properly

the laying down suppressive fire against apple scrumpers incident was in 1994. AFAIK the police didn't lie and his only punishment was losing his guns

the hate crime incident where he interrupted two irish travellers performing one of their most important cultural activities(house breaking) and murdered an innocent 16 year old out of pure bigotry was in 1999 and the police lied in all the ways I stated in my first post.


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Goddamn, it's like snorting pure nostalgia.

How do you feel about Canadians? Just curious is all. Personally I like the Aussies and Kiwis that I’ve met. I’ve had a hard time talking to English people, I like the Scots and the Irish though. Round about way of saying I never have liked any Englishman.

Europe isn't one country

>Hey sonny im kinda busy and were out of eggs go buy some at the store
>oi you have a permit for that egg

guns is bad mkay

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Fine, I lived in most of the Commonwealth nations for work at some point or another. Canadians are probably the best of all the former Crown nations, but frankly Canada is just the Northern United States.