Day of the Grab and Insurgency

What I'm worried about is that, on the Day of the Grab, too many gun owners (not just Fudds, but also the militia larpers) will be too much of pussies to fight back. I'm not saying there isn't a chance of opposing Big Brother enough to cause damage, but that too many will not have the courage. Of course, this includes me. I don't want it to come to a shooting war. We shouldn't chimp out unless all other options have failed. Even then, we should not fire the first shot.
I'm not saying this to demoralize anyone, but rather to recognize that fighting back against a gov gone apeshit will not be glamorous or romantic. Gun owners who stand up and fight back will be labeled terrorists and traitors.
Thoughts, Jow Forumsommandoes?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ballsy Jow Forumsommandos escape towns to keep their funs
>evade police and band together
>Jow Forumsommandos unite under a spergy nickname
>become known as terrorists
>most wanted boards all over the country
>next Civil War becomes innawoods Jow Forumsommandos versus military force

Who wins, Jow Forums?

The people watching LiveLeak.

>versus military force
more like the military + Jow Forumsomandos vs some hippies.

We know the Deep State is watching Jow Forums. The military would have no trouble monitoring Jow Forumsommimunications. Jow Forums would have to go low tech and use smoke signals and secret indicators and whatnot.

Deep woods boipussy is best.

Code messages into trap hentai

Don't count on it. Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco.

They won't take your guns with a big grab - it'll be a slow erosion of your rights until you've nothing left. This may be done at an advanced pace at the state level, but only in blue states in which most people won't object and those that would will simply either leave or rationalize their compliance. They will never give us a casus belli - there will be no spark to ignite a resistance, just a slow rot.

You won't fight. You are a frog being boiled alive.

>Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco
Yes I do

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The question isn't will people stand up for their rights. It is who will come to abridge them.
When you think about it, most soldiers and police and swat are us citizens. They're also more likely to believe in self defense and own guns. And to be conservative.
The people that do come for your guns will be a small portion who are willing to compromise the principles of the constitution and individual rights. Do they deserve safety?
They won't come for your guns with military action and they can't red flag everyone.. They will come to cajole and persuade or to steal.
Further, by the time this makes it around the situation in most European countries will be the 800lb elephant in the room at all times. When the "bastion of gun laws" is starting to advocate citizens arming themselves or those citizens emigrate out because they can't, the liberal vote will shrink.
Keep voting and stay attentive.

Bombs away, mr. McVeigh

>When you think about it, most soldiers and police and swat are us citizens. They're also more likely to believe in self defense and own guns. And to be conservative.
With all the "veterans" suddenly shilling for an AWB (though that could be a PsyOp), that's getting harder to believe.

Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh!

operator wojack sure is a badass isn't he

Hippies won't be grabbing the guns, and they wouldn't even be a factor in such a war. That's a horrifically baby boomer notion of yours.

Big Boss Wojak is most badass

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all of the vets and police friends of mine I know are PRO-gun and are posting anti gun control shit on facebook.

Like 20% of the military votes democrat. That means at least 20% of the military is functionally retarded. That’s where all these pussies come from.

Still, we can't count on the republicucks to help us. They're known to flip-flop without warning.

I'm borderline blackpilled here, anons. Just giving you full disclosure.

it’ll only take a few retarded LARPers to start shooting and then you’ve got civil war two: electric boogaloo. Then people are going to start putting .308 into transformers, heading innawoods, and building IEDs.

Day of the grab I'm going to be too damn busy keeping my normal routine and planning sabotage.

bombs away, mr. mcveigh

Hide messages inside Bad dragon toys, then hide the toys in traps.


Bombs away, Mr. Mcveigh!


Bombs away, Mr. Mcveigh!

Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh!

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>Bombs away, Mr. Mcveigh!

Oh my sides

>Bombs Away, Mr. McVeigh!

If we lose the second, will the first follow soon after?

You've got nothing to worry about because there won't be a Grab day or anything like.

They've already invested in playing the long game for the last 6-10 decades on ruining this great country. I see no reason as of yet for them to suddenly speed it up.

You'd be better off to find as many like-minded people as possible and let them all know where the new Line in the Sand is...

We stopped them at Bundy Ranch. We can do it that way again and again until they fuck up, and then we kill them all.

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You can't worry about what others may do. That is beyond your control. All you can do is be prepared for what YOU are going to do, where your line in the sand is drawn, what compromises you are willing to make, and what you are willing to sacrifice.

Many will hand over their arms with their tails between their legs, few will hold their ground. At the end of the day there will be death, ruined lives, destroyed families, and nothing will have been gained. The media will use footage of us being gunned down or burned out of our homes as evidence of how dangerous gun ownership was. Stories will be fabricated about ties to racial groups or sexual abuse of children in order to further sway public opinion. Not one FED will face repercussions (aside from what we patriots deal out) and the whole affair will be nothing more than memes and talking points in little under a year.

But those who cowered and lived will have the rest of their lives to know that they failed to adhere to their principles. They will live on and for the most part forget all about us or push the events from their minds, maybe even convince themselves that what they did was right (he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day). But they will know beyond a doubt that when fate challenged them they were found lacking.

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Whenever someone questions the second, I point to the UK. They are a clear example of the degradation of society to a point that it no longer sees itself as worth fighting for. Truly the saddest state a country could ever be in, and a testament to the effectiveness of the enemies tactics.

Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh!

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Bombs away Mr. McVeigh!

I'm more worried that those of us who would fight will just die on our front door steps having made no difference in the overall decline of freedom.

That's why it pays to get to know your local shire-reeve, and whether they are members of the Constitutional Sheriff's Association. Mine is. And he can call a posse any time he pleases.

This is what it means to have faith. You do what is right, user, regardless of what the man next to you does.

One day they will try to ban semi autos. When that day comes, it’s time to take back our freedom. Fuck the slow erosion of rights, just pick a breaking point and keep to it. It’ll hit at some point.

Locals won't enforce confiscation both the sheriff and the local chief have directly refused to enforce things such as mag bans (Colorado here) I'm more worried about fed gun bans and the guys willing to burn children alive coming around.

who do you think fudds are? we're at the end of the line with nothing left to lose. we're the ones that have been fighting for your rights the whole time while you play with yourself and your phone. we're the ones trying to show you the way.
we're the ones that will be there at the end when they're taking them from our cold dead hands after you dropped yours and ran
like every other time in your life, the old farts will step up and you young punks will waffle.
prove me wrong.

I know it's fun to play these scenarios in your head, but is anyone here actually dumb enough to think this will ever happen?

Shit is like the same level of a zombie apocalypse actually happening.

Weak bait

you'll still waffle
and we'll still keep fighting

Nigger you haven't been fighting shit, if you were fighting, you wouldn't be a fudd.

>Thoughts, Jow Forumsommandoes?

i dont give a shit about anything

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think about it the media is doing everything it can to make people fear guns, and random nut jobs come out of the wood works just about every week to make things worse. So yes the scenario of them trying to take our firearms is real. Now as far as zombie apocalypses go I would agree with you unless we all lose our guns, and then it is guaranteed to happen.

1/5 Americans want to repeal the 2nd.

Majority of non-whites oppose gun rights - Latinos being the most sympathetic at 40% support and it only gets worse as they get darker. America is getting less and less white.

fighting is my best shot at valhalla so I'm all in

The UK literally just locked a man away for training his dog to do the Hitler salute.

I'm ready to die if big brother tries to take over. fuck em I won't roll over and let them control me. If I can't have my freedom of speech then I have nothing to live for anyways

Freedom of speech is already gone in Britain so the media will probably use them as an example and the public will probably agree and let them take it away under the guise of "preventing hate speech" Big brother doesn't need to take the government over nowadays they just need to take the youth over

Why would I fight back if I lost all my guns to that horrible fishing boat accident? I have only this $99 hi-point to fight back with...

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>Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Law enforcement is not the military.

But they are the gubbmint

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>With all the "veterans" suddenly shilling for an AWB (though that could be a PsyOp), that's getting harder to believe.

They are "coming out" because they think being a veteran lends their opinion some weight. They aren't veterans because they believed in defending the constitution, they joined the military for whatever given reason and then decided to use their status to call for a curtailment of civil liberty.

And they won't be any more specific than "I am a veteran" because if you asked for details you'd find out 90%+ of them are:

Slick sleeve faggots who never deployed
S1, Cooks, Supply
Got chaptered out for failure to adapt
Medically retired for being a broke dick straight out of TRADOC/other branch equivalent

>prove me wrong.

Okay, then why are there so many fucking fudds saying that all you need is a durr rifle and that a "real hunter doesn't need a fully semi automatic weapon of war"?

It seems like the onus is on you to prove that fudds aren't fucking traitors.

My breaking point is on the banning of semi autos...

My ancestors fought manifest destiny, as an Apache I will not be disarmed again.

My ancestors will be smiling at me feds... Can you say the same?

>Slick sleeve faggots who never deployed
>S1, Cooks, Supply
>Got chaptered out for failure to adapt
>Medically retired for being a broke dick straight out of TRADOC/other branch equivalent
So... POGs?

Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh

>So... POGs?

No, it's possible there are some slick sleeve 11, 13, or 19 cunt nugget in there. That list should be read as "OR", not "AND".

>I don't want it to come to a shooting war.

Does anyone? Be mentally and physically fit, and train for one. Don't wish for it, but accept it may happen and that you may die.

A population ready to wage war is a huge deterrent

Bombs away Mr McVeigh

You already should have chimped out the NFA is enough to chimp out over. But comes to show you're pussies.

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Go fuck yourself, Muhammad.

Active duty soldiers and vets have done awful things to their countrymen in need.
Blair Mountain and the actions of the American Legion in the Deppresion come right to mind.

Didn't the legion storm a socialist partie's HQ?

>borderline blackpilled
Hop off the fence, we're all fucked anyway. Ideology in this day and age is a joke.


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Everyone who was down was a “Red” and beaten. Authoritarians are authoritarians are authoritarians. Helping your neighbor or having some empathy doesn’t make you a fucking Marxist.

Not to say that actual Marxists shouldn’t adorn your local Main Street like bunting on Independence Day, but you need to be careful.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

You're over thinking the insurgency. Bury your guns and ammo, learn some trades and skills, start a network of Jow Forumsommandos to poorly engineer, subtly sabotage, and put other Jow Forumsommandos in positions where they can destroy maintenence parts for the various levels of gummermint. Cost them money, not bodies. You can make a lot of it look like run of the mill incompetence.

The feds would bankrupt themselves within a year of attempting CoIn in this country because of their absurd operational tempo. Ask any of the guys you knew who fought in Iraq. They broke all of their equipment by overworking it and ran themselves ragged doing a bunch of busywork bullshit that never made a lick of difference. And then occasionally someone managed to get shot not in an armored plate or blown up.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

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Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh!

Bombs away, Mr.McVeigh


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>Okay, then why are there so many fucking fudds saying that all you need is a durr rifle and that a "real hunter doesn't need a fully semi automatic weapon of war"?
As someone whose been shooting longer than most of you have been potty trained, I can say I've never spoken to anyone espousing that. It's just something you hear from vidya game playing no guns living in their moms basement to disparage real shooters.

Hitting them financially is the only thing that makes sense. You don't need to fight. You don't need to survive. You don't have to kill. You don't even have to fire a single shot. Do a job poorly. Hide your face and break shit. Utilities, communications, equipment. You don't even have to worry about the feds infiltrating if you can keep it decentralized.

What if I'm out rabbit hunting and get attacked by a pack of rabid badgers .Pretty dang handy having an AR .

It needs a flashier name - Gunocalypse, ammogeddon, the Grabture, Tuesday, day 234 of the Trumprussian federation or something like that

It needs more pizzazz!

Thanks for yor input Obamamed

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>so many fucking fudds saying that all you need is a durr rifle
cite your source or STFU, commie shill

Then you misunderstand what a fudd is. It's not an old man, it's someone of any age who doesnt believe the 2nd amendment covers "military weapons" and that anything aside a manual hunting rifle, shotgun, and maybe a revolver should be illegal. Pic related.

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>I've never shot 17 deer at once
What a fag, not even trying.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

AS IF the Globalists don't have us all on a list, and you've just ID'd yourself as a "Terrorist"

That's been happening for 70 years, but it was the Marxists who did it.

“Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!”

Just imagine how much of a pussy his grandson must be

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

You's be shocked at the # of men willing to burn innocents alive, at the drop of a hat, in your county. If you want a shock just look-up the convicted sex crims in your county