Why don't they just shoot the legs?

Why don't they just shoot the legs?

Attached: police-shooting-brooklyn[1].jpg (750x474, 58K)

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They do sometimes if they miss center mass

did you try googling literally that exact fucking question? This whole
>hurrr ayd shuut tu wound, den da cort wud tink imma gud boy and gib tendies!
shit needs to fucking stop.

the legs din du nuffin

>situation has escalated to shoot them in the leg but not enough to kill them
No such thing

>femural arteries

>why didn't they shoot the legs

Legs are an extremely small target compared to center mass and extremely hard to hit at a distance when a suspect is moving. Legs also have the largest artery in your body making a lot more deadly than people think. Ricochets are also a liability when you miss which puts others at risk of serous bodily harm.

>why didn't they tase him

When a taser is deployed it has less than a 50% success rate. Both prongs must embed into the suspect or else they wont do anything other than feel like a fish hook grabbed you. Even a tshirt can prevent a prong from embedding. When it comes to guns if they tase someone who has their finger on the trigger there is a near 100% chance that the muscle contraction from the electricity will make the suspect pull the trigger.

>why didn't they use OC spray

OC spray or mace doensn't incapacitate a suspect. All it does is disorientate a suspect. If a suspect has a weapon that weapon is still a real threat even when a ranger rolls an 11 on a blind and rage spell.

>why didn't they use their baton

Batons are still very deadly and are only supposed to be used at the lower body in order to use pain compliance with a suspect that is essentally "out of control". One hit to the head with a baton could kill the person. One hit to the chest could cave it in. A baton is a large metal rod. In the case of a person having a knife or the like LEOs use force greater than the suspect. It isn't about a fair fight it's about using all memes to end a threat.


Suspect gets tased, batoned, maced, and then shot.

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>Why didn't they just shoot the gun out of his hand?

>Why don't they just deflect his bullets by shooting them in the air?

>shooting them
that's fucking stupid user.
they have batons to deflect them back.

If riot shields are bullet proof, why don't they just make body armor out of riot shields?

>shoot legs
>demonstrate that you weren't in fear for your life
>jail time

>femural arteries
No such thing, thats a myth.

op is a fag

Attached: 1479440763598.jpg (202x267, 22K)

>imagining some fat as fuck cop deflecting bullets with a baton like it’s some shitty anime

Attached: E9151938-FD56-409F-9A30-1D0A3230FB29.png (1080x838, 444K)

yeah wtf just shoot the bad guy's gun off his hand like in the movies

Link or webm for the pic related?

Once you decide to shoot to wound, you lower your respect for firearms from something that should only be used in life and death situations, so something to use to solve trivial problems.
Now do you see the problem in that?

>why don't they just shoot the flap of skin in between their big toe and their second toe??

shooting to wound just guarantees a lawsuit

>be nigger
>act like nigger
>get shot
he a gud boi

I am trying to fathom what makes you think riot shields are bullet proof. That such a thing exists does not mean that every cop is issued one.

If you're walking around town acting like you're pointing a gun at people, enough for 3 calls to 911 to happen, and then when the police show up you act like you're pointing a gun at them, then obviously everyone is going to treat it like you have a gun.

>all memes to end a threat

Then do me a favor and stab yourself in the thigh, right by your groin.

Attached: 250px-Thigh_arteries_schema_numbered.svg.png (250x523, 76K)

>not posting the full video


>you didn't have to shoot him!
>wait for backup!
>you're a murderer bro!
>you're going to jail!

>Why doesn't everyone just calm down and be nice?

Why can't we all just get along.


The fucking delusion of those mexishits .
>Oh shit he took it away from him
>He didn't have to kill him
You are literally seeing the guy be a threat holy fuck you're stupid


Attached: fingerguns.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

fuck, wrong file

Attached: justaprankbro.webm (1176x660, 1.53M)

So did this nigga get shot by the cops?

>that pose

Attached: 1519430925140.png (438x540, 294K)

This is literally something a dumb kid would do because he thinks it's cool, is this guy stupid or retarded?

>implying shooting in the legs isn't a valid tactic in some situations

>play stupid game
>win stupid prize

Well if you kill him via shooting him the legs it's practically the same as shooting them in the chest. Except I wouldn't want to shoot a gunman in the legs.

If you think a shot to the leg is as likely to kill somebody as a shot in the thoracic triangle or upper COM in general then lol.

Never said or implied that, in fact I implied that it would be better to shoot at the chest.

Why didn't someone tase him? Seems like they wasted a lot of time by blocking the interstate while screaming at him and holding him at gunpoint. The guy was effectively useless, outnumbered, and couldn't move faster than a snail's pace without falling on his ass.
I understand that the guy that almost got stabbed was probably freaking out, but the other officers that rolled up did the exact same thing until the guy just kind of collapsed.

>Well if you kill him via shooting him the legs it's practically the same as shooting them in the chest.
Obviously the point of shooting them in the leg is to reduce the odds of mortality not increase it. I took your statement as a jab that since mortality can result from a shot to the leg you should just shoot them in the chest because that's more likely to kill them which frankly didnt make much sense to me given the context.
Good question, probably didn't have them or some other reason.

See Considering that a major artery is in your fucking legs(that's also the largest artery) (i.e. the femoral artery), that's a very real possibility

>If you think a shot to the leg is as likely to kill somebody as a shot in the thoracic triangle or upper COM in general then lol.
Seriously. The femoral artery is a target thinner than your thumb. The leg is a much less target rich environment then the center of the upper chest which contains numerous massive blood vessels which are considerably larger and in a more confined area, not to mention lungs, heart, and spine. Not to mention that the lower you go down the leg the risk of mortality drops precipitously.

Im not suggesting that the leg is an ideal target or doesn't qualify as lethal force, but suggesting that a shot to the leg is as likely to result in death as one to the upper chest is just ridiculous.

Because it looked like he had a gun and they wanted to end the threat he presented.

because niggers guys, because niggers

counterstrike probably

>Tried to Illegally buy cough syrup.
>Illegally buy cough syrup
>cough syrup

murica, land of the free.

Yea, murders illegal here too, fyi.

Attached: >What is reading comprehension.png (488x125, 79K)

>Act like you are pulling out a concealed weapon while cop has gun pointed at you
>Good idea

Why do people defend this kind of behavior?

Because whites are becoming a minority


Astounding lefties piss and moan about RT but turn around and parrot a literal Al Qaeda mouthpiece.

Haha, what a dumbshit. The finger was least of his problems if he seriously came at a man with a gun that aggressively. The cop had the gun out in the first place because he was acting like a methhead with a shiv.

>cop points weapon at you
>turns your hip away from him
>hand near back of waistband
>quickly draw hand and point
>didn't expect any retaliation
honestly, the cop did a service to society.

In a lot of (lefty) cities (like New York), tasers are banned for use except for SWAT/special teams because they can kill people with pacemakers.

I don't understand.... do the retards commenting on twitter even watch the video ? This idiot is about what, 5 feet from the cop probably not listening to him screaming at the top of his lungs. He's doing some retarded jitter sidestep with his hand behind his back and then just thrusts it forward towards the officer.

You can see the cop actually shoots him again after he falls because of how fast he pulled his hand and then retracted it, he probably didn't know if he had a gun or not. He's crumpled and the cop can't see his hands, at this point scared he could take a bullet through his fucking eye, shoots him again when the dipshit exposes his hands again.

Third shot maybe not necessary but the officer already thought his life was in danger, and this kid could have rolled over with a gun and killed him.

"Illegally get" is dindu for steal.

Im really glad American cops don't put up with nigger behavior like this.
The black community should be happy, all the people he was threatening we're black.

>tried to illegally get
Is that what the left calls stealing now?

Attached: dindu nuffins.jpg (512x429, 41K)

>shoot leg
>hit femoral artery
>they bleed out in two minutes anyway

Attached: 1512782448705.jpg (486x574, 24K)

yes the last quarter of sec at the end is where he gets lit up as he point in the direction of the officers responding.

No footage of him getting got?

Because they are communists trying to destroy society and they know their pet niggers will believe them, even though the video clearly shows the retard trying to make the cop shoot him by pretending to draw a gun.

Then they should have pepper sprayed his ankles.

>Donut Operator Channel Skip to 1:25

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I should have said 2:15 is where he got shot but it shows the chain of events at 1:25

>wait to get shot whitey or you rayciss

His family described him as mentally ill. But, who knows what could motivate a normal person to do such a thing, aside from wanting to get shot by police or to film a shitty prank video.

He definitely wanted to get shot unless he somehow forgot he was a urban nigger or just went plum loco.


Stop posting this

Seriously every last wetback in Cali needs to be fucking roped and thrown from an overpass just like the good ol' Cartel does back in their home of Mehico

why dont niggers just not commit crime?

Majority of cops in Ohio (where this took place) carry tazers.

Is there a YouTube of this?

>ban tazers
>scream and whine when gun is used
>scream and whine when physical force is used
>cops are trained to use guns, hence why only they should have guns
>police brutality is blown out of proportions when it happens, especially when it involves whatever person-of-the-month the left are pushing
>no no, call the police, they are there to protect us, they just can't shoot/touch/shout/etc at someone, but they should, but shouldn't.

I am surprised leftists brains don't blow out from the logic looping.

Because mad vertical

>I am surprised leftists brains don't blow out from the logic looping.
They can't ruin what they don't have
