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how easy is the 5 round mag law to circumvent?

No one here knows anything about that constable.

any thing that accepts "pistol" magazines can be bumped up to 10. Pretty sure every AR owner has at least one LAR-15 magazine.
They know this is a thing and they're fine with it until they're not, ie. Beowulf Mags. See:

LAR mags aren't hard to find (yet) as for everything else you're fucked

I thought he was asking how to remove rivets, but nobody here knows how to use a drill.
Otherwise yes it's pretty easy getting a pistol mag for an AR or a mag designed for a different caliber than what you're shooting.

Also, I doubt they're really fine with it, given how they treat the Ruger 10/22 mags.

>Also, I doubt they're really fine with it, given how they treat the Ruger 10/22 mags.

5 rounds -> 10 rounds vs. 10 rounds -> 30 rounds, not that I'm defending the decision

>14 rounds of .223 in a .50 beowulf mag

but can’t you just buy like a 30 round mag in the us are bring it over?

Unpinned mags are prohibited devices

Why bother when you can just buy a pinned magazine and then drill the rivet. Not that you would, that's illegal.

>only about 700 bucks tax return
>car has power steering leak

No Vz 58 this year either it seems

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fellas we gotta get a right to bear arms in canada
how do we accomplish this

Tax returns are for buying gold not guns you dumbo

Ya but I’m saying just in case of le doomsday scenario just to keep it in reserve

Start by building a time machine

>He can't afford to buy guns beside tax return

I could, I'm just too jewy to drop that much money at once on something that isn't a shitbox.

So you can't just get it from the USA. You can't break the law, it's impossible, and it's morally wrong. Go away this is a law abiding board.

Guns probably hold value better than gold at this point.

You have the right to arm yourself. That's a natural right for every living creature.
The 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't give you rights, it acknowledges your natural rights.

Time machine to 1776. That's when the Yanks got theirs.

yeah try telling that to the pony cops i'm sure it will work out great

Or just convince MacDonald to add it to the Constitution

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Unironically one of the best Prime Minister's we've had.

$300 for my Buddy's Bersa Thunder. Should I get it CG? Will be my first handgun.

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What machines are used to rivet magazines?

If it's not pinned before being imported it will be ceased.
Just buy local unless import it is somehow cheaper and definitely don't get a drill as well.

Siezed. Just hope that three cent rivet doesn't fall out.

can someone explain how bill c71 will effectively bring back the long gun registry? is it worth spending the money on a sexy vz58 before june or should i wait until black friday?
t. cgn newbie

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hi rcmp

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All sales from a gun store must require a record of your info, and the gun's serial # make and model. Private sales will only require you to phone the CFP and verify that the buyers PAL is valid

Stores have to record everything about your purchase and the RCMP/police will be able to get those records at any time without a warrant. It's not an actual registry but anyone that thinks they won't add everything they get to Cuckbec's registry is a retard.

What is wrong with having c71 exactly? It's like regular stores keeping records for when you go buy anything else, right?

Its just pointless fuckery, that has no real effect on crime. The real problem is giving the RCMP more free reign to classify anything as they see fit with no government oversight

Will we ever become uncucked, bros?

>Private sales will only require you to phone the CFP and verify that the buyers PAL is valid
>It's not an actual registry but anyone that thinks they won't add everything they get to Cuckbec's registry is a retard.
Yup. and you can bet that CFP will be recording the PAL number over the phone. If you buy any non-registered from a store now they record your info anyway, right? At least here in ontario they do

Also giving the RCMP a handy confiscation list for the future

Depends on a few things. More than what could be written into a reply, on a mongolian basketweaving image forum

Other than being the beginnings of yet another registry the bill was supposed to do something to help the the gang problem but it just adds more pointless fuckery to legal gun owners

I am not arguing for the RCMP, so please dont say I'm shilling for them, but are there a lot of cases where they just take guns for no reason?

It's not really a current problem and it may never actually happen but the fear of it is why no one wants them to have a list of what guns are where

I've heard horror stories, and i've heard of normal routine interactions. It again depends on the particulars of the situation

This is the only case i can think of. I think people are more concerned about the direction things are going and what laws might be introduced in the future

basically got everyone to come over for a party and drink a ton then sign a "form confederation of canada" paper. hilarious if you read into it

your dad, he can suck the chome off a trailer hitch

That is fair. I wish I had gone for my test last year and bought all the guns I wanted.
That's pretty infuriating. I've read a story about a guy who had a gun taken away then eventually given back, but the officer kept the guy's EOTech.

You're missing the point.
Do you think the folks south of the border clammed up when the redcoats came knocking?

A pop rivet gun

oh no I understand. I understand that I am only one person and can't fight a war or win a revolution on my own. what is one person supposed to do?

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> own AR
> have exactly 1 LAR15 mag

Good to know I qualify the bare minimum

yeah i'd prefer not to fucking die though

It's specialty tools, the pins are made of a hardened steel which can't be cut without specialty tools.

seriously this I don't know why people think they can just drill rivets out lmao you need a diamond tipped drill bit those are pretty hard to come by

"Give me liberty or give me death"

ok well here's the thing.
>RCMP kicks down my door
>shootout ensues
>I die
>Media portrays me as a criminally insane gun nut ammo sexual fucking loony who killed cops for fun
>government uses this as an excuse to take more guns away
I have objectively made everything worse for everyone else
how does this help at all

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Pin punch and a hammer. Just caveman it.

daily reminder that the R*MP is NOT your friend

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Why does it matter? Youre dead now

because everyone else is one step closer to 1984 my dude. I haven't enacted any lasting change

And if a hundred other people do the same thing they might have second thoughts about continuing to steal from the people

you might not believe this but I never even though of that. Being a brainlet is suffering

>tfw checking Trudeau's approval rating when I feel down

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So? Maybe everyone losing their rights is what itll take for them to finally realize whats going on. Which is most likely rhe case, people are complacent, they dont think bad things could ever happen here cause this is Canada, there is people on tbis very board that see nothing wrong with giving the rcmp legislative powers, and believe that its not a police state.

quads confirm that we need to burn this country down and build something better from the ashes

What is your guys favorite response to someone saying "you don't need [gun related thing everyone wants]"? Whenever my boss starts talking about guns he starts saying "what do you need 30 round magazines for" etc. It pisses me off

I shoot them for disagreeing.

why can you have a m14 but not a fal

Reloading a 5 round magazine repeatedly is a pain in the ass
when he says that its not that big of an inconvenience just tell him to sell his car and buy a horse because riding a horse to work isn't that big of an inconvenience

It's the equivalent of saying you don't need a sports car or convertible. "I don't care about this so there's no reason to own it" isn't an argument.

Ask him what right he has to tell you what your needs are and ventilate him for disemploying you. This post is a joke.

because this country is fucking gay

Pin the accelerator of all his vehicles to 1/6th its capacity and arrest him if the pin falls off, in the name of public safety.

I'm an idiot, I meant modify it so that it goes one-sixth the speed limit. Kill me next.

inb4 some commies say "hurr durr but he was a racist'

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>you don't need the internet
>you don't need coffee/alcohol
>you don't need sweets
>you don't need weekends
>you don't need [person's hobby]
The list goes on.

Because i want it
No other justification is needed then proceed to ask why want a smart phone or a fast car and tell them to fuck off because my wants and needs are more important than there basic bitch emotionally charged arguments about gun regs that they know literally fuck all about

where can I find the most accurate ratings?

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He doesn't need to protect himself from violence. Heck, he literally doesn't need to protect himself from tyranny because he does every degeneracy the government implicitly wants him to.

bcl 102 thoughts?

Nah it's cool, I laffed user

You can't really use this argument with soccer moms and faggots though, because they'd actually agree.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

This. Forbidding something because it's not "needed" is a slippery slope.

Can't get much else for that cheap. I'd go for it.

And don't you dare question why they 'needed' to have 5-6 kids.

That may be an advantage as it shows how retarded they are to everyone else.

Czech Republic recently brought in concealed carry. Look into that.

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Cut out the softer metal around it?

Nigger mentality on display.

Civilization exists because good men plant trees who's shade they'll never know.

best 5.56 nr semi under $1000?

cabelas drops the mini 14 to 999 occasionally. 5/30 mags and wooden handguard not included but worth it. I liked mine, until it sunk to the bottom of Lake Ontario.

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well its too late now
t. vancouver
