Can you become so strong you can 1 hit kill people with your bare hands?

can you become so strong you can 1 hit kill people with your bare hands?

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A trebuchet can launch a 90kg projectile 300m

I'm about 5x stronger now than when I was a teen, and there's much stronger people than me around. I'd say yea. For a small woman or child, definitely.

Step 1: strap tazers to knuckles
Step 2: apply contact to vital organs
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit

Maybe killing a child or a 90 year old woman with a bone issue.

Google rabbit punch.

Anyone can one hit kill a baby

>rabbit punch
Been mma all my life, Did not know that was more then a myth. Makes absolute sense though. Shit that's scary as hell.

As for op, Yeah. Killing people isn't all that difficult. But! Finding yourself in a situation needing to kill someone is.

I mean, you gotta try hard to fuck up like that. And the paths that bring you to the point of bare knuckle boxing with someone's brain is a small one.

The charging double slap of sumo is an effective way of rocking the world of anyone outside of college football and up. By then you can grab a pipe or something and use the smart side of monkey brain to finish the job. But if not, yeah, rabbit chop will do it, So will ten or twenty haymakers to the kidneys and a nice, solid punch to the throat, followed by a smash of the skull on whatever they land on.

dumb frogposter

Google king hot nz

I think that's normal for Australians

Ask Houdini

One punch you say?


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You don't have to be strong to kill someone with one punch. There are numerous complications that can occur when the head recieves blunt force trauma. Also worth noting if they fall this can compound the damage depending on how they land.

Pro tip; fighting videos online are generally online because nobody died. If you step over the line and sock someone know that it can easily be as fatal as pulling a trigger.

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Masutatsu Oyama was know for giving public demonstrations where in he fought bulls bare handed. Supposedly he killed quite a few of them with a single blow to the head. It's entirely possible.

Theres fim of him doing it on YT

Pic related

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What would happen if say I were to get back up after getting hit by the stupid nigger and give him a taste of his own medicine in the form of a .45 AARP magdump to the chest?

Yes, yes you can.

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I actually have to hold back my punches massively otherwise the resulting concussive wave would probably level most buildings in a mile radius, and Im not cool with that.

shit i thought i was the only one

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Remember to train those neck and trapesius muscles lads. They stop this kind of thing from happening mostly.

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That's not you killing someone, it's their weight and the concrete killing them.

Only one man has been able to do this throughout all of human history.

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If you already have someone's back, you could more reliably kill them holding a RNC for a few minutes.

God damn I hate niggers so much


It's not hard.
A solid punch with the right force and in the sweet spot can kill. It's all about getting the perfect first hit.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run, every single day.

Dude, I can punch strong enough to turn people into Venetian doors, i can sure as hell kill.

>hating people incapable of civilization is unique to Jow Forums only

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>Been mma all my life

>can you become so strong you can 1 hit kill people with your bare hands?

Yes. Become really good at Judo and then just start throwing people on concrete.

Seoi Nage is literally just dropping anyone who doesn't know how to break fall on their fuckin head.

>Did not know that was more then a myth.

The best example of it killing someone even with thick ass gloves on is

This idiot and her husband went to a tough man tournament and she got killed because she turned her back on an actual boxer. This kind of shit set us back in Florida for a long time when it came to amateur venues. We didn't even have amateur MMA until 2011. I fought on two of the first handful of amateur cards and it was still the wild west because the boxing commission couldn't get their shit together.

If you were William Iron Arm
>Once the envoy was done giving the terms, Hugh Touboeuf, the Norman knight who had been holding the reins to the envoy's mount-killed the horse by hitting it in the back of the head with his gauntlet.[1] After the envoy was given another horse he was sent back to Dokeianos with the Normans' reply choosing battle.

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Less about strength. Been doing mma for a long time, what matters is technique and shot placement. Even a low power punch from someone half your size, if thrown properly and on a good spot like the skull behind the ear, temple, or jaw hinge, will put you out.

If you grind the right stats

>he fought bulls bare handed
You don't fight cattle. You handle them, you slaughter them. They've been bred for thousands of years to make these things easy.

I can be impressed by the bravery (if not good sense) of someone who gets in the pen with a provoked bull and thrills the crowd by deliberately giving it chances to hurt them, but I'm never going to be impressed with someone who decides to slaughter some livestock and succeeds, whether he uses the proper tools or not.

You're already strong enough to 1 hit kill people with your bare hands. It can happen even if you don't mean it. The most typical way this happens is that you knock them over and they hit their head on hard pavement. It becomes far more likely if you knock them out so they don't protect themselves as they fall. Humans will surprise you by being tough and by being fragile.

>can you become so strong you can 1 hit kill people with your bare hands?
It's more common than ever, thanks to all the hard surfaces in the modern world you can fall onto and split your skull open on.