He deserves every minute that he got

He deserves every minute that he got.

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literally who

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Black Poweder Ranger dindu 'nufffin wrong.

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Whomst The fuck?

>He deserves every inch that he gets.

>The judge agreed with prosecutors, who said Scarsella was deeply racist as evidenced by months of racist messages he had sent to friends leading up to the shooting, and gave him 15 years in prison out of a possible 20-year maximum.

>One of the shooting victims, Cameron Clark, who is the cousin of the late Jamar Clark, said he is still dealing with physical and emotional pain from the shooting.

Allen Scarsella. He was a Jow Forums trip who along with another Jow Forums trip went to a protest and misused their firearms in self defense


>Defense attorney Laura Heinrich argued Scarsella was "naïve" at the time of the shooting, didn't know what life was like for black people on the north side of Minneapolis, and that his brain may not have fully developed, because he was around 22 years old at the time he put on a mask, went to the Fourth Precinct to live stream, and eventually shot five people.

>his brain may not have fully developed, because he was around 22 years old at the time he put on a mask, went to the Fourth Precinct to live stream, and eventually shot five people.

>brain may not have fully developed
sounds like a typical Jow Forums poster

Some Jow Forumsommando who decided to shitpost irl at a blm rally, shit went south cuz, and he shot at some protesters in """self defense.""" Maybe it was justified. Maybe it wasn't. But texts were found on his phone making it look like he wanted to shoot up redguards. The "I was merely pretending" defense didn't work out so well.

I see the kike shills are kvetching about something

I'll never get this, what does it matter what his intentions were if he acted in self defense?
Seems to me that the courts are racist because they assume that black people can't control themselves enough not to murder people who have different opinions or say something they don't like.

I don’t know the exact court terms but his intentions and post history create reasonable doubt on this being a case of self defense

The legal system being fucked isn't exactly breaking news, user.

how many minutes did he get?
i suppose he's a felon now and lost his rights because of this too?

>they assume that black people can't control themselves enough not to murder people who have different opinions or say something they don't like.
Well they aren't wrong about that

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Self defence doesn't fly if you were there looking to start shit in the first place. Acting in bad faith, as the legalese goes. Trolololol may be an internet staple, but reality has a tendency to slap down that shit hard.

Seven million, eight hundred and eighty four thousand. Of which about a tenth was probably counted as already served for time in jail. Give him some time off for sucking the right cocks in prison and he can be out again, a free felon, before 2030.

they did nothing wrong.

well when your trying to flea the scene and are still getting attacked I think that shows his intention more clearly than a shitpost

While I agree that self defense is justified either way, ill intentions like that should be punished if it was the reason for situation to escalate in the first place. From what I gather, he was the catalyst. Then again, I don't live there so what do I know.

probably the judge should have been hanged for treason

>Give him some time off for sucking the right cocks in prison and he can be out again, a free felon, before 2030.
I'd be surprised if he wasn't already raped and beaten to death in prison.
>Shoot a bunch of niggers
>get thrown into a room with hundreds of wild niggers with nothing to defend yourself as punishment
>all of those niggers know what you did

>Self defence doesn't fly if you were there looking to start shit in the first place.
not always the case, for instance in my state if you argue/fight with somebody and then attempt to retreat from the situation you can respond with lethal force if they do something afterwards that would normally merit it. Once you attempt to flee you are no longer a willing combatant.

>"Right now, still to this day, I can't work because of the pain ... I can't provide for my family," shooting victim Cameron Clark told Judge Hilary Caligiuri prior to the sentencing as Scarsella sat nearby in a jail-issued orange jumpsuit. Clark was shot in the leg
wew lad

You're multiple times more likely to be murdered by a white person than a black person according to the UCR...

assuming you're white that is, if you're black then it's the opposite.

Attending public protests as a counter protester is legal unless it's black protesters I guess. A much larger mob attacked them for free speech in public and they wound up on the wrong side of a white guilt jury. They're morons but the sentence was far too high considering the prosecution's evidence was social media sitposting.

That's because most murders and rapes are committed by people who know the victim


We have a group of people in our population, making up around 13%, that commit over half of all the murders, and you desperately deflect like that. Insanity.

I remember the threads when they were there.
definitely not justified for them to have even gotten a guilty verdict. They were there to troll, then shit got real and they probably would have been beaten to death, or atleast close to it, if they didn't shoot the guys chasing them.

I remember the live streams and half of us egging them on, the other half telling them to not go. That was when Jow Forums still retained a smidge of identity and edginess

They went out there to ensure that blacks can't just terrorize and vandalize anything they want. I guess you don't remember the burning gas stations and general chaos of the Obama administration. When blacks rioted, they would literally take over and destroy everything.

Low quality bait
Fuck innercity leftist rioting nogs.

The exact scenario is that they were out on the street live streaming and knee that a violent mob was moving their way. Most of the group retreated but this guy went back. He knew that the blacks would attack and that he would shoot them if they did. The scrolls of chats saying he was a pussy and wouldn't do it overwhelmed the people telling him not to fuck it up for Jow Forums. It was basically Jow Forums vs Jow Forumsideology acted out in real life

Half the group turned and ran when the mob charged them, some stayed.

I wonder if they played the livestream of the events leading up to it in court?

He literally did nothing wrong and is a political prisoner.

I still can't really see any logical reason why you'd be found guilty for shooting in self defense in that situation.
Because it's known they're a pack of violent chimps, it's okay for them to assault people with no legal repercussion?

He was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong.

>But srsly if you play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Who's fault at that? >society?
>That sounds like something a balshavik would say.

The state of racist trips and there lack of knowledge about how to defend them selves says everything you need to know about the bottom tier of gun culture.

>He literally did nothing wrong
Something Jow Forums usually says about Hitler, Stalin, McVey, etc...

does Minnesota have a stand your ground law?

I suppose they are kinda like muslims in a way - most are way beyond assimilation into culture of the west. Blacks should be schooled but not with small skirmishes like that. Heh, this thread should've been moved to Jow Forums.

There are 6 times as many whites as blacks


These threads prove just how many anti white kikes still shill this board and Jow Forums in general.

Anyone with half a brain knows and can tell that he was sentenced for being white and racist. Because regardless if he hates niggers, the niggers attacked him FIRST, and after they attacked him, he fled, the niggers chased him, cornered him, and only then did he shoot.

Now... Shills like are disingenuous. By his standards, the niggers went out first, to cause chaos and commotion, so they're the responsible party. But of course his double standards against whites are visible.

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Not that guy but it's not deflection, it's not even really a rebuttal, it's just another interesting violent crime statistic that is worth considering.

His ellipses were a little gay but his point is valid, almost all violent crime is committed against the same race and gender. The black violence statistic is inflated by gang violence which is obviously real but need not be representative of normal functioning suburbs

I agree they are a repulsive pack of violent chimps.... but the laws that we uphold and enforce rightly determine that you can't seek out a violent confrontation and then claim self defense. If he had unknowingly entered that riot and defended himself it would be a different scenario. We all know he went to the riot knowing there would be a confrontation. We watched it happen

God racists are sad. Black people can totally tell if youre a racist you know? If you gave them the respect and dignity they deserve. Our society would benefit greatly!

Doesn't apply if you go out and find a way to get into the situation

I mean if he was willing to gun down blacks, he's probably willing to suck Aryan brotherhood cocks to survive

>oh, you were walking through a bad neighborhood at night instead of taking a taxi?
>then yo got jumped by a pack of wild niggers?
>sorry, you're not legally allowed to defend yourself, you got yourself into that situation.

It's almost as dumb as saying sluts walking around dressed like sluts are responsible for getting raped.

Incorrect and lol'd at "inflated by gangs" It's just the way they are, in every area of the planet they inhabit.

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Sort of. He was actually sentenced for starting a small militia or posse. That's what is really being punished and discouraged.

The single criminal act he performed was attempting to keep the peace without being given the authority to.

I'm inclined to agree with his choice, but it's not the law of the land

Fun Fact: If you don't shitpost your tomfuckery on the internet, it can't be used as evidence at your trial.

isn't that image supposed to be a pro blm shit, pretending that the numbers are inaccurate because whitey gets away with murder?

You're being disingenuous, or didn't actually watch the event live.

I doubt even blm is dumb enough to try to spin it that way, but who knows

Further proof that (((Government))) used him to make an example out of him

>and next time any of you fellow white people decide to protect your towns from chimp outs, and you defend yourself appropiately, we will setence you to a minimum of 15 years in jail because you're racist crackas

I hope he comes out full of hatred with those 15 years they took and he goes full McVeigh

I'm almost positive I've seen that shit posted on twitter before. Something about how whites shooting blacks is usually deemed justified by courts, and white cops shooting black criminals isn't included in the statistic, so statistics are racist and that number is a lie.

>all these Jow Forums dipshits unironically saying "HE WUZ A GOOD BOY HE DINDU NUFFIN" with no sense of self-awareness AT ALL

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What he did wrong is assuming he'd be able to get away with shooting a bunch of people at a riot.

Dude, you are way to upset about this.

Take a minute and step back and think how hard you're projecting your anger.

I'll listen

Probably because the only witnesses are scarsella, the defendant who explicitly stated he went to the protest to kill black people in text messages, and the black people he shot at saying they dindu nuffin wrong. Pretty hard to find for scarsella unless you consider being black to be a shooting offense, there wasn't even proof to show he feared for his life.

Going to that "protest" to stir shit up was maximum retard tier.
Especially when you have hard evidence of texts that could show you're racist and had ill intent.

He was ecstatic and juiced on adrenaline. I wouldn't blame him a bit for doing what he did, except he had many opportunities to make a smarter choice. Maybe not a better choice depending on your morals, but a smarter one

>that commit over half of all the murders, and you desperately deflect like that. Insanity
because those murders are killing other black you tard

>there wasn't even proof to show he feared for his life.
Wasn't there video of him literally getting chased and cornered by a mob of blacks? Or am I thinking of something else?

But I'm the guy in my group of friends who always begged my dumber or more impulsive buddies to avoid trouble you could see coming.

Were was he working before the shooting?

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Self-defense is a matter of intention. When you are telling people that you will incite niggers so you can shoot them and claim self-defense afterwards, then you end up shooting niggers, and then find yourself having to prove in a court of law that your intent when shooting was purely self-defense, well, you'll have to lie on the bed you made.

There's video of then waiting for the mob to arrive. Half the guys turned and ran when they were charged, he went back into the fray. He was very stupid but also brave

Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

I'd love to see the data related to socioeconomic background included.

>"what do you MEAN I can't publicly declare that I'm going to provoke people to attack me so I can shoot them then provoke people to attack me so I can shoot them"
The issue is and always was the fact that you can't premeditated self-defense. If the prosecution can prove premeditation (and guess what, Scarsella made that extremely easy for them) then you do not have a case for self-defense. The same way you cannot bait burglars into your house to kill them.

If he had kept his dick trap shut and not left a ton of internet evidence he'd be a free fucking man.

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he wasn't.

>It's just the way they are, in every area of the planet they inhabit.
what about canada and also the entirety of europe and also japan and china

>being white at a blm rally is provocation and makes them beating the shit out of you justified
If I fuck your wife and brag to you about it, then you beat the living shit out of me, I don't have to let you beat me to death.

>ton of internet evidence he'd be a free fucking man.
that and he asked he mother to delete his facebook account, and this was picked up on the jail interphone system and was recorded and used against as destruction of evidence

You can't fix stupid but thanks for trying.

>lmao how dare you be upset at the courts setting a bad precedence for self defense over racial guilt ur being so cringe

>black people
i hear that all 12 of them are well behaved.

These guys just wanna go ni***** right guys. And giggle like children is it surprising one of their number went full brainlet

Remember Goyim, you have no rights once you're declared a "racist" it's the "witch" of the 21st century! Never mind the fact they retreated, even though Stand Your Ground laws exist, and the group was pursued for several blocks, and evidence was omitted by the prosecution, and evidence that was inadmissible by any court of law, once you're a racist all your rights are null and void!


again but in english

Except in this scenario the witches are real and instead of being burned alive they are being roasted in their safe space.

>even though Stand Your Ground laws exist
They don't really in Minnesota.
Legally you're allowed to shoot in self defense if it's your absolute last resort, otherwise you have a duty to retreat.

Run the socio-economic meme dollars yourself, wealthy blacks commit more violent crime than the poorest whites, but I'm sure you'll perform the necessary mental gymnastics to explain that without upsetting yourself.

>go to a rally in full battle rattle with a long gun
>expecting anyone to believe that you werent there to start trouble

this is the ACTUAL reason armor and self-defense sprays/batons/knives are banned in a lot of countries, it's plainly obvious that you're only thinking to protect yourself because you're looking to start some shit to protect yourself from in the first place. as nigs would say themselves, You Wish A Nigga Would

>Stand Your Ground laws exist
not when you try to premeditate self defense

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Obviously you are incorrect poor whites commit more crimes than either poor blacks or rich blacks total.

>witches are real
Look at this retard and laugh.

>you have a duty to retreat.
prove it nigger, this isn't even the case in fucking Canada

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>wealthy blacks commit more violent crime than the poorest whites
the stats for income aren't even recorded tard

>Racists are real, and they're being excoriated here in there safe space.

Your reading comprehension is wonderful

>it's plainly obvious that you're only thinking to protect yourself because you're looking to start some shit to protect yourself from in the first place
Man, this is some top tier retardation.
>What do you mean you wear gear when riding a motorcycle?
>The only reason you would do that is if you're looking to crash your motorcycle and need to use that gear!


>While many states have enacted “stand your ground” laws, Minnesota does not have a so-called stand your ground law. Instead, Minnesota law imposes a “duty to retreat,” which means that if a person feels threatened, he or she may only use deadly force as a last resort.

>racism is real
That's right goyim.

What does goyim mean? Is that some sort of racist buzz word like 88?

>wealthy blacks commit more violent crime than the poorest whites,

>Minnesota law imposes a “duty to retreat,” which means that if a person feels threatened, he or she may only use deadly force as a last resort.
deadly force is a "last resort" in commonwealth countries too, but our judges understand that that doesn't make it a bad thing and people get glassed/shot for home invading all the time, just look at those stupid abbos who were in the news recently

how is "only as a last resort" legally defined itself? this sounds like im getting memed on like how "canada legalized bestiality" and "in germany you HAVE to pray to mecca"

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Basically some neckbeards thought they had come up with some brilliant "legal loophole" to murder and tried to act it out. Turns out there's a reason why people pay $500 per hour for legal advice.

When there's evidence of the people you're with running away, and then you stop to fend off the niggers, that's
>standing your ground
and not following your
>duty to retreat

It's the Hebrew word for a non-Jew.