Patch Thread

Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme

Attached: patch_kalash.jpg (1840x3264, 1.32M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Posting my wall that I just completed again because I'm a shitter. Also two of these cannot be bought from anywhere

Attached: 20180409_214120.jpg (2560x1536, 1.21M)

reminder to send in those PayPal disputes

how should I place my suck meter?

In the trash bin

Attached: goebbels_disgust.jpg (184x184, 14K)

smol petch restock is up

Attached: 1445722790004.gif (370x689, 1.89M)

because i have none

Attached: sad.png (363x325, 126K)

no u

Attached: 1523025772029.jpg (1920x2559, 1.04M)

Are you advertising

fuck off Neet


Goddamnit, CHNA patch restock when? You said soon like 3 months ago.

I NEED IT user

vote on the poll when i post it

nah bro, im letting petch friends know that a poll is coming up :3

Sorry never voted before, you posting it here or on your site?

>No cryptid hunter, Pearl Jam or Shinobu restock
Nothing to see here.

Sorry I forgot it was your job to spam

OK pedophile

ill post it here


no u

Attached: gunslinger-girl.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

sucy restock when? halloween?

literally vote when its time, maidood

Attached: shrug.jpg (500x327, 23K)

no remove communist, drive scorpion or CHNA. when will this feeling end.

Attached: a09.png (680x708, 387K)

Holy fuck read the thread first you autist, it's already been asked/commented on 5 times

It's just Neet shitposting

Why is Neet such a faggot?

Molestation as a child

Obviously wasn't hard enough

we went out on a date and i didnt call him after

>It's another 'Kyle has a retarded conversation with himself' thread

>>It's another 'Kyle has a retarded conversation with himself' thread
>It's another everything I don't like is Kyle episode

>old pic but lets get some patches going on

Attached: thanks NEET.jpg (2125x1196, 857K)

Stop posting loli gifs you ignorant shit

Post patch boards.

Attached: muh_patches.jpg (1664x4987, 2.26M)

Attached: 1770316.gif (500x354, 259K)

Lol, look at this fag.

Attached: 1487651587826.jpg (726x695, 217K)

Nice collection amigo, you have good taste.

Attached: patch walls.jpg (2592x2390, 2.43M)

where get rs patches

Did you happen to notice the filename of the post you replied to? bud

Attached: skinnyinhisnaturalhabitat2.jpg (500x750, 76K)

Somewhere near your penis

Attached: IMG_20180409_1906058.jpg (2704x4056, 3.75M)

Attached: 1517342294958.png (680x604, 349K)

Attached: muh animu patches.jpg (3600x1251, 581K)

Thoughts on Far Cry 5 patches?
Finished the other factions and made the text bigger.

Attached: FC5_Factions_WIP_2.png (1000x1000, 307K)

Whitetail and Seed

patches i order from burgerland take like a month and a half so you guys need to stop sperging when it happens to you

Where u@bb?


Attached: KosovoIsSerbia.png (709x580, 714K)

Need a bigger board, if Ai ever sends me my stuff I won't have the room.

Attached: Gators Bitches.jpg (3024x3233, 3.77M)

Fuck I want that Coexist patch so bad

Attached: March 2018 V3.jpg (4032x2764, 2.93M)

Attached: 89524B4C-7D52-4BB5-BEDC-A89300D86EBE.jpg (3454x2674, 2.47M)

Might finalize this in the next couple days...

Attached: 672C5972-7174-44FE-88FB-EB3A17791F63.jpg (3715x2605, 2.27M)

But then there’s also this

Attached: 3EA9A542-EBF1-4C11-A588-0D0460EFF081.jpg (2802x2187, 1.4M)

And also this

Attached: C1D28BD9-CE1A-4AAA-8CCD-8B98D064C7E6.jpg (2217x3356, 1.54M)

Nice taste

>1488 get
Similarly nice taste.

friends friends friends friends friends

I like them and ill buy them


Attached: 1520287318298.jpg (423x453, 35K)

Show me your dick.

B-but it's not penis inspection day.

No faggot how about you show me MY dick for once.

I want to fugg you

Attached: 1519577432246.jpg (600x744, 40K)

Attached: 1514508139480.gif (384x408, 182K)

Why this cutie keeps getting poasted to patch threads?


People think that it's a picture of sticker

What's everyone drinking?

Attached: _IMG_000000_000000.jpg (3024x4032, 1.15M)

Attached: 411.jpg (2857x2857, 1.72M)

Coffee cause I drew the short straw and work the night shift

Bell's is good shit, last week I got a 64oz growler of their Titania and it was awesome.

I've become oddly addicted to this stuff recently. It's one of the best IPAs I've had. Usually drink IPAs due to the higher ABV content but this is one of the few I actually enjoy the taste.

Its sold out at the local tavern so the beer distributor down the street ordered in a few cases. Shit's selling like hot bread around here. I really enjoy it.

I'm a fan.

That's actually no shit my favorite beer.

Attached: l2GO45Wm_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

sherry because I'm a faggot

First time reading the patch thread, what's the point? If you just collect them why do most of you have plenty of repeats, whats the point?

Attached: 1523294011547.jpg (524x468, 37K)

you in the south?

Did you just sell out of CIA patches? Was about to order one.

Might as well be, southern PA

mountain dew kickstart

that shrinks your testes


Badger I knew you'd have good taste. This is actually my favorite beer pic related

Attached: stoudts_pils.jpg (1936x2592, 1.7M)

>why have doubles
So I can wear one and keep one nice, so I can sell them for ludicrous profit when they sell out, so I can give then away to friends or trade them, and to piss off poorfags.

Attached: k florida patch new ad.jpg (1600x1600, 602K)


Nazi answer for this patch.

Attached: 292D765C-0FEB-4233-9A4D-72D9D7926118.png (640x1136, 1.4M)

no, its Kyle being his fat autistic self

New Glarus Moon Man is better than Bells Two hearted

shit taste

Good old plain water

Patch when?

Attached: D13A73BB-232F-4698-8E48-3F9FA7D8C4A0.jpg (450x659, 52K)

Is this from goosebumps? The show I mean, I know they made that movie a while back with jack white.

in what state do you live



Bud light mixed with clamato and tabasco

but why?

am leaf

Actually a great idea for a patch.

has there ever been a patch based on the forest bros

yes /out/