Midget Militia

Has anyone ever considered starting a midget militia?
The only reason i thought about this was the costs required to outfit soldiers. You need to spend lots of money to fit troops with kevlar, uniforms, the works.

That cost becomes a fraction of what it was when you employ midgets/dwarfs; less body, less material required = less expensive.
You can become incredibly cost-effective and hire a shit ton of midgets and train them in CQC.
Who is trained to fight a midget in a knife fight? nobody, that's who.

Trojan horses would also be a nightmare for the enemy. just slip a crate full of mini-murder into the back of a transport truck. They think they're delivering munitions, but instead, midgets--midgets with garrotes, knives and hand grenades.

They would also build impressive rat tunnels, not to mention they would be impossible for a normal-sized person to get into, meaning that flushing them out would be very difficult, ensuring that they would stay dug in for many moons.
Since there would be less work involved in maintaining and expanding a midget tunnel, they would be digging under your feet and you wouldn't even know it. Cat got your tongue? Wrong, midget got your achilles tendon because he dug 300 meters to your base camp just to cripple you with a letter opener.

On that note, what firearms should they brandish Jow Forums?
they would most likely have to use sidearms seeing as how anything else would be too big for them.

Attached: one third reich.jpg (1080x810, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Smaller cost per infantryman
Smaller vehicles (fewer resources needed to build)
Basically mole men
Can't carry nearly as much weight
Stumpy legs slow them down on long marches
They would get bullied like crazy if they were to become POWs. Everyone enjoys taunting an angry midget.

Team Mini already has an official Gun

Attached: 359C8B5E-C94D-4909-9909-F4D79B7B14AE-15932-00001583E4E97AC0.jpg (1000x1000, 87K)

Literally would need custom tailored shit though so

>Team Mini

It was 3 weeks ago.....

midgets also require less calories, which means more lentils for everyone.

Attached: 1524448729191.gif (300x580, 432K)

My question is, when the race war happens, who's side are the midgets gonna be on? The blacks, or the whites?

They're already being used in combat

Attached: HalfSquat.png (610x809, 902K)

Mp7 or Ps90 as primary combat weapon.
Sig p365 as duty pistol.


Too much money rich guy! AK fine! Work for african kids and arab midgets just great!

Can we start a gofundme for this?

Oh my god OP this is fuccing hilarious

shit, why didn't this thread take off? Bump

I would make mine wear those and funny clown costumes, carry absurd guns like m1919's a nd m3 greasers

Say gents in pics arrived in court to defend that guy in the UK with the saluting dog on appeal. Wondering how they will report it.

A lot can happen in 3 weeks

Soldiers without borders, so long as you don't force them into the high chair.

Okay people this is the rare time where OP's idea isn't totally
Let's bask In it you guys.

Attached: image.jpg (710x473, 138K)

They could equip a larger gun if they worked in a team.

Attached: 164011.jpg (1748x2481, 2.05M)

Attached: 160425.jpg (1734x2492, 1.69M)

He would make an excellent motorcycle side car gunner.

Anyone tall enough handle moist-nugget is good for killing commies in infantry.

I understand where you are going with this idea, but, I see a few problems

1) Although midgets are shorter and this is good in combat for obvious reasons, this becomes a huge shortcoming once the enemy acclimatizes to fighting them, unless, of course, midgets are only deployed as a special forces unit, which would make logical sense purely given the fact that the number of midgets per normal soldier is quite low

2) It is quite likely that they would have to be solely a merc group as gathering enough midgets that have loyalties to you or a particular nation I imagine would be difficult, and as we all know mercenaries have questionable tendencies such as defection.

3) The cost to outfit midgets with gear would actually be higher as getting ceramic body armor in child size is something that's simply not on the market and would require customization to fit the requirements, not to mention, if you are standardizing on a uniform, the cost would increase even further

In conclusion, although this is a compelling idea it ultimately falls flat; I propose, instead to comprise an army solely of manlets, they are well motivated, still within reasonable limits of strength and size of a normal man and they are excellent fighters (see Simo or Audie).

Neither, they are on their on...