Negligent Discharge :(

I finally achieved my first indoor negligent discharge, blasting birdshot through my wall at 2AM. Any Jow Forums ND stories to make me feel less retarded?

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No. you should feel as retarded as you are.

There was this one retard who ND'd through his wall at 2AM and posted about it on Jow Forums.
Can you imagine being that dumb?

If it makes you feel better Sootch00 once shot several holes through his truck like a retard in addition to nd'ing in his house multiple times. Also
>someone post that image of him with anime figurines

You absolutely SHOULD feel terrible. Let that feeling soak into your being and never, EVER disrespect a firearm again.

If someone PROVE's a gun and hands it to you, you PROVE it yourself. You can never be too safe when handling guns.

Another responsible gun owner showing us all how guns keep us safe.

>Sootch with anime figures
I must see this.


Nah bro you're fucking retarded.

It's alright. I live in a black orphanage, I did you all a favor.

I should have saved it when I had the chance.

That wall had it out for me, man.

By being unadoptable? You need parents Jamal.

t.Never had a father figure to teach me muh responsibility
I live and learn. Never again.

No more guns for you, Mr. Faggot :)

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>my first indoor negligent discharge
Don't tell me you've ND outdoors as well?

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>Any Jow Forums ND stories to make me feel less retarded?

No but I once swept three people taking a target pistol out of the case in an area you weren't supposed to take guns out in (because, aha, there were people to sweep in all directions).

First time was when i was 18 with my first gun(ar15). Fired a round into the ground while walking to camp. Retard mistake for retards.

Please stop touching guns until you memorize the safety rules.

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Just a friendly reminder to ALWAYS inspect your chamber. A little negligence can go a long way.

How in the absolute fuck do you people exist?

Yes, preferably by looking down the barrel.

I'm grounding myself for awhile. Wouldn't want to Pic Related. And he was just checking if it was loaded.

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>Just checking if it was loaded

You should Pic Related

My brother shot himself in his hand while cleaning his 1911, said it as a freak accident.
It barely grazed him but he still went to the hospital.
He always keeps all his guns loaded, he's such a fucking retard

Well for starters my father negligently discharged in my mother and here I am. It's in my fucking blood!

What the fuck, maybe background checks are a good idea.

Complacency is the biggest gun sin for a lawful owner.

Shittarded practices are the biggest gun sin. Complacency is just one way such practices can come to be.

If only they caught me in time. My menacing wall would still be with us.

Ya got me there.

Time for me to buy some chamber flags and other baby proof shit.

>always treat a firearm as though it is loaded

I don't know how you fuck this up, but you did. Sit in time out until you promise yourself to do better. For your sake.

Easy for you to say. You probably have the right amount of chromosomes too. GAWD!

When i was in 6th grade I ND'd a bb gun and shot our flat screen. Was not fun having to wake up my parents and tell them the tv was destroyed.

When I was deployed our camp had a box filled with sand, with a metal tube leading into it. So that people coming back from a patrol could safely make sure that their weapon was clear. The metal tube had several holes in it.