What are some good Jow Forums movies?

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Hard Boiled.

John Wick
John Wick:Chapter 2

punisher: warzone

den of theives. best of best

I know. Can't wait for part 3.


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That movie sucked shit and the shootout scene was garbage. Fite me.

Prefer Jack Reacher desu


Also anything by John Woo really, pic related.

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Der Baader Meinhof Komplex and Atomic Blonde are underrated Jow Forums movies.

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Eh, it's just Heat with a little bit of Usual Suspects.

Wind River.


The Accountant

What do you think of the Punisher Movie and now netflix series.

The show is a bit cringy with obvious inaccuracy like suppressed pistols sounding like mouse farts and unfired rounds already having striked primers.


I saw pic related yesterday, its really good
a kick in the face in terms of tone/mood shifts but that makes it all the more surreal and impressive

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forgot to add, not sure if its really Jow Forums since it isnt really a combat orientated war movie
still a memorable experience to see

torrent link? can't find anything

My way

probably not for a while, just hit cinema's couple days ago
its not a very large movie either, the largest cinema chain here in the netherlands only shows it in one of its venues
i personally saw it in a very small cinema that usually does arthouse, indy and classic movies
i doubt it will even be released outside of Europe

Gummo isnt Jow Forums but worth a look
KIDS by larry clark is good too

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>Frank Castle crying like a little faggot bitch

show is like 5.5/10 honestly if it weren't for the supreme gunporn I prob wouldn't even watch it

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original Death Wish is pretty fucking dope

Haven't seen the remake but I hear it's also pretty Jow Forums

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Land of Mine for mien feelz

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Red State (2011)

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Blue Ruin
Homeless guy gets revenge on a hillbilly family but he knows next to nothing about guns.

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Terminator 2, if only for the minigun scene.


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>my action movie needs more Michael Bay in it mommy!

This is excellent but moody and really has that russian kino feel to it
Boring as fuck

Also, something different

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Really nobody mentioned Shoot Em' Up?

gotta disagree with you on BR. best slow burn thriller since No Country for Old Men. good choice with Pretty Village, Pretty Flame, though. incredible flick.

Heat just got put on netflix GO WATCH IT

>ctrl f
0 results

It's a bit too slow for my taste, borderline pretentious even. Obviously I'm not much for super deep pseudoartsy shit like that but its good to warn people here because they are mostly wanting to see action stuff and it's very offputting when in the first 40 minutes of the movie literally nothing happens.

As far as Lepa Sela Lepo Gore, I can recommend many more Serbian movies but I can't guarantee on the quality of english subs because pretty much all of our cinema is full of vernacular and slang and if you don't speak the language you really gotta actively try to soak in the atmosphere and to let your imagination fill in the gaps with the translation.

Try Rane (Wounds).


Rewatching 24, goddamn it makes you want a USP

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lord of war, every Jow Forumsommandos dream.

Shut this bitch up before I fuckstart his head.

fair enough. and yeah its brutal if the subs aren't up to snuff. was watching some russian flick the other day and it was obviously only translating every other sentence. you could get the gist sure, but far from optimal. i'll check out Rane. looks pretty decent.

I like this one even if it's more a horror film than a war film. I guess it's up for debate if it was really supernatural.

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If you liked it, I recommend Cetvrti covek (4th man), a movie by the same director. Stars one of the guys from Lepa Sela, one of the best contemporary actors around here. It's more of a dark thriller about a retired veteran, but the story is nice and dark and the ending is just great.

I remember really liking The Unit

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The main problem with the series is that it is a origin story set after the character was introduced so they unpunishered him just to make him become the punisher again (hopefully for real this time), they should have either made a prequel or picked off where daredevil season 2 ended; also instead of ending with him in a support group talking about how he cant stop it, the series should have ended with him gearing up to take on the gnuccis.
The first episode was also bad at setting the tone; it made expect nonstop violent action with black comedy and that it would be adaptation of the first MAX arc where the punisher fights the mafia and CIA at the same time.
On gun porn, just i that got a bit deceptioned that he dumped the corrupt colonel's armory after he "retired" ? i would really like to see that m60 and minigun in action.
Finally i did not like how the government intetionally killed his family, it gives him no reason to continue fighting crime in the next season other than that he likes war (Wich would have worked had not they humanized him so much in the last season).
Still the last 3 episodes where pretty good and what i expected from a punisher series.

The Punisher movie from 2004 was so much better.


Hot Fuzz.

>Hurr why aren't they operating and killing all da bad guys!

What does Jow Forums think of the 1998 movie point blank ?

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Day After Tomorrow

>Atomic Blonde
Feminist propaganda isn't Jow Forums, faggot.

>ctrl + f
>no Kelly’s Heroes

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fucking yes

also one of nic cage's only good roles, and he fucking nailed it

ifound this movie looking for enemy at the gates.

i watched it two more times and still haven't finished enemy at the gates

>Land of Mine
I also have to recommend this highly. It's absolute Jow Forumsino.

holy shit
>that scene where he is reloading
>that scene where the dude gets lifted up and thrown by a .45-70 but he deserved it x1000 so i was willing to suspend reality for a split second

9. Not a huge amount of funs, but the setting, story, and atmosphere are Jow Forums af. Its on netflix.

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Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone ah?

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I really hope I never become this joyless and cynical.


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Tfw the terminator merged with ww1 asthetics and sock puppets

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yeah, he's being a bit cringe-y. what he could've said is "cheap marketing ploy preying on feminist zeitgeist without oganically finding the proper story structure//genre to accompany such a movie---resulting in a movie that could be called "james bond with a bagina", doing nothing to further any earnest definitions of feminism and nothing to further moviemaking as a medium"

how joyless is THAT? better or worse?

If watching some chick with the upper body strength of a 13yr old boy beat two guys unconscious with a high heel shoe doesn't ruin your suspension of disbelief you're the most gullible person ever birthed.

Movie was typical shitty woman stronk meme fest trying to hid behind some edgy visuals and a vintage soundtrack. It fucking sucked.

but is it good tho? watching despicable me 3 right now and debating on whether or not i should keep doing this

Not him, but can you REALLY enjoy it? I mean... As an MMA fighter and guy who trains with pro-mma female fighters as well, I'd say it's a toss up between a pro mma female fighter, and an average joe who walks into a gym that day.

No way in hell a small little blonde woman is going to do all that. There isn't a single small beautiful little blonde who can even come close to wrecking a grown healthy man like the way she just runs through people.

Might as well have gotten a 6 year old little girl there, the disbelief would be the same. I get that movies are fiction, but at what point does the fiction turn into sillyness?

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That's a well thought out and accurate criticism, not joyless and cynical. The plot is weak and the pacing is way off, but the aesthetics, firearm choices, and soundtrack are great. It's completely worth watching if you're not paying for it and have nothing better to do than shitpost.

Rather entretaining
Surprised no one has said apocalypse now

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Hidden gem.


The old original Punished from the 80s or early 90s, and of course


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that movie fucking sucks back to /tv/

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Any new remake of a super hero movie is repulsive faggotry.

The original Punisher didn't need to be remade

I wanted to live in the sewer and remove my own bullets and mourn my dead wife since I was 6 years old

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Its not for everybody you have to be "different" to understand and like Gummo

Or you could just be white trash from a shitty home like me. It's a very relatable coming of age saga

Not white,but yeah you get it. The main point of the film was just people in that town doing abnormal shit too past the time,a part of us want to do the same things,but know its looked down as taboo.

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i can think of a slightly more applicable korine flick.

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No women, no kids

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Because it fucking sucks.

The Wild Geese is Jow Forumsanon.

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Lesser of two weevils

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13th Warrior

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All through dove and waterfowl season.

Why isn't Burt Gummer /ourguy/?
Five movies and a TV series of Tremors.

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Beneath Hill 60, April 9th, Talvisota

the hunted w/ tommy lee jones

This isn't a bad watch

This was great

The actor is an anti gun cuck

Where can I watch this?

It's a pretty popular kurosawa, streams and torrents are common